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No need to look at the elephant through the keyhole.

No need to look at the elephant through the keyhole.

– There are a lot of private assessments of the state of the Russian TSB market. But there are no serious studies, no one has yet objectively measured this segment. Does this hinder development? Should the situation be changed? If so, how?
– Private assessments of such a large-scale market are like trying to look at an elephant through a keyhole. However, serious research, that is, with carefully developed tools, methods for collecting and processing information, will most likely meet resistance here. There are too many closed moments in the relationships between market participants. In marketing strategies, if any, players usually copy each other or the experience of related industries. Therefore, it is extremely rare for someone to find new niches. Unless this happens by chance or by intuition. Does this hinder the development of companies? Probably not. Everyone is happy with this. Including us: we only reflect the realities of the market. Another thing is editorial policy, which involves promoting best practices, a scientific approach, etc. And here we begin to see a huge difference with the markets of civilized countries. First of all, in the degree of transparency of the environment. The domestic industry is still fishing in troubled waters. And most business models are based on such environmental indicators.
However, I wouldn't mind getting access to the results of a serious study on our industry. With a budget of a hundred thousand euros. But which of the players is able to pay such a sum? And will he even let me look over his shoulder at the report afterwards, that's also a question.
– The demand for such a service as consulting is very low in our market. Why? Should this situation change or should we wait until demand forms as it develops?
– In our country, people generally don’t like to pay for intellectual services. For hardware – yes, but thoughts have always been considered something free. That’s why consulting lags behind reality and is used mostly in situations where expenses have already been incurred are justified. And in advanced consulting, the customer most often poses the question in the following way: how can I get around this so that I can make money myself and someone else needs a kickback, and the system looks like it’s working. That is, until there is a mass demand for really working systems, there will be no consulting in the industry. I admit that there are structures where everything happens differently. Get in touch, we are ready to write about you.
– The market and end users. Are there communications between them and are they effective enough? Who can undertake their creation and development today?
– I consider the “end-user” to be an integral part of the market. And his communication with the seller determines sales. If it were ineffective, nothing would be sold at all. The question is rather about the level of this communication. But the media in our market – yes, there is a lot of work to do here. In fact, we are working without bending over.
– The industry’s dependence on imports. What, in your opinion, is its quantitative indicator? The pros and cons of such dependence.
– Actually, there is no single picture across the industry segments. If we talk about equipment for video surveillance systems, in this sector, imports apparently prevail. And the contribution of domestic vendors here is mainly software. I will not undertake to evaluate the figures, since, as you yourself noted, reliable research is not conducted.
Yes, like most national markets, the domestic one today is completely dependent on electronic components manufactured in Asia. This is the reality.
– The export component of the industry. Should it be developed? If so, what steps should be taken for this? Is our equipment in demand on the world market?
– I have closely observed the life of several of our companies that have decided to move to world markets. They promote their products, bashfully disguising their Russian origin. Under brands different from those on the domestic market, entrusting marketing to foreign agencies. Judging by the same type of customer reviews from various exotic countries, there is some demand for the product. But in order to move seriously, it is necessary to unite: an entry ticket, say, to the British market is very expensive and obliges to a lot. A single company today will not be able to pull off such an invasion. I believe in our technology. There are chic things that have never broken through to the world market. There is very strong software. The same video codecs: by all indicators they are better than universal multimedia ones, which the world industry is currently ill with.
– Today, dozens of the world's leading manufacturers of technical security equipment are represented in Russia. Does this mean that Russia has become a real participant in the world market of security systems?
We have most of the world's security industry brands. But we just have them, allocating only 1-3% of the annual sales volume to huge Russia. In the language of statistics, this is called below the noise level. But we can't not have them: if, magically, at least a little more clarity suddenly becomes here, they will wake up. And they will eat the domestic vendor alive. Then, by the way, reliable figures on the share of imports will emerge, but it will be too late. In the meantime, all the important decisions in the industry are made in a sauna over a shot, and not defended before the board of shareholders, we have nothing to fear.
Seriously speaking, in my opinion, a real market participant should control the balance between imports and exports. In this sense, we are quite real — the possibilities of importers are limited by the lack of transparency and closed relations in our market. But Russia will become a full-fledged participant when it starts actively supplying technologies and products abroad. I hope to live to see that moment and open an issue of Security News in English, Spanish and Chinese.

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