
Stanislav ZARZHETSKY, CEO of EXOL, answers the reader's question.

«In our country, a program for building data processing centers is being actively implemented in many government agencies and within large Russian corporations.
Are there uniform requirements and standards for building data centers under state control? – Alexander POPOV, Khabarovsk»

The reader's question is answered by Stanislav ZARZHETSKY, CEO of the company EXOL.

Indeed, the IT component of the work of organizations is becoming practically one of the most significant aspects within the framework of the requirements of the time.
The problem is that, unfortunately, all data centers that arise within the framework of the initiated programs are created without using uniform requirements of standards and norms. The projects do not consider issues of ensuring the physical security of data center equipment at all. Or they try to achieve security using conventional construction methods, which is basically impossible. When creating a data center concept, equipment is used according to the principle «the cheaper, the better.» Solutions are selected without taking into account the further development of the infrastructure and capacity of the data center. In other words, in each specific case, an individual solution is obtained using various systems and equipment.
What can this lead to?
As we all know and understand, as a result of the implementation of all state programs, a single information space should emerge. And if this is implemented within the software environment, then the systems for ensuring the operation of the data center and the conditions for their construction will differ greatly. This can lead to a significant decrease in the reliability of the entire network of state institutions and reduce the efficiency of work.
The fact that there is no due attention to the issues of physical security of the data center may in the future result in serious losses when the data center is stopped or down. It is impossible to ignore the requirements of GOST R No. 52919-2008 «Methods and means of physical protection. Classification and methods of testing for fire resistance. Part 2. Data rooms and containers», put into effect by order of Rostekhnadzor No. 99-sp dated May 14, 2008. Trying to save money on using a certified solution for the physical security of information centers is a big mistake.
Is it possible to change the situation? Absolutely.
It is necessary to define uniform requirements and standards for building data centers at the state level and to achieve standardization of solutions to ensure the maximum level of their integration and control during operation. It is necessary to adhere to the norms and standards that already exist in Russia, and in the absence of such, to actively use the experience of organizations in the world, remembering that our legal framework is very outdated in some areas.
A comprehensive approach is needed today, not tomorrow, when data centers will already be built and it will be almost impossible to change anything.
Perhaps the Technical Committee for Standardization of Information Technologies, created on the basis of the Institute of Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences in May of this year, should pay attention to this.

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