How to care for a battery.

As ​​has been proven more than once, a battery is the most economical and convenient device among all power supplies. Although its life is not infinite.

When a battery is charged and discharged, it goes through a certain cycle.

With each charge/discharge cycle, the battery capacity decreases.

The number of cycles for which the battery is “programmed” is called its life cycle. Proper battery carehelps to extend its service life.

It is important to follow the rule that batteries must be charged before their first use.

The charging time of batteries depends on their nominal capacity — this information is printed on the battery — and on the charging current.

The charging time can be determined by the formula: charging time (h) = battery capacity (mAh) x 1.4 (charge factor)/charging current (mA).

Battery caresuggests that overheating it is unacceptable, in addition, it cannot be removed by force, it should be removed quite easily, and if this is not the case, then you have done something wrong.

When installing, always pay attention to the polarity: the “+” and “–” values ​​​​on the batteries must correspond to the same designations in the charger sockets.

To avoid loss of capacity of NiCd cells (the so-called memory effect), you If Battery care is not performed at the proper level, this can prematurely render the charger unusable.

If the charger or charging circuit does not match the battery type;

if excessive charging or discharging occurs;

if the battery type does not match the device — this can negatively affect the condition of the battery.

Answering the question, «how to extend the life of the battery? », we can give an example not with batteries: you should not mix batteries of different capacities, as well as new and old batteries, otherwise leakage, zero voltage, etc. may occur.

The same is with a battery: when it is charged, some elements will be overcharged, and others — the opposite.

During operation, some elements will not be completely discharged, and others — too discharged, and this leads to damage.

Proper battery care means that the liquid in the batteries should always cover the lead plates, be about 15 mm higher than them.

Complete or partial drying of the lead plates forms an oxidizing layer and prevents the generation of current, and this is an alarming signal.

How to store the battery

It is important to know not only how to use the charger, but also how to store your battery so that it lasts longer.

If batteries are not used for more than three weeks, they should be stored fully charged in a dry, warm room.

To keep batteries in working order, select one of the charging modes.

With the consumer connected, a full charge is required every three weeks.

It is important to ensure that the battery plug is disconnected from the connection during operation.

How to store a battery if these are dry-charged batteries? — in any unheated room, observing the following: direct sunlight should not fall on the battery case; plugs should be tightly screwed in, and the sealing protrusions or plugs should not be damaged so that moisture does not get inside.

Before storing the battery, you must make sure of its charge level by measuring the density of the electrolyte, which should be no lower than 1.26 g/cm3, or the voltage at the battery terminals, which should be no less than 12.6 volts. If these indicators are lower, you need to charge the battery.

You need to check these parameters at least once every two months.

We hope that now you know how to extend the life of the battery, and it will serve as long as possible.

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