sut deyatelnosti i reglamenta mchs v rossii

The essence of the activities and regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia.

The essence of the activities and regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia

The essence of the activities and regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia

Regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
The order in the sphere of activity of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is ensured by regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which establishes the terms and sequence of administrative procedures for the execution by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of the state function of licensing activities in the field of fire safety. Licensing covers fire extinguishing activities and licensing of activities for the installation, repair and maintenance of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures. In the REGULATIONS OF THE EMERCOMThe activities of the department include the organization and implementation of fire prevention, the implementation of operational actions in case of fire, the organization and implementation of actions aimed at rescuing people, property and extinguishing fires. The competence of the Ministry of Emergency Situations also includes activities related to the design, installation, repair and maintenance of active and passive fire safety systems and their elements, as well as pipe and furnace work, fire protection work for materials, products and structures.

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, to obtain a license to carry out activities in the field of fire safety, it is necessary to submit to the Center a corresponding application, copies of constituent documents, a document confirming payment of the state fee for consideration by the licensing authority of the application for a license, copies of documents confirming the qualifications of employees carrying out the licensed activity; copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming the length of service of employees in the field of fire safety; documents confirming the availability of premises, fire-fighting equipment, communications equipment, equipment, tools and documentation necessary for carrying out the licensed activity.

Organization of activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
In accordance with the legislation, The organization of the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia — site units for fire prevention — is carried out and coordinated by the territorial management bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. To implement organizational and methodological support and control over the activities of site units, there are regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of consequences of natural disasters.
Organization of the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russiaconsists in developing economic, legal, organizational and scientific-methodical measures aimed at improving fire protection of facilities, holding thematic meetings, seminars and conferences on the topic of fire safety of facilities located on the entrusted territory. Territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are authorized to solve civil defense problems and problems of preventing and eliminating emergency situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, within their competence, in particular, the tasks of performing the functions assigned to the facility unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on developing and implementing measures related to social and economic incentives for the personnel of the facility units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; on control; on recording and analyzing the activities of the facility units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on organizing the study of fires and developing measures to prevent them. Special attention is paid to conducting fire-tactical exercises.

Ministry of Emergency Situations methods of work
When organizing fire prevention, two main methods of work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are distinguished: — implementation of control over compliance with fire safety requirements at the facility; development and implementation, within the competence, of fire safety measures. In addition, methods of work of the Ministry of Emergency Situationsare also carried out at the documentation level, which provides for the development of documents regulating the work of the department: Regulation on the facility division of the FPS EMERCOM of Russia; instructions for personnel; duty schedules for personnel; deployment schemes of sections, posts and patrols; the procedure for monitoring the fire safety condition of sections, sectors; documents for preliminary planning of combat operations to extinguish a fire and carry out emergency rescue operations, as well as interaction with duty services of organizations and fire protection units.

With regard to the practical implementation of the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the governing bodies of the department carry out the placement of personnel of the facility divisions of the FPS. Before admission to duty, a briefing and divorce of the personnel of the facility division is carried out. During the briefing, the readiness of the personnel to perform duty must be checked; a list of sections and sectors must be announced; duty shifts must be assigned; information for the personnel on the state of fire safety and the activities carried out at the facilities must be announced; the main tasks for ensuring fire safety of the facilities must be set.

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