What is included in the concept of crime prevention.
What is included in the concept of crime prevention.
The concept of crime prevention
Based on the data of social analysis, the legal system of a developed state was introduced concept of crime preventionas the most rational way to maintain the state of security of citizens of a given state. Unfortunately, the crime situation in the country has not improved significantly, for example, home invasion is still one of the most common crimes, as in the «dashing 90s». The problem of preventing criminal acts is one of the most important for every state striving for normal development and internal progress. As a result of eliminating the causes of offenses, the law enforcement system will be able to stop the process of increasing crime, which is the basis for the concept of crime prevention. The crime prevention system is a multi-level structure consisting of a list of necessary measures of a state and public nature aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions of crime or weakening them, contributing to the reduction of crime. The importance of legislative acts in this area is difficult to overestimate, among them we can mention the law on combating terrorism, which provides for increased vigilance and a sense of responsibility of all citizens. Within the framework of such a system, the main internal concepts have been derived, thanks to which preventive measures can also be classified. Such phenomena include: 1. early crime prevention. Here, preventive measures can be proactive in nature, developed and put into effect on the basis of forecasts predicting a possible increase in the criminogenicity of individual social factors; 2. direct crime prevention is aimed at neutralizing criminogenic factors already operating in society; 3. prevention of self-determination of crime is associated with the suppression of the activities of organized criminal groups and individual criminals aimed at involving new individuals and social groups in crime. Self-determination of crime occurs at all social levels, starting with the state and society as a whole and ending with interpersonal relationships. Accordingly, measures aimed at counteracting self-determination of crime should be comprehensive in nature to create a positive moral and legal climate in society.
Crime Prevention System
Depending on the type of criminal act, one or another crime prevention system is selected. As for prevention on an individual basis, the most effective method is considered to be the method of persuasion aimed at forming positive ideas about society in a person and correcting negative social orientations. In addition to conducting special conversations, in the crime prevention systemalso includes the method of involving a person in social organizations and groups that can have a positive educational impact on him. There is also a method of providing assistance associated with the implementation of specific actions aimed at personal development and improving the social and living conditions of a person. Extreme measures include the method of coercion, which is carried out by law enforcement agencies. This includes measures to bring to administrative responsibility, and measures for compulsory treatment, and measures to implement a suspended sentence.
Principles of crime prevention
In the process of implementing preventive anti-crime activities, it is necessary to rely on the supporting points — principles of crime prevention, which coordinate the work, increasing its effectiveness. Among such supporting points, the following can be distinguished: the presence of a program and planning of preventive anti-crime activities, as well as the presence of legal regulation and management of it; the practical use of knowledge of crime patterns provided by criminology for an accurate assessment of the situation in retrospect, present time and prospect and the adoption of reasonable strategic and tactical decisions to combat it; the availability of scientific knowledge and a special conceptual apparatus plays an important role in the basis of principles of crime prevention, which is reflected in the program and planning documents in the form of a section on the scientific support of preventive activities; conducting criminological or comprehensive examinations of legislative and administrative acts related to crime prevention in the process of their preparation.
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