#Video surveillance at gas stations
Video surveillance at gas stations.
Every year the number of private cars is steadily growing.
This leads to the development of car service.
Familiar gas stations are turning into multifunctional complexes that include, in addition to fuel dispensers and fuel storage facilities, shops, cafes, payment terminals, ATMs for issuing and accepting cash, etc.
The expansion of services provided by gas stations cannot but lead to the emergence of various kinds of security threats at such facilities.
Security issues can be divided into 2 main parts: protection from external threats (armed robbery, customer leaving without payment) and internal threats (theft of goods, money and fuel by dishonest personnel).
Gas stations are objects of increased fire and explosion hazard.
Gas stations must monitor the procedure for draining petroleum products from tank trucks or respond immediately in the event of damage to fuel dispensers.
Video surveillance will help solve a range of problems related to ensuring security at gas stations:
— safety of cash and material assets;
— notification of gas station staff and clients about emergency situations;
— security of gas station staff and its clients;
— prevention of illegal actions by staff and clients;
— restriction of access to closed areas of gas stations;
— detection of fires, equipment failure;
Video surveillance is the most important means of collecting information.
Therefore, the video surveillance system must monitor all the most important and dangerous areas at the gas station:
— cash desk
— fuel supply control
— petroleum product reception and storage point.
Kopania Hikvision recommends using a ready-made kit for video surveillance of gas stations.
The kit includes surveillance cameras, a video recorder with a hard drive, as well as related elements: a set of cable lines, terminals.
In order for the video surveillance system to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to correctly place the surveillance cameras.
To do this, it is necessary to identify key objects of control:
— Two outdoor cameras (for example, HiWatch DS-I450M(C)(2.8mm)) must be installed on the territory of the gas station.
One of the cameras should be directed to the territory of the fuel tank park of the gas station.
The second all-weather camera should monitor the fuel dispensers.
All-weather Acumen cameras included in the Ai-LISA kit have a day/night function with IR illumination, which allows video surveillance even in low light conditions.
-Two Hikvision DS-2CD2H55FWD-IZS (2.8-12mm) dome cameras are suitable for installation inside the gas station.
Due to their small size and attractive design, the cameras will easily fit into the overall interior.
One of the cylindrical cameras will monitor the cash register area.
It is not useless to install a microphone here and record negotiations with the client; the recorder included in the kit has this capability.
The second Hikvision DS-2CD2H55FWD-IZS (2.8-12mm) camera should be installed so that it is possible to observe the service entrance to the premises, through which intruders can enter.
The kit usually includes a 16-channel Hikvision DS-7716NXI-K4 recorder.
The recorder uses the advanced compression technology H.265+/H.265/H.264/H.264+, which is designed to achieve a high degree of video stream compression while maintaining high quality.
Video surveillance systems based on the Hikvision/HiWatch kit allow remote monitoring and control, which is quite convenient because allows you to control several petrol stations from the company's head office.
Users in different locations can simultaneously view on their PC screens in real time what is happening in the field of view of video cameras connected to the recorder.
A remote user can play a previously made recording or copy a small fragment while being at a distance.
Today, a petrol station is no longer just a place where you can fill up your car with fuel, but a whole complex for providing services.
Therefore, the security of this facility must be approached seriously.
A petrol station is a high-risk facility that requires round-the-clock security, the maximum efficiency of which can be ensured by video surveillance.
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