The most unusual methods and unique inventions for protecting property.

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The most unusual methods and unique inventions for protecting property.

The Most Unusual Ways and Unique Inventions to Protect Your Property The Most Unusual Ways and Unique Inventions to Protect Your Property Since ancient times, people have come up with different ways and devices to protect their homes and property from the encroachments of strangers and natural disasters. Nowadays, scientists and inventors, using scientific achievements and modern technologies, have expanded their understanding of how to make this world safer. Security alarms that operate on wireless technologies, video cameras, GPS trackers and other devices that have already become commonplace are installed in most homes and cars around the world, but there are also inventions that make you want to exclaim: “How did they come up with this?”.
We present to your attention a review of the most bizarre devices and unusual methods designed to protect your property.

UK: Spray that marks burglars
An unusual spray with an admixture of synthetic DNA molecules was invented in the UK by two brothers, one of whom works in the police, and the other is a chemist. A special device, which is mounted at the front door, sprays the spray on burglars as soon as they cross the threshold of the guarded apartment. The spray is visible only in ultraviolet rays and cannot be erased by conventional means, which allows the police to prove the guilt of the intruders. Law enforcement agencies in Foggy Albion are actively promoting the new security system and also advise using «marker pens with DNA» to mark computers, phones, tablets and other valuables.

South Africa: fire, not a car
Johannesburg lawyer Charles Fourie has invented one of the most original ways to combat car thieves. Fourie's invention is very simple in design and extremely effective in armed attacks: a cylinder of liquefied gas is installed in the trunk of the car, which is supplied to the «nozzles» mounted under the front doors by pressing a button. The gas is ignited by an electric spark — a column of flame over two meters long bursts out of the «nozzles». The device was patented under the name Blaster and is popular with the local population.

USA: chip monitors the safety of towels
Every month, hotels around the world lose between 5% and 20% of their robes, towels, and sheets, which are taken by guests as souvenirs. To solve this pressing problem in the hotel business, an American company has invented a microchip that allows monitoring the location of linen. According to the developer, the chips, which are not susceptible to washing, successfully help combat theft. For example, a hotel in Honolulu managed to reduce the number of stolen towels from four thousand to 750 pieces and save about $ 15,000 per month.

China: «hold and do not let go!»
To combat car thefts, Chinese police have taken radical measures. Every night, a team of 80 people combs the streets from midnight to 6 a.m., looking for cars that could be stolen. The tires of potential victims of car thefts are deflated so that they cannot be driven anywhere. It's harsh, but effective: according to the local police chief, deflated tires prevent car thefts, and locals have finally started parking their cars in guarded parking lots.

Israel: Dew is a guard
A group of scientists from Tel Aviv University have invented a security device that is almost invisible to the human eye, but has «eyes, ears and a nose.» The new device is called «Smart Dew.» Each drop of «dew» is a sensor the size of a drop of water, which can create a small security zone around itself, and several such drops can monitor a huge area.
With the help of a built-in magnetic sensor, the «drop» can detect an intruder by heat trace, exhaled carbon dioxide, sound or vibration, and if the intruder is moving in a vehicle, then by changes in the surrounding illumination. The number of sensors connected in such a «smart network» can reach several thousand.

Japan: wasabi will warn of a fire
The 2011 Ig Nobel Prize went to Japanese scientists who came up with a fire alarm that smelled like wasabi. Researchers found that the Japanese spice contains components that are strong irritants to the nose. If wasabi is released into the air, a person will wake up, which means they will be able to notice the danger in time and escape in case of a fire.
Australia: Thunder and Lightning Against Carjackers
The inventions of the genius Nikola Tesla were adopted by his ardent fan and follower from Australia. He came up with an alarm that would scare any car thief: few would dare to approach a car surrounded by small lightning bolts. The Tesla alarm is designed only for the psychological effect: it is only frightening in appearance, but in fact it is absolutely safe for humans.

Russia: an unjammable channel
The Russian company Arkan has developed a security system that uses a unique technology for transmitting data over a secure radio channel. If such a system is installed in a house or car, then in the event of an intrusion or attempted theft, an alarm signal is transmitted over a radio channel that is resistant to any means of signal suppression and works reliably under any conditions. Whatever technical means the intruders use, be it a regular «jammer» or a powerful radio interference device, the alarm signal is guaranteed to reach the monitoring center. Owners of a system with an unjammable radio channel can be sure that they will receive immediate assistance, and their property will remain safe and sound.
The data transmission technology patented by Arkan has been awarded national prizes in science and technology.

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