From the editors
You've probably already guessed that the topic of the March issue of our newsletter is «What do customers want?».
This question has intrigued us for a long time, since at present the need to equip modern buildings with automation systems is obvious to everyone, but there are nuances in the relationship between customers and contractors that leave their mark on the development of the Russian market.
In short, many companies implementing projects will say something like this.
The complexity of the current situation is that due to the customer's incomplete awareness of the possible functional filling of buildings with engineering equipment, he does not clearly understand what he needs to get from the building automation system as a result, and his main wishes come down to minimizing the budget.
On the other hand, customer companies assume that contractors often use such system functions and equipment that the customer will hardly ever need, but this is beneficial to the installers themselves.
At the same time, they ultimately agree to any terms of the performers, wanting to obtain the status of “intellectual” for their project.
Apparently, the truth lies somewhere between the poles of interests of the parties…
What could be better than asking the original source?
We did just that, inviting representatives of both interested parties to the dialogue.
Understanding that it would not be possible to fully cover this topic on 20 pages of our publication, we decided to prepare an album of technical solutions for engineering systems of buildings.
The album will summarize the experience of using modern engineering systems in residential and commercial real estate.
It will be possible to clearly trace, for example, which automation or air conditioning systems are in the greatest demand among investors, for which types of objects, which equipment configurations are most often used.
We invite all interested companies and specialists to send us their articles to continue publications on the topic “What do they want customers?” in future issues of the newsletter.
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