sistema videonablyudeniya dlya ofisnogo pomesheniyaai lis

Video surveillance system for office premises.

Every employer asks himself how to optimize the work process, get maximum efficiency from each employee.

How can you maximally stimulate an employee to devote every minute of working time to the company's affairs and bring success and prosperity to his organization and himself?

In this case, a video surveillance system can solve some management problems.

With the help of a video surveillance system, you can always determine where an employee is at any given moment and what he is doing.

Thus, after some time, you will have a clear understanding of the efficiency of the employee's use of his working time and the ratio of financial resources spent on the employee to the result he brings.

In addition, the presence of video cameras in the office simply disciplines employees and gives you the opportunity to control business processes and situations.

Also, do not forget about the dangers that await a resident of a modern metropolis at every step, and the office is no exception.

To create a healthy working environment, it is necessary to ensure a decent level of security.

As the famous Maslow pyramid shows, for each person, security is a basic need, if it is satisfied, then there are further ways for personal development and self-realization as an employee.

The task of a competent manager is to create conditions for successful work.

The presence of video surveillance at least allows the employee to feel that even if an offense occurs, there is always the opportunity to look up the archive and identify the culprit. This applies to both the company's material assets, the employee's personal belongings, and his rights and freedoms.

Understanding the needs of its customers, Acumen has developed a kit for building a standard Ai-LISA video surveillance system.

The kit is suitable for installation and operation in a small office.

With proper design, it will help to effectively solve a number of production problems related to employee control, internal conflicts in the organization, and will also contribute to overall security.

Included in the Ai-LISAincludes 4 surveillance cameras, a compact video recorder, developed specifically on the basis of the popular Ai-D243 model, the recorder uses progressive compression technology H.264, designed to achieve a high degree of video stream compression while maintaining high quality.

The kit also includes a 500 GB hard drive, which will allow you to store and view the recording for up to 1 month. And related elements: cables, connectors.

In the Ai-LISA kit, all equipment is guaranteed to be compatible with each other and is an optimal set of necessary devices.

Two Ai-WP43 cameras included in the kit are all-weather and can be effectively used in any temperature and climate conditions, which is important for an office with a separate entrance.

The Ai-WP43 camera is equipped with a day/night function, which allows the camera to switch to black and white video shooting mode when minimum illumination occurs. As well as two medium-resolution cylindrical cameras Ai-BU45S.

The video surveillance system built on the basis of the Ai-LISA kit allows you to monitor the facility remotely, which is important given the extensive office system, as well as when the manager is away. The possibility of remote viewing is carried out via the Internet, which is available in every office these days.

The presence of a video system in the office means expanded control capabilities, increased management efficiency and the formation of security for all existing company resources.

However, it is necessary to remember that unnecessary savings in financial resources or time when creating a system, an illiterate choice of technical means, can significantly reduce the effectiveness of its further use.

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