VERESK-SPT. What's new?
VERESK-SPT. What's new? «Veresk-SPT» is essentially a large system that can include dozens of functional modules that implement the functions of this device in a joint and coordinated manner. «Veresk-SPT» provides complex fire protection at facilities: fire alarm, fire notification and the main function — multi-zone fire extinguishing. This device, performing a complex specialized fire extinguishing function, works with various environments used to extinguish fire. The device uses gas modules, powder and aerosol extinguishing modules, finely misted water modules.
By releasing a new product, MPP VERS continued the line of modular specialized fire systems, which had already become well-known in the security market with the automatic smoke removal system VERS-ASD.
What approach did MPP VERS choose to create and develop integrated systems?
The company's specialists are convinced that their task is to facilitate and simplify the work of designers, installers and, subsequently, operators of security systems, and, accordingly, to reduce the cost of all stages associated with the implementation of fire and security systems at protected facilities. It is in the creation of flexible systems with algorithms for performing complex tasks, such as smoke removal and fire extinguishing, «implanted» into them at the production stage, that the specialists of «MPP VERS» see the right solution. «Veresk-SPT» was developed in accordance with these criteria.
The Veresk-SPT device combines the advantages of modular systems: scalability and distribution of control and management modules in those places of the facility where it is necessary, flexible adjustment to the features of the protected facility, minimum required cable connections and «firmware» with basic functions.
When using Veresk-SPT, there is no need to develop and enter into it at the design and installation stages the algorithms of operation that connect together the components of the device to implement fire extinguishing functions. These algorithms are already embedded in Veresk-SPT by its creators. Moreover, they have been repeatedly verified by the developers and are protected during the certification process of the device.
«Veresk-SPT» provides organization from 1 to 127 fire extinguishing zones with the number of alarm loops up to 1016 and the number of controlled start outputs up to 8128. The device is designed for installation at facilities of various sizes and complexity.
The «Veresk-SPT» device includes a number of functional modules: the central processor module «VERESK MCP-01», the control panel module «VERESK PTSU-01», fire dispatch console modules «VERESK PPD», object modules «VERESK OPT», start direction expansion modules «VERESK RNP 4?01».
The main functions of the central processor module «VERESK MCP-01»: programming the device parameters and saving them, maintaining an event log, interacting with other modules and managing them in accordance with the specified device configuration and the fire extinguishing algorithms embedded in it.
The VERESK PCU-01 module is designed to organize the interface with users. It has indication organs in the form of a graphic display and LED indicators and controls in the form of buttons. Provides input of programmable device parameters, display of operational information in the form of messages, viewing of the event log, as well as the status of zones and sections of the device, input of control commands, authorization of users using passwords and electronic keys, output of information by hot keys.
The VERESK PPD module is designed to display the status and operational control of processes in fire extinguishing zones and sections.
The VERESK OPT facility fire extinguishing module is designed for fire protection and fire extinguishing in one zone, and it can operate both autonomously and under the control of the VERESK MCP-01 as part of sections. The module monitors the status of 1 to 8 configurable alarm loops, each of which can be a fire alarm loop, remote start, start blocking, technological for monitoring the pressure in the cylinder and manifold, security. Various operating tactics can be set for the loops. The VERESK OPT module has up to four output relays with changeable response parameters. A fire extinguishing module or start direction expanders can be connected to the module's start line, which is designed as an addressable highway.
The VERESK RNP 4?01 start direction expansion module is designed to start fire extinguishing equipment upon commands from VERESK OPT. Up to 16 addressable modules «VERESK RNP 4?01» are connected to one module «VERESK OPT». In turn, each module «VERESK RNP 4?01» has four starting directions.
What new things were introduced when creating the Veresk-SPT device? Let us note its features:
1. A comprehensive solution to the problem of fire protection at facilities, flexible configuration of the device taking into account the features of the facility.
2. Distribution of control functions between modules, as a result of which the device has high reliability. Since the VERESK OPT modules can operate both under the control of the VERESK MCP-01 module and independently, then, in the event of a failure of the information highway connecting the modules, the device does not stop its operation, and the VERESK OPT modules, when configured accordingly, will perform the main function of the device — fire extinguishing at the facility.
3. «Veresk-SPT» ensures the coordinated operation of fire extinguishing zones by combining them into sections. With the help of this mechanism, selective «cluster» fire extinguishing in large rooms, coordinated control in zones for blocking, remote and general start-up are guaranteed.
4. Zones and sections can be combined into notification lists, as a result of which, in the event of a fire, it is possible to provide separate notification at the facility.
5. Simple and convenient interface of «Veresk-SPT» with users. The setup and configuration of the device is performed using the menu of the «VERESK PTSU-01» console. The duty personnel work with simple and convenient for operational work «VERESK PPD» consoles. It is possible to set symbolic names for sections, zones, alarm loops, which significantly simplifies the work of dispatchers.
6. The device is universal, since it can provide fire extinguishing at the facility using all widely used media.
7. «Veresk-SPT» is integrated with the «Verba» dispatching, monitoring and control system.
8. The use of «Veresk-SPT» provides a significant economic effect due to the reduction in the time required to design, install and commission a fire-fighting system and due to the competitive cost of the device.
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