videonablyudenie i bezopasnost avtostoyanok sistema ai p.jpeg

#Acumen, #parking safety

Video surveillance and parking safety. Ai – Parking system.

We love our car, we care about its serviceability and want to keep it in its original form for as long as possible.

And regardless of whether the car is new or used, domestic or foreign, whether it has a CASCO policy or not, fresh scratches and dents do not add a good mood to the car owner and do not decorate the car body.

It is doubly offensive when such «scars» are received not during attempts at complex maneuvering or fighting in traffic jams, but while the car is in a parking lot or parking lot.

Open parking lots and garages without the use of video surveillance systems in many cases do not provide the necessary level of security.

In many regions, the problem of theft has led to the fact that large public parking lots, in particular those located in business and shopping centers and airports, began to use the most modern video surveillance and parking control systems to prevent illegal actions.

The Ai — Parking system is specially designed for use in car parks, parking zones, and driveways, but can also be used on a city or country scale — when building complex video surveillance systems with multi-level division of access rights.

The system helps to monitor the passage of vehicles, the work of personnel, and use video materials when investigating thefts and car thefts.

As practice shows, even in paid parking lots and garage cooperatives, a car can be damaged or stolen.

At such facilities, video surveillance systems play the role of an additional security element.

Of all the technical security means available today, only video surveillance systems can immediately show the events currently taking place at the protected facility.

Video surveillance allows you to instantly assess the situation in controlled areas in real time, reduce the response time to an emergency, and ensure the adoption of the most appropriate measures to protect and counteract the circumstances that have arisen.

The Ai — Parking system allows you to constantly monitor and record all events occurring in the parking lot. The video server is capable of storing up to several weeks of continuous video recording.

The Ai — Parking system is also equipped with such management functions as remote access to the video archive and system administration, multi-level division of access rights to the system.

In this case, the number in text format, recognition time, direction of movement, frame from which recognition was made by viewing the video are saved in the database.

Ai — Parking has a number of remarkable features, including up to 16 recognition and monitoring channels (on one computer), creation and recording of network video archives, the ability to recognize up to 10 numbers in a frame.

With the help of distributed Ai — Parking systems, you can create an unlimited number of observation points, network archives, remote system management and flexible settings for duty schedules.

The Ai — Parking system allows you to set up a downtime tariff for groups of clients, both simple (per minute, per hour, …) and subscription (monthly, …) tariffs.

A flexible setup system allows you to select a tariff for any operating conditions.

Allows you to track cash transactions on the client's balance.

The system software supports Ai video capture cards – the 16-channel Ai-SC165 card and two new models of mobile 4-channel Ai-box and Ai-SC367 cards with 16-channel support.

The Ai — Parking system uses high-resolution Acumen cameras, specially designed for license plate recognition systems – Ai-CC91 and Ai-CC93.

The cameras have a program for automatic noise reduction and sensitivity increase DNR & Sense Up. The cameras operate at temperature fluctuations from -30 to +50°C with an acceptable humidity of 80%.

Power consumption – 3W. It is necessary to pay attention that Ai-CC91 and Ai-CC93 belong to the line of standard cameras, therefore each project requires individual development, for example, equipping with specialized housings (for the implementation of external surveillance projects) or selecting a lens.

First of all, video surveillance in the parking lot serves the interests of the parking lot owners themselves.

After all, according to the RF Government Resolution No. 795 «Rules for the provision of parking lot services»: «In case of loss (theft), damage or violation of the completeness of a motor vehicle during storage in a parking lot, the contractor is obliged to compensate for the losses caused to the consumer …».

Video surveillance in the parking lot will help to figure out who is guilty of the incident, and then the damage will be compensated not by the company that owns the parking lot, but by the culprit who caused the damage. Why pay out of your own pocket if you can confidently prove the guilt of third parties?

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