Application of metallized fabrics of the METACRON series for protection against electromagnetic radiation.
Application of metallized fabrics of the Metacron series» for protection against electromagnetic radiation
A.V. Mareichev, Ph.D. in Engineering,
Director of NPP Tekhnostil
Over the past decades, the total intensity of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in various places on the earth's surface has increased in comparison with the natural background by hundreds and thousands of times.
It is currently recognized that the potential danger of EMI exposure to the majority of the Earth's population already exceeds (!) the danger of radiation accidents. Every year this issue becomes more acute, since there is not a single area of human activity where devices that create radiation are not used.
The main areas of technology where humans come into contact with electromagnetic radiation are electric power engineering, radio communications, radar, electrical engineering, high-frequency industrial technologies, etc.
Unfortunately, information about this danger is limited and is considered in full only at special scientific and technical conferences.
Exposure to EMF can lead to acute and chronic diseases. Acute diseases occur during accidents and gross violations of safety regulations. Chronic diseases occur after several years of working with EMF sources, if their levels exceed the standard (SanPiN 2.2.4/
Even weak energy impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body affects resonance processes at the molecular and cellular level in various organs and systems of the living organism.
In acute disorders, a significant deterioration in well-being is possible: severe headache, dizziness, nausea, nosebleeds, sleep disturbances, fainting, instability of blood pressure and white blood cell counts. In most cases, suppression of the function of the sex glands is observed, and when affecting the eyes — the development of cataracts.
Chronic disorders are characterized by non-specific changes in health: headache, increased fatigue, irritability, periodic pain in the heart, hypotension, bradycardia, and other disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. People living and working near high-voltage power lines, radar stations, and other sources of EMF suffer from various forms of cancer three times more often. The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term and multi-year exposure accumulates, which often leads to such consequences as degenerative processes in the central nervous system, leukemia (blood cancer), brain tumors, autoimmune and hormonal diseases — diabetes, allergies, etc.
Effective protection from exposure to EMI is ensured by the use of special means — stationary or portable screens, special clothing. Equipping employees servicing microwave installations with shielding kits is required by the Russian Federation Law of 17.06.1999 No. 181-FZ «On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation». In particular, it obliges the employer to ensure the purchase and issuance of personal protective equipment to employees at their own expense in accordance with labor protection requirements.
Entire buildings and individual rooms in which electronic equipment operates can be shielded. As a rule, individual radio devices and units are shielded, often individual functional units, and sometimes their elements.
Currently, the most convenient means of protecting people and devices from EMI are metallized fabrics, which have replaced metal sheets and meshes. They have found wide application in Russia and abroad, due to the high efficiency of shielding and the technological effectiveness of application, since many types retain textile properties. However, depending on the manufacturing method, metallized fabrics have different protective properties.
There are fabrics woven from synthetic threads into which metallic copper or silver-plated copper threads are woven.
Fabrics made of polyester or polyamide are offered, onto which a copper or nickel layer is sprayed in a vacuum. Such coatings are thin-film and do not provide high efficiency of shielding from EMI.
Fabrics are also known, onto which nickel or copper coatings are applied by chemical deposition. This method, using precious metals, is low-productivity and expensive.
Today, all leading manufacturers of metallized fabrics use nickel as a metal coating. This metal is a ferromagnet, due to which it reflects the magnetic component of electromagnetic radiation well. In addition, it is a fairly good conductor of electric current and has high anti-corrosion properties.
In Russia, the best shielding properties are noted in the metallized fabrics of the Metakron series, which are produced by the company NPP Tekhnostil. The production of this type of fabric is based on the use of galvanic technology, which provides a continuous double-sided nickel or nickel-copper coating with a thickness of up to 12 microns of the base material. The technology is highly cost-effective and stable.
The company produces metallized fabrics on various bases — polyester, polyamide, paraamide («Rusar»), glass, basalt, silica, cotton, combined (for example, cotton with polyester or polyamide). In addition, metallized nets on a nylon base are produced, which have high light transmission.
Metacron metallized fabrics (TU 8388-008-17310584-04) are produced in rolls up to 100 m, width from 0.8 to 1.2 m and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.
Depending on the purpose, fabrics with high electrical conductivity from 0.003 to 0.4 Ohm/sq. or low up to 1500 Ohm/sq. are produced.
Highly reflective fabrics provide shielding of electromagnetic radiation in a wide frequency range with a protective effect of over 99.99%.
High thermal insulation properties of fabrics (at the level of asbestos) due to thermal reflection, have an infrared radiation shielding coefficient of 0.4 — 0.6 in the wavelength range from 2 to 14 microns. This expands the possibilities of using fabrics for protection or heat retention in the manufacture of special clothing for workers working in extreme temperature conditions.
Along with metallic characteristics, Metakron fabrics have high textile properties — flexibility, lightness, air and light permeability.
The metallic properties of conductive fabrics also allow them to be used to remove static electricity.
In a number of special cases, fabrics can be made airtight by coating with a thin layer of rubber, silicone or laminating with polymer films.
Depending on the purpose, Metakron fabrics are produced in a wide range with different thicknesses of the metal coating from 0.1 microns to 12 microns and more. The base fabric can also be different: with dense and sparse weaving of threads of different rigidity and chemical nature — polymer flammable and polymer non-flammable (does not support combustion), non-flammable based on glass, silica, basalt. It is possible to apply a metal coating to carbon-graphite fabrics. Fabrics with a given electrical resistance can also be used as electrically heated.
Such a variety of metallized fabrics allows them to be used in various sectors of the national economy.
The main areas of application where Metakron fabrics are used:
• Manufacturing protective clothing (suits, vests, capes) used in special and rescue operations.
• Manufacturing protective clothing from EMI and insulating outerwear for power engineers servicing high-voltage power lines, computer operators, employees of airfield and ship services.
• Equipment for “anechoic” chambers and booths, “clean” rooms.
• Manufacture of protective devices to prevent information leakage from service areas and at the same time to prevent electromagnetic radiation.
• Manufacture of quick-release capes and covers for objects, devices and structures that require protection from electromagnetic and infrared radiation.
• Manufacture of portable or stationary screens to prevent radiation.
• Protection of computer control systems by shielding the housings and units of electronic equipment, communications equipment, individual devices and units, including electronic boards to solve the problem of electromagnetic compatibility.
• Use of fabric to remove static electricity.
«METACRON» fabrics are distinguished not only by the possibility of using them as a means of protection against EMI in production, but also by a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect when used as medical devices — «Metacron» autobioresonance applicators (registration certificate No. FS 01012005/1394-05). «Metacron» autobioresonance applicators are multilayer products with an active layer of metallized fabric.
The principle of the therapeutic effect is associated with the shielding of the biologically active spectrum of human EMI (biofield) and its own infrared radiation.
«Metacron» applicators:
— have an effect on the body based on the principle of autobioresonance, screen the electromagnetic and infrared radiation of a biological object, accumulate thermal energy, creating «dry heat»;
— enhance microcirculation in the area of their application, normalize metabolic processes, relieve spasms of smooth and striated muscles, restore performance, increase the functional reserves of the body;
— protect against the effects of geopathogenic zones, reduce the impact on a person of increased geomagnetic background during solar activity.
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