Unified controllers.

unificirovannie kontrolleri

Unified controllers.

Unified controllers

Unified controllers

Access, access restriction has been used by mankind since time immemorial. At first it was a man with a sharpened stick, then a shooter with an axe, who, as civilization developed, was replaced by a man with a gun. And at each stage of development, mankind tried to use human resources more rationally. Why keep a guard when it can be replaced by a clever lock with an intricate key? Instead of a guard, a mechanical lock was installed in the door, then an electromechanical lock with a code that changed using a simple electrical circuit — the progenitor of what is today called a controller.

In Soviet times, secrecy in sensitive research institutes and design bureaus was ensured using a pass system. A pass was a form (placed in the breast pocket of a jacket) with a photo pasted on it, a handwritten surname, first name, patronymic, and a number of service marks for entry into a particular zone, building, workshop, etc. The new is the well-forgotten old. Passes turned into proximity cards with photos applied to them, but in color; service marks have become access levels.



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 Fig. 1 Unified controllers of the L3, L6 and L8 series.

More than a dozen years have passed since the creation of the controller prototypes. During this time, the ACS (access control and management system) has formed as an independent direction in the field of security systems. It is safe to say that of the wide variety of controllers available on the market, almost all have the same functionality. They differ significantly, as a rule, in price, which sometimes depends not so much on the technical parameters and prestige of trading houses, but on the brand and the level of assessment of firms by insurers, which allows the manufacturer to significantly increase the selling price.

However, when price is not the predominant component, the choice of equipment begins to depend to a greater extent on the technical side of the issue. To make this aspect more attractive, manufacturers expand the functions of ACS controllers by giving them additional options. Therefore, today there is an urgent need for unified devices that combine various subsystems, allowing an updated ideology to approach the integration of security systems.


The ideology of unification of controllers

What, in fact, is unification and what is a unified controller.

To understand the idea, let's take a simple example with a transparent glass jug. Pour water into it and it becomes a water jug. If there is red wine in it, it becomes a wine jug. The idea and ideology of unified controllers is built on the same principle.


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Fig. 2. Addressable microchips 

A single software (SW) is created, consisting of separate unified software modules. In parallel, a unified platform is developed and released in the form of some electronic device. Depending on what software module is “filled” into it, the output is a controller that performs various functions of security systems. These can be:

• ACS controllers with a specific specialization — control of various types of turnstiles, gateways, elevators, barriers, etc.;
• security and fire alarm (SFA) controllers, with functions inherent in SFA control and monitoring devices;
• fire extinguishing controllers, i.e. devices in the ACS PZ (Automated Fire Protection Control System), which control fire extinguishing systems.
• controllers for automation control (climate, lighting, underfloor heating, ventilation, etc.).

Using this ideology, Legos CJSC has developed and mass-produces a series of unified controllers of the L3, L6 and L8 series (Fig. 1).
The unified controller is a universal system electronic device with a specific modular program of the Legos software protocol «filled» into it. Based on such controllers, it is possible to create integrated security systems of any complexity category that are unique in their structure and purpose.

At the same time, for all security subsystems — ACS, OPS, Automation, CCTV, etc., due to multi-level unification of equipment and software, as well as due to a single information flow, automatic responses to events in connected systems are provided between the systems.

The advantages of building integrated security systems based on unified Legos controllers are obvious. The consumer has a real opportunity to purchase not just an ACS controller, but a specific set of security systems that meets his capabilities and needs. As his business grows and his idea of ​​the need to expand security systems changes, any modernization and modification of the current system is possible that will suit the owner both in terms of technical parameters and in terms of minimizing the costs of its equipment.


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 Fig. 3. Legos Software

It is also important to note that only through minor software changes, unified controllers allow the transition to smart card technology in order to use their versatility in the security industry. Thus, the possibilities of using smart cards themselves change, the functionality of access control systems and security systems expands, maintenance costs are reduced, the level of facility security increases, etc.

In turn, designers received a universal tool for developing and creating integrated security systems based on unified Legos controllers. Costs for design and installation work are reduced. Production, technological and operating costs will decrease. The cost of the equipment itself is reduced. These are important factors for the consumer when choosing security systems for their property. As a result, additional savings are achieved by investing in the integration of security systems built on the basis of unified equipment, which is capable of organically changing its functions if necessary to solve new problems or regulatory requirements.


Technical implementation of unified controllers


Unified ACS controllers provide Legos as a manufacturer with multi-level and variant possibilities for their implementation due to their modular structure. At the same time, there is no fundamental difference as to what is more important — the software for the controller or its electronic component. Everything depends on the consumer. Moreover, in this case, the consumers will be trading houses, developers and manufacturers of electronic devices for security systems, as well as design and installation organizations implementing projects for compatibility of security systems of different brands with each other to create integrated complexes.

To understand what has been said, let us consider a number of possible options that LEGOS, as a developer and manufacturer, can use to sell its products.

1. The manufacturer produces electronic devices, into which, in its factory conditions, it “downloads” specific modular programs of the unified software protocol, after which these devices are transformed into unified series of controllers with specified functions and technical parameters. The consumer, knowing the parameters and functional capabilities, purchases from the manufacturer the controllers he needs and the corresponding software that performs installation, information and operational functions.

2. The manufacturer produces electronic devices, at the customer's request, in factory conditions «uploads» a modified (for a specific customer) modular program of the unified protocol into them and transfers the controllers and modified software to the customer. In turn, the customer positions and sells the controllers and software under its brand or uses them to connect to «its» systems in order to create an integrated security system. As an example, we can consider an integrated security system for a building, which includes fire alarm systems, ACS, OS of various manufacturers (brands), but operating in a single software space.

3. The manufacturer produces electronic devices. In factory conditions, it “downloads” a truncated program of the unified protocol. Transfers the controllers and the software protocol to the customer (Fig. 3). The customer gets a universal brand platform, into which he can independently record the necessary drivers, modify the software. Position and sell as an independent product under his own brand. Use as a “semi-finished product” for security systems, where additional software will be registered in order to coordinate security systems of different manufacturers and create a single integrated complex.

4. The manufacturer produces electronic devices under its own brand or the customer's brand, which are transferred to the customer without any software. The customer, who is the manufacturer, «downloads» its programs into the controllers in its factory conditions. It produces controllers and software, which it declares and sells as its brand.


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Fig. 4. Addressable microchip in the fire alarm database 

What does this approach provide, in addition to creating integrated security systems and complexes based on unified ACS controllers? As it turned out, the advantages of this approach are obvious:

–  creation of new and expansion of existing production capacities;
–  creation of new and additional jobs;
– attracting highly qualified specialists, creating normal working conditions for them, thereby preserving the country's intellectual potential;
— creation of a competitive, purely Russian intellectual, high-tech product with a lower cost compared to domestic and foreign analogues;
— expansion of the product distribution network through large partners, by selling products under other domestic and foreign trademarks in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;
— compilation of security systems of various purposes and different brands with each other at the software level.

Hence, the development, production and implementation of unified controllers creates real prerequisites for the unification of security systems of various manufacturers and brands with the aim of creating integrated security systems on their basis.


Integration of ACS controllers

As mentioned above, there is an urgent need for unified devices that would combine various security subsystems, in particular security and fire alarm systems, on the basis of ACS controllers. Modern trends in fire alarm systems are increasingly based on the development of addressable and addressable-analog systems. When expanding the capabilities of unified ACS controllers, this must be taken into account. By “downloading” specific modular (OS and PS sections) programs of the unified software protocol into the controllers, we obtain controllers with functions inherent in addressable fire alarm control panels.


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 Fig. 5. Legos modular security systems

When combining the functions of the ACS and the OPS in a unified controller, a common address bus appears for including addressable microchips (Fig. 2), to which security and fire detectors are connected. A three-wire address bus consists of an information line, a common line, and a power supply. Addressable microchips transmit information about the states of the alarm loop, a particular detector, to the controller. They are miniature electronic boards with the ability to install them directly inside the detector body (infrared, combined, etc.) or the base of the fire detector (Fig. 4). They are functionally divided into two groups: information and executive-control.

Information – provide control of the status of alarm loops and contact groups of detectors, measure temperature, humidity, etc. Executive – control executive devices.

The system is controlled in autonomous mode using the RC 100 control and indication panel (Legos), in network mode – using a personal computer. A distinctive feature of the RC100 is the ability to install and control the system from any location, due to its inclusion in the general information and signal bus of the L-BUS system (Fig. 5).

Thus, on the basis of a unified controller and addressable elements, it is possible to create an addressable digital security and fire alarm system. By combining controllers with each other in a network, it is possible to obtain an addressable fire alarm system of almost any configuration. As a result, having a single unified software protocol, a set of multifunctional unified controllers, addressable elements, real opportunities are provided for building integrated building security system complexes with any level of complexity. All elements of such complexes consist of unified modular systems created on a single base and having a single modular software.

Naturally, the reliability of managing such a complex will increase significantly. The relationships between security systems and life support systems are simplified. Events in one of the subsystems can cause reactions in the other. The technological and operating costs for servicing and managing such integrated security complexes are reduced.
Today, the integration of all security systems into a single complex is in great demand. This is especially true for newly constructed and erected buildings, which provide for single centralized control centers for managing security systems, engineering and technological equipment of the building. Therefore, it is quite obvious that, all other things being equal, it is much easier and more profitable to build a single dispatching system based on such unified equipment.


Unification for the consumer

When solving the issues of ensuring the management of multifunctional and integrated security systems and complexes, we must not forget about other categories of consumers, in particular those with a small budget who are not very interested in global problems. They are more concerned with ensuring the security of their offices, small businesses, small shops, car services, cottages, etc. Such a consumer needs a security system that would suit him not only in terms of cost and multifunctionality, but also in terms of the possibility of transformation, modernization and change of functional purpose. That is, at first, he needs some minimum set of technical security tools with which he could protect his property. In theory, this set should include options for providing access, security and fire alarms, and notification. In the future, as needed and financially possible, the consumer could gradually expand and upgrade the existing system with minimal losses for themselves.


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 Fig. 6. «Universal Office» Kit

Taking into account the growing needs of small businesses for such systems, Legos CJSC has developed and is releasing a “boxed” version called “Universal Office,” which contains not options, but a minimum number of security system devices in a packaged form (Fig. 6):

– unified controller of the L3 series;
– power supply APS5-12 (Legos);
– PLR 2* readers (Legos);
– magnetic contact, IR and fire detectors;
– Legos addressable microchips;
– electromagnetic lock;
– access cards;
– Legos software;
– sound alarm;
– installation kit.

The consumer will buy everything else at a small price and install it on his property as needed. Moreover, he will not have any particular problems with purchasing — such a «Universal Office» and the additional technical security equipment necessary for it are available everywhere and for everyone — from the manufacturer, in trading houses, specialized stores, on the Internet.

Since such a «boxed» version includes a unified controller of the L3 series, then by purchasing additional software and components, the owner can ensure control of lighting, climate control equipment — air conditioning and heating systems — at his facility on the basis of the equipment he already has, that is, expand the functions of the existing security system to the category of «Smart Home» systems.

By developing and expanding their security system, the consumer will be able to connect to the remote security console to transmit alarm messages and messages about the state of the security and fire alarm system. At the same time, the L3 controller, which is part of the «Universal Office» system, allows for automatic «arming» of the facility when the access card is presented to the reader and the last person leaves the premises.

By making minor changes to the software and replacing the readers, the consumer will be able to use smart cards, significantly expanding the functionality of the entire security system and improving its consumer qualities.
These are just a few examples of the use of unified controllers as modular devices for various security systems. Naturally, integrated security systems and complexes created on the basis of such unified equipment are much more functional, more cost-effective, have a higher degree of reliability, and are compatible with various technological devices and life support systems.

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