Design of anti-terrorist protection systems: features of the regulatory framework
Author: Alexander MALTSEV, Technical Director of Intel Tectum, PhD in Engineering
When designing a facility intended for permanent or temporary stay of a large number of people, design solutions must provide technical means of protecting the facility's personnel and visitors from the consequences of the most probable emergency situations, including those caused by terrorist acts. To ensure the protection of people and prevent catastrophic damage, as a rule, a comprehensive security system for the facility is created. In accordance with the definition of a terrorist act (Article 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2006 N 35-FZ «On Counteracting Terrorism») against people located in buildings and structures, the following options for terrorist influence on the protected object may be used: carrying out an explosion of a building or part of it; carrying out arson of a building or part of it; use of poisonous, poisonous, toxic substances in concentrations that create a danger of death of personnel and visitors to the facility; use of means (sources) of radiation contamination of personnel and visitors to the facility; use of means of electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of radiation with levels that create a danger of death of a person; use of firearms to kill people or take hostages; artificial creation of conditions for the occurrence of man-made accidents that create a danger of death of personnel and visitors to the facility, or causing significant property damage.
When implementing the listed threats, various methods of using the means of implementing terrorist influence are possible. Formulation of requirements for the designed anti-terrorist protection system is complicated by the lack of detailing of the generally accepted term «anti-terrorist protection means». The list and functionality of technical means of anti-terrorist protection are not defined by current regulatory documents. Due to this, when designing complex security systems in the absence of a detailed technical assignment, anti-terrorist protection means are mainly limited to means of inspection of people, individual objects (things) and transport, allowing to determine the presence of explosives and firearms. It seems advisable to determine an approximate list of technical means of anti-terrorist protection, on the basis of which design solutions are developed to prevent terrorist manifestations or minimize damage from their commission. In accordance with the definition of a terrorist act and the previously considered possible ways of implementing a terrorist impact on a protected object, it is possible to determine an approximate list of technical means of protection used. To block the channels for delivery of explosives to the facility and prevent their use at the facility, the following anti-terrorist protection means are usually used: — equipment to prevent the introduction of explosives and firearms into the protected facility (means of control of personnel, visitors and their hand luggage); — equipment to control mail; — equipment to detect unattended (abandoned) items; — equipment to localize and suppress the energy of an explosion; equipment to prevent the activation of radio fuses of explosive devices; equipment to prevent the passage of mined vehicles (means of limiting the speed of motor vehicles); means of inspection of motor vehicles.
The requirements for technical means of fire protection in a building are currently most fully defined by regulatory documentation and technical solutions for their application do not cause difficulties in design. To protect against the use of toxic, poisonous, hazardous substances by throwing their carriers into the ventilation and air conditioning systems of the facility, it is necessary to use standard engineering means of protection, technical means of monitoring penetration into the facility and means of monitoring the air entering the supply ventilation of the facility. The means of monitoring the state of utility networks and detecting man-made accidents are well known and are provided for in the development of an automated dispatching and control system for the facility's utility networks. Technical solutions for the application of the listed technical means for preventing terrorist attacks and minimizing their consequences must be provided for when developing design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of a facility. Currently, issues of building security systems or their elements are usually developed within the framework of the subsection «Communication networks» of section 5 «Information on engineering equipment, on engineering and technical support networks, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions» when building low-current networks of a building (structure).
Let us consider the existing requirements of regulatory documents for the composition and content of sections of design documentation in terms of building security systems in general and the use of anti-terrorist protection in particular. The main regulatory documents governing issues of building security systems and anti-terrorist protection include: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ «On Counteracting Terrorism»; Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ «Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures»; Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ «Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements»; Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 21, 1994 N 68-FZ «On the Protection of Population and Territories from Emergencies of Natural and Man-Made Nature»; Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 «On the Composition of Sections of Design Documentation and Requirements for Their Content»; GOST R 22.0.02-94. «Safety in Emergencies. Terms and Definitions of Basic Concepts»; GOST R 22.0.08-96. «Safety in emergency situations — man-made emergencies. Explosions. Terms and definitions»; GOST R 22.1.01-95. «State standard of the Russian Federation. Safety in emergency situations. Monitoring and forecasting. Basic provisions»; GOST R 22.1.12-2005. «Structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems of buildings and structures. General requirements»; «Requirements for the Prevention of Emergencies at Potentially Hazardous Facilities and Life Support Facilities.» Approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2003 N 105; SP 11-112-2001 «Procedure for the Development and Composition of the Section «Engineering and Technical Measures of Civil Defense. Measures to Prevent Emergencies» of Urban Development Documentation for the Territories of Urban and Rural Settlements, Other Municipalities»; departmental regulatory documents; regional regulatory documents.
The composition of design documentation and requirements for the content of individual documents are defined by the Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation (Article 48 «Architectural and Construction Design», paragraph 12) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 «On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content». In accordance with the requirements of these documents, a separate section on the design of an anti-terrorist protection system is not provided.
Individual requirements for the implementation of functions for protection against terrorist manifestations are defined in the requirements for the composition and content of Section 4 «Design and space-planning solutions» (subparagraphs l, n, o), Section 5 «Information on engineering equipment, on engineering and technical support networks, list of engineering and technical measures, content of technological solutions» (subparagraphs 19, 20, 21, 26), Section 9 «Measures to ensure fire safety» of the design documentation. Additional requirements for anti-terrorist protection of the facility can be developed during the development of Section 12 «Other documentation». In accordance with the provisions of the Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation (Article 48 «Architectural and Construction Design», paragraph 14.), the design documentation of nuclear power facilities, hazardous industrial facilities defined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, especially hazardous, technically complex, unique facilities, defense and security facilities must contain a list of civil defense measures, measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies. When developing engineering and technical measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies, a structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems of buildings and structures (SMIS) is subject to development. Requirements for the composition and functionality of the SMIS are specified in GOST R 22.1.12-2005 «Structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems of buildings and structures. General requirements». These requirements also define some functions of the SMIS for monitoring the danger of terrorist manifestations, in particular for monitoring elevated radiation levels, exceeding concentrations of hazardous and toxic substances, explosive concentrations of gas-air mixtures and monitoring specified technological parameters of engineering networks. However, the SMIS subsection is developed as part of the «ITM GO EMERCOM» section only when designing potentially hazardous, especially hazardous, technically complex and unique objects. Design solutions for protection against arson of a building are developed within the framework of Section 9 «Measures to ensure fire safety» of the design documentation. Design solutions for protection against the use of toxic, poisonous, hazardous substances in terms of the use of engineering means of protection and technical means of monitoring penetration into the facility are developed within the framework of Section 5 “Information on engineering equipment, on engineering and technical support networks, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions.” Design solutions for monitoring the air entering the supply ventilation of a facility, protection against the use of means (sources) of radiation contamination of facility personnel, means of electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of radiation with levels that create a danger of human death, must be developed within the framework of the SMIS subsection of the “ITM GO and Emergencies” section of section 12 “Other documentation”. The means for monitoring man-made accidents are envisaged during the development of the automated dispatching and control system for the facility's utility networks within the framework of Section 5 «Information on engineering equipment, on utility networks, list of engineering and technical measures, content of technological solutions», as well as within the framework of the SMES subsection, when it is developed as part of the design documentation. Technical measures for notifying personnel and visitors to the facility and ensuring their evacuation are usually developed within the framework of Section 9 «Measures to ensure fire safety» during the development of the SOUE subsection. Design solutions for the use of technical means to block channels for the delivery of explosives to the facility and prevent their use at the facility may be developed within the framework of Section 12 “Other Documentation”, since their use is not provided for by other sections of the design documentation.
Separate requirements for the development of special sections of the design documentation have been developed at the regional level. For example, the territorial building codes of St. Petersburg «TSN 31-332-2006. Residential and public high-rise buildings» in paragraph 18.4 determine the need to develop a section «Integrated security». At the same time, it is determined that the requirements for the security of the facility are established by the design assignment based on a vulnerability analysis. The regional regulatory document of urban planning of Moscow «Temporary standards and rules for the design of local security systems and trunk networks when connecting new buildings to the city security system (CSSS)» defines individual requirements for the construction of integrated security systems for facilities. There are a number of departmental documents that define the standards for designing anti-terrorist protection equipment when designing departmental buildings and structures. For example, the standard of OAO Gazprom STO Gazprom 2-1.4-186-2008 «Unified design solutions for ITSO and SAZ complexes of OAO Gazprom facilities».
Thus, the development of a section of design documentation providing for the elaboration of design solutions for the anti-terrorist protection of a facility is not provided for by regulatory documents. Individual issues of developing such design solutions are defined only for particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique facilities. The requirements for the content of such a section are partially spelled out in regional urban planning regulations and, obviously, can only be fully defined by the design assignment.
Currently, individual design solutions for the use of anti-terrorist protection tools are developed in different sections of design documentation and often by different design organizations. It seems appropriate to provide for the development of a subsection «Integrated Facility Security System» within section 12 «Other Documentation». At the same time, the requirements for the content of such a subsection are not defined by current regulatory documents and must be defined in detail by the customer when developing the design assignment.
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