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Terrorism is a threat to modern society and individuals.

V. Shelkov.

Terrorism has become a true scourge of modern society.

Before our very eyes, the fight against it has become the main task of the world's leading intelligence agencies.

It seems that the roots of terrorism are eternal and inherent in human nature itself, since they are a reflection of the dark side of the human soul.

Manifestations of envy and egoism, morbid vanity and fanaticism involuntarily acquire such diabolical forms as terrorism in our imperfect society.

The experience of recent years, especially in our country, has shown that terrorists most often use explosive devices, giving them preference when solving problems of a political, religious or ethnic nature.

The use of explosive devices is partly explained by the ease of achieving the goal, as well as the low cost of the technical means used.

It is not for nothing that terrorism is called in the West «war on the cheap».

In addition, firearms, knives and poison do not have such a powerful emotional impact on people as is achieved with the help of explosives.

It seems that this situation will continue for the foreseeable future, when one mentally ill person distracts significant law enforcement forces to normalize the situation.

Even in the case when a tragedy is prevented, the material damage to society, whose normal life is interrupted for some time, is very serious. In addition, we must not forget about the severe psychological impact on innocent people.

Conventionally, terrorism can be divided into mass and individual, depending on what exactly the action is aimed at: the implementation of a threat to society as a whole or actions against a specific individual.

But in both cases, the goal of the attackers is to carry out some kind of intimidation action with the achievement of the maximum possible effect: to sow fear, cause panic, and they, in turn, will do the rest.

The actions of terrorists are always demonstrative. The perpetrator of acts of mass terrorism is often prone to self-admiration, a kind of devilish narcissism.

When analyzing the phenomenon of terrorism, we can distinguish two directions:

  • the first we will call conditionally mercantile, when, threatening to carry out a terrorist attack or even carrying it out, the organizers and perpetrators try to bargain for themselves some conditions: from landing an airplane in the place they need to the withdrawal of troops of the so-called «occupiers»;
  • the second we will designate as apocalyptic — fanatics, suicide bombers and members of orthodox sects, expecting the end of the world, may even resort to using weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

The difficulty of fighting terrorists is that they are essentially waging a guerrilla war, a secret, merciless, insidious fight without rules.

Before committing their inhuman act, the perpetrators carefully prepare the operation, study the object, choose the means and methods, determine the place and time of its implementation.

Until the causes of terrorism are eliminated, the fight against it resembles an endless «race for the leader». Of course, the most effective would be to create some mechanism to prevent terrorist acts.

But, as it seems to us, this is only partially possible and only within the power of the relevant special services, conducting painstaking intelligence work in combination with the skillful use of special technical means.

Only in this case is there hope to preempt terrorists and take appropriate countermeasures.
However, in practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated.

The sad statistics of recent years convincingly show that over the past 20 years, large public buildings, including residential ones, have become the favorite target of terrorists, as has happened more than once in our country and in the countries of the East and West.

The number of victims and the amount of damage caused in this case are enormous.

Terrorists mainly use two schemes:

  • detonating a mined car parked near the building;
  • the introduction of an explosive device directly into an object.

The power of an explosive device can vary significantly: from 50 kg in a small car to several tons in a truck. But the greatest danger is posed by an infernal machine placed inside a building near its supporting structures in the basement or on the lower floors.

Even a small bomb in this case can cause significant destruction.

Powerful explosions in large public buildings are characterized by the following main damaging factors:

  • A shock wave that intensifies, as if focuses, is concentrated by the surrounding buildings, and its intensity in urban areas decreases significantly less than in open space.
  • Serious damage to supporting structures and utilities. For example, during the explosion in the World Trade Center in New York (2001), a through hole 60 meters in diameter was formed in the concrete floors of 3 floors of this very strong structure.
  • The scattering of a large number of fragments produced by both the explosive device itself and those formed during the destruction of enclosing structures and, above all, glass surfaces.

Preventing terrorist acts of this kind is a very complex task that requires the combined efforts of special services, the police, and the security services of commercial structures.

Finally, a prerequisite must be strict observance of the security regime by the personnel of institutions and elementary vigilance of ordinary citizens.

While paying tribute to the fight against terrorism, we cannot ignore other hostile manifestations towards the individual and society as a whole: kidnappings, attacks on their life and health, vandalism, and, finally, robbery, theft and ordinary hooliganism.

In many cases, the means and methods of combating these phenomena are very similar. And here, preventive measures come to the forefront, allowing to significantly reduce the probability of terrorist and other similar actions or at least reduce the volume of expected damage.

Some hostile manifestations can be stopped or, at least, limited in time and space, if appropriate organizational and, above all, security measures are taken to block the channels of delivery of terrorist means by hidden carrying by people, transportation by vehicles and sending by mail.

To do this, it is necessary to select adequate technical means to identify terrorist weapons: firearms and bladed weapons, explosive devices, radioactive materials, explosives and toxic substances.

Preventing the smuggling of terrorist weapons. Organizing checkpoints for visitors and hand luggage.

The main difficulty in detecting terrorist means is their diversity, as well as the abundance of household items that can be used for camouflage. For this reason, it is unlikely that a universal device for detecting them will appear.

The only way out is to use organizational and technical means of combating terrorism in a comprehensive manner.

The main one among them, of course, is the organization of stationary posts for monitoring people and their hand luggage, equipped with the appropriate technical means. Their work should be combined with a pass system and personal identification.

As a rule, when organizing the said posts, the means and methods of overt control are used, which are fairly well known and ensure satisfactory efficiency in identifying terrorist means.

The following factors are taken into account:

  • visitor flow density;
  • presence of outerwear;
  • the nature of hand luggage and the degree of restrictions on its carriage;
  • the presence of other types of control, such as passes, registration of visitors using passports and other identity documents.

As for covert means and methods of control, their capabilities are, for obvious reasons, significantly limited. At the same time, it is advisable to carefully monitor the situation in the area adjacent to the protected facility, as well as any unforeseen engineering work that is being carried out nearby.

Various visual observation devices will be of great help in this: binoculars, spotting scopes, night vision devices and even thermal imagers. The latter significantly expand the possibilities of observation in bad weather conditions, especially in low light.

For searching for explosive objects and other objects in various environments, the OKO series of georadars remain indispensable. The use of the radio wave method in these devices allows you to «look» to a depth of up to 20 m. 30 meters and confidently recognize, for example, a miniature anti-personnel mine (the OKO M device with the AB 1200 antenna unit operates with a resolution of up to 5 cm).

It should be noted that the main method in the work of the checkpoint staff should be an analytical approach, when not only and not so much objects suspicious in their similarity to terrorist objects are identified, but suspicious moments in people's behavior.

For example, loose clothing can hide camouflaged weapons and explosive devices carried into the protected facility.

Various household items can be used as camouflage for delivering explosive devices to the operation site: household electrical and radio equipment, thermoses, boxes, cases, etc. In some cases, these devices can retain their main functions.

Heavy metal protective containers are usually used to carry radioactive materials to the facility (unless, of course, the attackers use the courier «in the dark», without caring about his safety).

Usually, personnel and visitors of institutions, passengers at airports and participants in various public events are subject to personal searches during the check.

Concealed weapons and explosive devices, as well as their components, can be identified by a number of telltale signs.

These include: the presence of concentrated metal masses and their characteristic location, trace amounts of explosives on a person's hands and the surface of objects that have had contact with these substances and, finally, radioactive radiation.

The inspection of people and their hand luggage involves organizing two parallel flows.

At the entrance, the object, together with its luggage, is examined with an ionizing radiation indicator (dosimeter) to identify possible radioactive materials.

Then the control of people continues as they pass through the frame of a stationary metal detector, followed by clarification of the location of the dangerous object using a portable device.

In parallel, hand luggage or baggage is checked by scanning with an X-ray television unit. The equivalent dose for one inspection is usually insignificant and for the best devices is no more than 100 μR.

Examination of people and their baggage with an explosive vapor detector has become very relevant. Such a device allows one to detect the fact of contact of a person's hands with explosives during their packaging and transportation.

It should be taken into account that the efficiency of the detector of explosive vapors depends on their concentration in the atmosphere, and it is directly related to the ambient air temperature.

For this reason, when working in low temperature conditions (for example, at a checkpoint), it is advisable to deliver samples taken from the surface of an object, vehicle controls, etc. to a warm room, where they are analyzed for the traces detected.

In many cases, a set of chemical reagents «NTR» can be useful for detecting traces of explosives on people's hands and the surface of hand luggage (handles, belts, locks, etc.).

The public nature of the inspection is a good cover for the examination of the object using such equipment. In addition, a positive result for detecting traces of explosives can become the starting point for the beginning of a corresponding investigation with very unexpected results.

For reference, it should be noted that explosive vapor detectors and dosimeters are essentially passive devices that do not have any effect on the controlled object.

The issue of inspection of large-sized objects should be singled out separately: ordinary cars, trailers, railway and sea containers.

For this purpose, checkpoints at airports, railway and sea terminals are equipped with special expensive X-ray equipment that allows «to scan» an entire carriage.

In some cases, the previously mentioned thermal imagers can be of significant assistance in identifying hidden cavities with explosives, drugs, contraband and other dangerous items.

They allow you to identify minor (about 0.1°C) unevenness in the temperature relief of the surface being examined, which indicates the presence of the said cavities, foreign inclusions, etc.

Approximate equipment of a control post for personnel, visitors and their hand luggage:

Basic equipment

  • Stationary arch-type metal detector «GARRETT» or «POISK»
  • Portable hand-held metal detectors «SFINKS VM-611»
  • X-ray television equipment «KALAN-2M» and «NORK»
  • Detector of explosive vapors «PILOT» or «SHELF»
  • Portable search alarm of ionizing radiation «SR-4» or stationary devices «NPS-3M» and «PS-D8»,
  • Backscattered X-ray units for detecting low-density objects: explosives, drugs, paper inserts, and other types of contraband.

Auxiliary equipment

  • A set of chemical reagents «NTR» for detecting traces of explosives
  • Devices for localizing and suppressing explosion energy («explosion-proof blanket») «FONTAN» or «LBA Bomb Inhibitor» for temporary storage of detected explosive devices.
  • Containers of the «ETC» series for temporary storage and transportation of explosive devices.

Since the main methods of detecting terrorist weapons are based on determining their reaction in various electromagnetic fields, the main condition for the placement of search equipment is the absence of external interfering fields.

Electromagnetic interference causes disruption of the equipment or does not allow it to be configured at the selected location.

Sources of such interference may be distribution boards, powerful electrical equipment, computer network components or, finally, other search devices installed at an unacceptably close distance from the equipment being configured.

In all cases, when organizing a post for checking human flows and their baggage, it is necessary to carefully study the technical documentation and consult with specialists regarding the correct placement of equipment and optimal methods of its use.

The postal channel is one of the main channels for delivering terrorist weapons.

When committing acts of individual terrorism, criminals often resort to sending explosive devices by mail. This is explained by the relative ease of achieving the goal and the practical anonymity of delivery.

An explosive postal item is intended to injure the addressee when opened. As a rule, these actions are aimed at specific individuals: managers and responsible employees of various government and commercial structures, and are aimed at their physical destruction.

In some cases, criminals seek to cause serious damage to the entire institution.

Sometimes, for the purpose of intimidation, terrorists seek to disable the correspondence control system.

Thus, checking postal correspondence is an important task for security services in the fight against one of the most dangerous manifestations of terrorism.

If we look at this problem more broadly, it turns out that it is closely related to the identification of sources of radioactivity, other dangerous investments, as well as means of collecting information and, above all, eavesdropping devices.

Their carriers can be various gifts, souvenirs and other items delivered by mail or by messenger, and intended for the personal use of responsible employees of the said institution.

Since the detection of such dangerous devices is carried out using the same technical means that are used to examine suspicious mail, both tasks should be considered together.

When sending a letter, package or parcel containing a homemade explosive device through the postal channel, the attacker expects that it will withstand all physical impacts during its delivery.

That is, it must be strong enough and resistant to pressure, vibrations, light impacts associated with passing through the mail channel.

According to the terrorist's plan, the device should only be triggered when the specified mail item is opened by a specific recipient. Otherwise, if the explosion occurs somewhere along the way, the whole «enterprise» is pointless and the goal is not achieved.

Thus, if the explosive device withstood the specified physical loads, it will successfully withstand the impacts associated with its inspection.

The main thing is that the inspection does not result in damage to the integrity of the packaging, because this is exactly what the terrorist is counting on when preparing his deadly device.

Explosive mail

Explosive mail consists of the following functional units:

  • Camouflage is an imitation of a letter, package or parcel. Its purpose is to disguise an explosive device. In some cases, camouflage may contain special elements to make it difficult to determine the contents during X-ray scanning.
  • The warhead is a concentrated charge of explosive. Its destructive effect consists of the formation of a shock wave, the scattering of fragments and high-temperature impact. Excitation of explosives occurs in the form of a self-propagating chemical reaction with the formation of highly heated and high-pressure gases. In the manufacture of explosive mail, high explosives, which are characterized by detonation, and propellant gunpowder are used.
    Excitation of high explosives is carried out by means of an explosion of an initiating explosive.

High explosives can be solid, plastic, pasty, they are more resistant to various external influences.

Propelling explosive gunpowder are more sensitive to external conditions, their excitation is carried out by means of combustion of initiation means.

Initiation means — detonator, igniter.

Blasting caps and igniter caps, as well as electric detonators and electric igniters are used as initiation devices.

In addition to industrial igniters, homemade devices can also be used, for example, the filament of an electric lamp.

Actuating device — detonator: striker, electromechanical switch, etc., to transmit the impact to the initiating device. In the latter case, a power source (batteries, accumulators) is required.

Some of these units may be industrially produced, suitably adapted for operation as part of an improvised explosive device.

A distinction is made between contact and non-contact detonators.
Contact detonators are triggered by mechanical action on the packaging: opening, probing, removing the contents.

Non-contact fuses are much less common and, in particular, can react to X-ray radiation.

An analysis of the above general provisions shows that in order to successfully identify explosive mail items, it is necessary to take a number of organizational and technical measures:

  • Determine the procedure for receiving and checking correspondence
  • Organize an inspection post, equipping it with appropriate equipment
  • Determine the procedure for the security service and all personnel of the institution when identifying explosive mail items
    The first step towards preventing postal terrorism should be the organization of a clear procedure for accepting incoming correspondence and subsequent verification of suspicious receipts by technical means.
    When accepting correspondence, attention should be paid to its appearance, dimensions, design of postal details, and finally, the nature of its delivery.

Signs of suspicious mail:

  • Inconsistency of the weight and dimensions of the packaging: unreasonably large weight of the frame for its size (the weight of the letter exceeds 15 grams, and the thickness is more than 3 mm), the presence of individual thickenings.
  • Shift of the center of gravity of the letter to one of its sides.
  • Presence of metal elements and their characteristic mutual arrangement, the presence of concentrated areas with a certain chemical composition.
  • Oily stains, unusual odor (marzipan, almonds)
  • Wires and other foreign objects protruding above the surface.
  • Careful additional sealing or gluing of the letter (adhesive tape, twine, etc.)
  • Using a homemade envelope of a non-standard size
  • The presence of elements or powdery materials moving within the envelope
  • Traces of punctures on the surface of the envelope (for example, the safety pin was pulled out)
  • Unusual way of writing the address, deviations from generally accepted standards for the design of postal details, errors in writing the address (the language of writing is not the native language of the performer).
  • Absence of the sender's address or its illegible writing
  • Notes «personally», «deliver personally», «,,,», etc.
  • Notes «handle with care», «be careful, glass», etc.
  • Delivery of correspondence or gifts by a messenger
  • Unfamiliar identity of the postman/messenger («substitution due to illness», etc.)

Particular attention should be paid to correspondence received outside the official postal channel: advertising materials, gifts and souvenirs delivered by courier.

If, when sending by mail, the moment of receipt of the letter by the addressee, and therefore the time of the detonation of the explosive device, is unknown in advance, then in the second case it is calculated quite accurately.

Thus, it cannot be ruled out that a terrorist may use timers (clockworks) and devices sensitive to changes in spatial orientation, etc. as a detonator.

Such items require special care in handling. At the slightest suspicion, you should contact the services of explosives specialists from law enforcement agencies.

It cannot be ruled out that an attacker may use strangers «in the dark» with a request to transfer or deliver a package or parcel to an address.

Of particular danger is the negligence of the institution's personnel, and especially secretaries who accept such receipts without observing the rules for accepting correspondence and establishing the identity of the messenger.

Purely psychologically, one's own secretary, handing over a package, souvenir or «medicine» to her boss, does not arouse the natural wariness or suspicion experienced in relation to an unfamiliar messenger. There are more than enough examples of the use of such a «channel» for delivering terrorist weapons.

Postal mail verification post

According to the rules of Gostekhnadzor, all premises intended for work with explosives, ammunition and explosive objects must be constructed in an explosion-proof design and located at a sufficient distance from other buildings.

In the conditions of a large city, these requirements can hardly be met. But, as already noted, the technical means used to detect explosive devices arriving through official postal channels cannot trigger them.

Thus, the requirements for such premises can be significantly reduced.

Strict compliance with the basic safety requirements for handling explosive objects remains an indispensable condition.

It is advisable to build or appropriately re-equip a separate one-story building with at least two or three rooms.

It is best to locate the technical control point at a distance of 10-15 m from the service building in a specially designated area of ​​limited use.

There should be no heating mains or gas lines near it.

The room for checking incoming correspondence should have reinforced walls and so-called «knock-out elements» in case of detonation of an explosive device: a light roof, as well as a window and door with a total area of ​​about 4 square meters. They should face the side opposite the service building.

In addition, the presence of people in this area during the work should be excluded. The adjacent room is allocated for the placement of the control panel for the correspondence checking equipment.

The adjacent wall of the rooms should be made of reinforced concrete 40 cm thick or durable brick 50 cm thick.

To strengthen the masonry, embedded elements made of reinforcing steel are used.

A special storage facility is constructed away from the technical control point, at an even greater distance from the main service building, for the temporary storage of suspicious items found during the inspection.

The storage facility is a reinforced concrete bunker dug into the ground and covered with a light lid (knockout element).

The location of the storage facility must ensure free access to it for blasting specialists and unimpeded evacuation of dangerous items.

For temporary storage of suspicious objects until the sappers arrive, you can use the so-called «explosion-proof blankets», explosion-proof containers of the ETC series.

If it is impossible to build a separate building for the technical control point, the only option left is to place it in the basement or semi-basement of an office building away from heating mains and gas communications.

The room should have the maximum possible volume, which in the event of an explosive device going off will reduce the impact of the explosion.

Since in most cases an explosive device contains many parts containing metals, the main device for checking mail is a metal detector.

However, regular mail may also contain metal objects: paper clips, staples, seals, as well as stickers with metallized surfaces, which will cause a «false» triggering of the device.

Thus, as already noted, the most effective means for the error-free detection of suspicious attachments are X-ray machines.

The shadow image obtained as a result of scanning clearly displays the internal structure of the object being examined.

The appearance on the market of portable X-ray television machines with a memory device allows us to solve the problem of checking suspicious correspondence in a radical way.

They are distinguished by high detection capability, exceptional ease of use, high productivity and low impact on the surrounding area and service personnel.

In addition to explosive device elements, the X-ray television unit allows detecting covertly installed eavesdropping devices, as well as containers with dangerous contents: radioactive, toxic and irritating substances.

The fact is that such terrorist means can be delivered to the target only in some closed container, and, therefore, such foreign attachment will be revealed by X-ray scanning.

It should be noted that, in principle, it is possible to manufacture an explosive device that is triggered by exposure to X-ray radiation.

It turns out to be quite complex in technical terms and is designed to defeat the post for checking correspondence: its personnel and the technical means used.

To eliminate this possibility, it is necessary to make it a rule: the first control activation of the X-ray unit when checking a suspicious package should be carried out remotely from a shelter and only after that proceed to its detailed examination.

Detectors of explosives can provide some assistance in identifying explosive objects: gas analyzers for explosive vapors and sets of chemical reagents for detecting trace amounts of explosives.

Considering the possibility of sending radioactive substances in the mail for terrorist purposes, it is advisable to check the suspicious item with an ionizing radiation indicator.

Thus, we can formulate some recommendations for equipping the technical control post for incoming correspondence:

  • The equipment of the control point with technical means depends on the volume of mail flow and the financial capabilities of the customer. The main characteristics of the technical means are specified when drawing up a specific task.
  • Under any conditions, the technical means of the point must include a metal detector, portable X-ray equipment and a device for conducting dosimetric control. In addition, the technical control point must have means for the safe storage, transportation and localization of explosive materials.

Approximate equipment of the technical control post:

Main equipment:

  • Portable metal detector («SUPER SCANER», «SFINKS VM-611»)
  • Ionizing radiation indicator («SR-4», «NPS-3M»)
  • X-ray television unit («Kalan-2M», «Norka»)
  • Inspection mirrors («Shmel» family: «Shmel-2M», «Shmel-4″,»Shmel-9»

Auxiliary equipment:

  • Gas analyzer for explosive vapors («Pilot», «Shelf»)
  • Flexible technical endoscope
  • Rigid endoscope
  • Explosion-proof blanket «Fountain» or «LBA Bomb Inhibitor» for temporary storage of explosive devices
  • «ETC» containers for temporary storage and transportation of detected explosive devices
  • Set of locksmith tools

The technical control point staff must consist of at least two people, which is determined by the volume of mail flow.

At the same time, the post staff must have some understanding of improvised explosive devices. They must be able to use all the technical means at their disposal, and when using an X-ray television installation, they must have basic computer skills.

It is necessary to develop and approve with the head of the institution the relevant instructions on the procedure for examining mail, gifts and souvenirs, on the rules for handling items received for examination, on determining the categorization and harmfulness of working with X-ray equipment.

The procedure for notifying the management of the institution and law enforcement agencies in the event of detection of signs of an explosive device must be determined, and the actions of personnel in this case must be determined.

The employees of the technical control point are only assigned the functions of identifying signs of explosive devices and eavesdropping devices in the objects being examined.

All other work related to the disarmament and neutralization of the identified explosive devices is carried out by explosive experts invited from law enforcement agencies.

Training and training of the post employees is carried out using models and dummies in accordance with a special program.

The program should include familiarization with the design features and characteristic elements of explosive devices, including homemade ones, mastering the means and methods of checking correspondence, acquiring practical skills, studying safety measures and the procedure for action upon detection of explosive objects.

The task is significantly simplified, since the same means and methods are used to check correspondence as when checking visitors and their hand luggage. Personnel training is facilitated.

In addition, some complex devices: X-ray machines, gas analyzers, endoscopes, «explosion-proof blankets» and containers for temporary storage of explosive devices, can be used together.

Special attention should be paid to training in vehicle inspection skills. It is no secret that when terrorist attacks are carried out, a mined car is most often mentioned in law enforcement reports.

With its help, it is possible to deliver a multi-ton mass of explosives to an object, and use the car for individual terror — mining a specific place, for example, the passenger seat next to the driver.

A set of mirrors of the «Shmel» family is used to inspect the bottom and wheel arches of cars, cavities of the car interior.

It is necessary to teach the personnel of the checkpoint to confidently visually detect explosive devices or other foreign dangerous objects among the units of the car.

Metal detectors

The main technical means at the checkpoint for visitors, personnel, passengers or spectators are metal detectors, and, above all, arched ones.

The main requirements for metal detectors are as follows:

  • high throughput
  • probability of detecting search objects, close to 100%
  • high selectivity — separation of search objects and personal items
  • low probability of false alarm

There are three types of arched metal detectors: general purpose, high sensitivity and very high sensitivity.

The last two types are used mainly to ensure security at enterprises mining and processing precious metals, as well as at other facilities with a high security regime: in prisons and in production using miniature expensive elements, where it is assumed that personnel will be provided with clothing and footwear.

When choosing a general-purpose arched metal detector, it should be borne in mind that the Makarov pistol is usually used as a reference detection object.

However, experience shows that in 70 percent of cases the search object turns out to be significantly smaller.

In addition, it is often made of non-magnetic steel or non-ferrous metal.

To solve this problem, manufacturers are complicating the design of metal detectors: they use various methods of exciting the electromagnetic field in the controlled passage, and improve the algorithms for processing the information received.

However, the objective similarity of terrorist weapons with personal items leads to false alarms with high sensitivity and the omission of search objects with small dimensions and weight when the device is «roughened».

Recently, so-called multi-zone metal detectors have become widespread, combining high sensitivity with good noise immunity.

In them, the space inside the arch is divided into several zones, which can be configured individually. When an attempt is made to bring a metal object through the control passage, the display and/or side panels of the metal detector arch show the zone where the metal was detected.

The security service employee conducting the inspection immediately sees where the metal object is hidden on the person being checked.

Such a device, Magnascanner PD 6500, which proved itself during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, was created by the American company GARRET, a well-known manufacturer of metal detectors with 35 years of experience.

It is an arched detector with microprocessor control and digital signal processing.

Magnascanner PD 6500 has an expanded detection area, which consists of several horizontal and vertical zones.

The metal detector allows you to detect metal objects, including weapons and elements of explosive devices in 33 designated zones of the control passage.

The ability to independently adjust the sensitivity of six horizontal detection zones helps to establish the optimal spatial detection area.

The built-in infrared passage sensor is of great assistance to the operator. Thanks to it, an alarm signal appears only when the detection of a metal object coincides with the passage of a person through the detector frame.

In addition, this sensor controls the counter of the number of people who have passed through the detector frame.

Several standard operating programs have been developed for working with the Garrett Magnascanner PD 6500, corresponding to different types of security services activities.

For example, the «Airports» program is designed to detect pistols, but does not respond to small household items: keys, coins, etc.

When selecting the «Prisons» program, the detector detects all, even the smallest, metal objects.

The sensitivity of the detector is adjusted in steps within each working program.

A total of 200 steps can be selected.

LED indicators allow the operator to determine the approximate location of the metal object on the body of the person being tested: from head to toe, as well as on the right — left — in the center of the body.

The backlit liquid crystal display (LCD) located on the top panel displays current operating information, information about the installed operating program, sensitivity parameters, calibration, the number of people who have passed through the metal detector arch and possible malfunctions.

In addition, the LCD displays auxiliary information of a reference nature, necessary for the operator during the process of setting up and operating the device.

The dual code access system to the metal detector controls protects all set operating parameters and generates an alarm signal in case of any unauthorized access attempts.

In conclusion, we note that hand-held metal detectors, which are usually used as an additional localizing tool, are practically no different from each other in their operating principle and can be divided only by consumer and operational parameters.

Often, the accompanying documents only provide qualitative characteristics: reliably detects,.. does not react to,.. is resistant to the effects of…

If the consumer is not satisfied with the actual capabilities of the device, it is practically impossible to make a claim to the seller, since there are no objective criteria for assessing sensitivity, selectivity, noise immunity, etc.

X-ray television installations

If a metal detector, no matter how complex it is, only gives an alarm signal about the presence of certain metal objects in the luggage, then X-ray television installations represent a class of equipment from which it is literally impossible to hide.

They have made a real revolution both in the methods of detecting explosive devices and in searching for means of covert information collection: they allow you to see a bomb hidden in an ordinary bag, and eavesdropping microphones in harmless gifts and furniture.

Their advantages include:

  • quick deployment at the inspection site;
  • exceptional efficiency in work;
  • high productivity;
  • good detection ability;
  • elimination of the «wet» photographic process associated with the processing of X-ray films;
  • the ability to record shadow images obtained as a result of transillumination in the electronic memory of the device for subsequent analysis and processing;
  • the ability to operate on a rechargeable battery

X-ray television systems allow you to examine a suspicious object in real time, study its internal structure and, in many cases, identify foreign inclusions. They allow you to detect individual elements of explosive devices, parts and units of covertly installed eavesdropping devices, as well as containers with dangerous contents: poisonous, irritating and radioactive substances.

As a rule, reputable manufacturers of X-ray inspection equipment produce high-quality equipment of approximately the same level with similar technical characteristics, and its further development follows the path of minor improvements.

However, the latest achievements in the creation of X-ray television equipment are truly impressive.

As experience shows, the main difficulty in examining suspicious objects is associated with the superposition of shadow images of one on another. And the greater the thickness of the translucent, the more difficult it is to identify them.

This is known not only to X-ray equipment operators, but also to terrorists seeking to disguise their hellish products.

In this regard, the prototype of the three-dimensional (stereoscopic) X-ray television installation 3D System, developed by the UK Police Scientific Development Branch together with scientists from the University of Nottingham, is of great interest.

The installation «examines» a suspicious object from two slightly different angles, similar to human binocular vision. Two shadow images, a kind of stereo pair, are displayed alternately on the monitor screen.

A controlled polarization filter is installed above the screen, acting as an electronic shutter, the operation of which is coordinated with the change of images of the stereo pair. The operator of the X-ray machine puts on special glasses with polarization filters.

Their operation is synchronized with the switching of the shutter on the monitor screen. Thus, each eye of the operator sees only its own picture, and the illusion of a stereoscopic shadow image of a suspicious object is created.

It is worth dwelling on a relatively new direction — equipment for backscattered ionizing (in this case, X-ray) radiation.

Without going into technical details, we will only note that it allows us to detect suspicious inclusions with low density from substances with a lower atomic number (drugs, explosives, paper, other organic substances) on X-ray images.

For obvious reasons, this equipment is significantly more expensive than conventional X-ray units.

The greatest efficiency is achieved by combining both inspection methods: the traditional one with a «shadow» image and the new one with backscattered radiation. For example, when testing the mobile baggage inspection system «101 Van» from the American company AS&E, a pioneer in the field of obtaining images in backscattered X-rays, 83% of 1000 test packages with contraband imitators were confidently detected.

The average inspection time was about 1 min. 7 sec.
According to the accepted terminology, this equipment is «microdose», i.e. it does not have a noticeable harmful effect on modern photographic materials.

Of particular interest are the installations for inspecting large-sized objects: cars, car trailers, sea containers, etc. Similar installations from the American company AS&E (CARGOSEARCH and MOBILSEARCH), which allow inspection of heavy-duty trailers 19.5 m long, 2.4 m wide, 4.2 m high and weighing up to 36 tons (photo 2).

Experience over the past 5 years shows that the cost of equipment for X-ray inspection of containers and vehicles has decreased significantly, which allows us to hope for its wider use in detecting contraband and, above all, weapons and explosives.

Speaking about the weak impact of microdose X-ray television equipment, it is necessary to mention the possibilities of its safe use for detection of such type of contraband as secret transportation of people, including illegal immigrants, in closed automobile containers (photo 3).

Alas, such cases have already been noted in world practice.

«Microdose»backscattered radiation can be successfully used for detection of contraband and terrorist means hidden under a person's clothes.

In this sense, the BODYSEARCH installation by AS&E brings the scenes from the famous film «Total Recall» (in Russian distribution), when the flow of passengers traveling to Mars was subjected to total X-raying, closer to reality.

Terrorists, knowing about the inspection of hand luggage using X-ray television installations, often hide weapons, explosive devices and contraband on their bodies, under their clothes.

Hand-held metal detectors, which are used for personal searches along with stationary arch detectors, for obvious reasons cannot distinguish metal buckles, zippers from weapons and elements of explosive devices hidden on the body behind these fittings.

As for plastic explosives and drugs, they are completely powerless here.

In such controversial cases, it sometimes comes down to a personal search. It is no secret that the reaction of those being checked is usually negative.

The BODYSEARCH installation from AS&E, using backscattered X-rays, allows you to detect weapons, explosives and drugs hidden on the human body (photo 5). In this case, the «patient» does not need to undress.

The operator of the device, located behind the partition, does not see the face of the person being examined, and the details on the monitor screen do not allow him to be identified. A full-length scan takes only 8 seconds, and a review from three sides takes no more than a minute.

The weakness of the effect is indicated at least by the fact that a person receives a total dose equivalent to a regular medical examination in 7,000 scanning sessions on the BODYSEARCH device.

All of the above indicates that X-ray television equipment is the main technical means for detecting terrorist weapons.

In normal practice, domestic stationary X-ray television installations «Kalan-2M» can be recommended for equipping inspection posts. They are equipped with full biological protection of personnel and others from exposure to X-ray radiation and comply with the requirements of the «Radiation Safety Standards».

The modular design principle was used in the creation of portable NORKA installations.

The kit may include various X-ray emitters, converters and control units. This allows you to select the system configuration that best meets the tasks facing security personnel.

The penetrating power of X-ray radiation and the sensitivity of the converter are sufficient to «pierce» 40 mm of aluminum or 6 — 8 mm of steel.

Thus, the hidden cavities of the car are no longer a secret, and the ability to operate the «MINK» installation from the batteries included in the kit allows this operation to be performed, as they say, «in an open field».

However, the use of so-called microfocus X-ray emitters is of particular interest.

Providing an exceptionally sharp shadow image, they allow you to directly obtain a shadow image during scanning, magnified by 4 — 12 times!

This is extremely important when examining objects suspected of containing explosive devices, as well as when studying the internal structure of parts and units of electronic equipment.

Microfocus X-ray emitters help to detect foreign miniature objects in them, for example, copper conductors with a thickness of 15 ё 25 µm.

The ability to regulate high voltage over a wide range significantly expands the possibilities for testing objects with different densities, which is especially important when conducting special tests of technical equipment and identifying information retrieval devices that may have been embedded in them.

The undoubted advantages of X-ray television equipment operating in quasi-pulse mode with image storage include low impact on the surrounding environment and service personnel.

In this case, unlike traditional X-ray equipment, there is no need to equip a special photo lab for developing X-ray images: information in the form of finished images of up to 10,000 images is directly entered into the computer memory of the device.

You can create an entire library of X-ray images and use it for training personnel or as a reference.

Technical endoscopes

Endoscopes are optical devices that allow visual inspection of:

  • hard-to-reach places in various building structures;
  • car body cavities;
  • individual items of luggage, parcels and various packages

The endoscope accesses the object being examined through openings and slits measuring approximately 4-12 mm.

The lens focusing system enables observation of both close range (approximately several millimeters) and distant objects.
There are rigid and flexible endoscopes.

The first ones are a tube with a diameter of 2.7 to 10 mm and a length of 55 to 600 mm with a short-focus objective lens at one end and an eyepiece at the other.

Image transmission from the objective lens to the eyepiece is carried out using special lens systems with high resolution, good contrast and natural color rendition.

The angle of view is 55° — 90°. The direction of observation is fixed and is 0° and 90°, 0° — 30° — 75° for different models. A specific value is selected using the appropriate prism attachment.

In flexible endoscopes, the image is transmitted via a fiberglass cable. Light propagation along the fibers is accompanied by significant losses, so endoscopes with a working length of more than 1.5 meters are rare.

When viewed through the eyepiece, the cellular structure of the image is clearly visible. At the same time, the resolution of the device is determined by the fiber diameter and is about 5 lines/mm at a working distance of 15 mm.

The field of view of the lens is -40°-60°. If necessary, a portable video camera can be mounted on the endoscope eyepiece using the appropriate optical adapter.

The features of flexible endoscopes include not only the ability to penetrate into a cavity along a curved line, following all its turns and bends, but also the ability to «look around» at the destination.

The point is that the distal part of the endoscope (the end part on which the lens and illumination windows are located) can be deflected to the sides. This deflection is controlled by special cables running in a common harness, using one or two handles. There are models with a deflection in one or two planes, usually by 90°.

The flexible technical endoscope ETG-8/1.5 allows you to deflect the distal part in one plane by an angle of…±180°!

Illumination of the observed object is carried out via a similar fiber cable, placed in a common bundle with the main one. The light source, usually a halogen lamp with a power of 20 — 75 W, is placed in a separate unit connected to the endoscope by a fiber-optic cable with a special unified optical connector, proposed at one time by the Japanese company «Olympus».

It should be noted that the built-in illumination in endoscopes is intended for illumination of only nearby objects and allows for an illumination level of up to 2000 lux at a distance of only 50 mm from the end of the distal part of the endoscope.

For this reason, if it is necessary to examine the contents of a closed container, the situation inside a certain room, etc., it is necessary to somehow create a sufficient level of illumination in this place.

Some types of endoscopes have increased resistance to water and various aggressive environments. The common harness in them is protected by a special polyurethane cover.

Detectors of explosive vapors

Recently, when examining suspicious persons, their hand luggage and other items, «electronic noses» — explosive vapor detectors — are increasingly used. They allow detecting traces of most explosives.

Drift spectrometry, gas chromatography and mass spectrometry methods are used for detection.

In portable devices — detectors, the first method is usually used. These devices are passive detectors, any impact on the controlled object is excluded.

Vapours are taken from the surface of the controlled object or from its internal cavities according to the vacuum cleaner principle.

A special nozzle design creates a miniature tornado-like vortex, inside which a zone of low air pressure is formed, ensuring the suction of air samples from cracks and other hard-to-reach cavities of the controlled object.

Molecules of explosive, ionized by irradiation with a beta particle source (tritium or nickel-63), enter the drift chamber, where they move to the collector under the action of an electric field of a special configuration.

When they hit it, a current pulse is created, which is amplified and analyzed by the electronic unit.

The analyzed substance is identified by the drift time of the ions, which depends on their mobility and the parameters of the electric field.

Unfortunately, under normal conditions (temperature and pressure), the concentration of hexogen and PETN vapors, which are part of most plastic explosives, is quite low, and the sensitivity of portable devices is not enough to detect them.

To facilitate the search for hidden explosives and explosive devices, it was proposed to introduce volatile additives — markers — into the composition of plastic explosives. And in 1991, a corresponding international convention was adopted.

As the shelf life of unmarked explosives expires, they must be replaced with marked ones.

Some manufacturers have already switched to producing only marked explosives. However, given the volume of explosives already produced and the relative ease with which terrorists obtain explosives, an easy life for sappers is not expected in the foreseeable future.

More complex devices using the principle of drift spectrometry, as well as devices based on the other two methods, have undoubted advantages over the detectors described above.

But they belong to the class of analytical equipment, require appropriate operating conditions, for example, the creation of an «atmosphere» of high-purity nitrogen or argon, and must be serviced by a professional analyst.

In addition, the cost of such devices exceeds 100 thousand US dollars.

And yet, at the end of 2000, there was hope that the problem of hardware detection of explosives carried on a person's body would be solved. Ion Track Instruments, a well-known manufacturer of anti-terrorist equipment, announced the imminent completion of work on the creation of the EntryScan device, which could revolutionize the detection of explosive devices.

It is a device that resembles an arched metal detector, but solves a much more complex problem: detecting explosive vapors in the natural convection current of air surrounding the human body.

The EntryScan also works on the basis of ion mobility spectrometry.

Within a few seconds, which a person must linger in the opening of the search device arch, the EntryScan allows detecting explosive vapors hidden on the human body.

Almost simultaneously, a similar device called Sentinel was created by Barringer Technologies, the main competitor of Ion Track Instruments.

It is intended for installation at airports, at the entrance to government agencies, various restricted areas, etc.

The throughput capacity of Sentinel is 7 people per minute.

A specially created ascending air flow picks up vapors of explosives, drugs and some chemical reagents and transfers them to the storage tank of the analytical device. In addition to it, the installation also includes a traditional metal detector.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the simplest and most accessible way to detect traces of explosives is the color chemical reaction method (NTR kit).

It consists of the formation of colored reaction products when certain reagents interact with a sample taken as a smear from the surface of a suspicious object.

Thus, it is possible to detect traces of explosives on the surface of hand luggage, the steering wheel of a car, the handles of the locks of the body and the hands of suspects. The sensitivity of the method is 10-8 g in the sample when detecting TNT, 10-6 g for tetryl, hexogen and octogen, 10-5 for TENA.

Devices for localization and suppression of explosion energy

The so-called «explosion-proof blankets» «FONTAN» and «LBA Bomb Inhibitor» are containers whose interior is filled with a mixture of glycol and water with non-toxic flame-extinguishing additives.

The walls of the container are made of rubber reinforced with fabric.
The destructive effect of the explosion is reduced several times.

The possibility of fire is eliminated. The products of the explosion are preserved as material evidence for forensic examination.

The container allows for an X-ray examination of a suspicious object without removing the protection.

Tests conducted by specialists from the Central Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics, the Research Institute of the Structural Engineering of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Educational Institution of the Russian Federation, and others have shown that the explosion-proof «blanket» «LBA Bomb Inhibitor» reduces the pressure in the blast wave front by 10 times, and reduces the probability of being hit by shrapnel by 70-75% (the angle of the fragment flow does not exceed 10 degrees).

The device is easily installed on a suspicious object, and there is no need to move it or touch it, which significantly reduces the risk of its activation.

Another means of temporary storage and even transportation of dangerous objects are explosion-proof containers of the «ETC» series, which reliably protect against high-explosive and fragmentation effects when charges in any fragmentation shell explode in them, even when located in close proximity to the container.

Moreover, the breakthrough of gaseous explosion products to the outside is prevented.

The time it takes to place an object inside a container does not exceed 60 seconds.

Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Blackmail with the threat of using WMD.

Special attention should be paid to the threat of terrorism using components of weapons of mass destruction: nuclear, chemical and bacteriological.

The first warning signs of this phenomenon were:

  • in Japan — the use of the chemical warfare agent ZARIN in the subway in 1995 by members of the sect «Aun Shinrikyo»;
  • in the USA — an attempt to poison the air conditioning system of the UN building with hydrocyanic acid;
  • in Russia — the threat of the Chechen terrorist Salman Raduyev in 1997 to use chemical weapons components against federal authorities.

And if the latter was outright blackmail, then the tragedy in the Tokyo subway showed that manifestations of «apocalyptic» terrorism are by no means a figment of a sick imagination.

Moving on to the consideration of this problem, we note that it is not necessary to create a real nuclear bomb to carry out terrorist acts.

It is enough to use such a damaging factor as radioactive contamination of the area, a kind of mini-Chernobyl.

For this, it is possible to spray or disperse with the help of a conventional explosive a certain amount of enriched uranium, plutonium or radioactive waste that was obtained as a result of theft from warehouses.

In open sources and, above all, in popular publications, you can find references to the fact that at present even a high school graduate, using materials posted on Internet sites, can construct an atomic bomb… Well, that sounds very impressive.

Moreover, to a certain extent, it mobilizes the healthy forces of society to fight terrorism.

But anyone who has been interested in the history of the creation of nuclear weapons will treat such a possibility with a great deal of skepticism.

An atomic bomb is a very complex technical device, and its creation is within the power of either a state with the appropriate scientific, economic and technological capabilities, or another structure, for example, a transnational corporation with such resources.

In addition, it is unlikely that the indicated work will go unnoticed; it will certainly attract the attention of the intelligence services of many countries.

As for the components of chemical and bacteriological weapons, unfortunately, the specifics of their production technology allow the necessary work to be carried out covertly in a small, fairly well-equipped scientific laboratory.

It seems that only fanatical suicide bombers belonging to some exotic sect, and not «ordinary» terrorists who are trying to achieve political or economic results that are beneficial to them or their customers, would decide to use weapons of mass destruction for terrorist purposes.

The fact is that the active ingredient of chemical (bacteriological) weapons affects both the object of terror and the perpetrator equally.

But if such an action is planned to be carried out deep in the territory of the «enemy», then its probability may be very close to one, since the contaminated territory is quite far away.

Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that the customer of such a diabolical event could be the ruling regime of some state, which does not particularly respect the norms of international law.

It is enough to recall that in the late 80s, the Iraqi military destroyed several Kurdish villages with mustard gas.

It seems that in order to combat terrorism that affects the environmental side, and even the very fact of the existence of man as a biological species, the efforts of one country, even a superpower, are clearly insufficient.

A well-established mechanism for environmental monitoring and corresponding international control is needed, the main purpose of which will also be protection against man-made disasters on the scale of an entire continent.

Radioactive substances as means of terrorism.

Radioactive substances have been used for terrorist purposes for quite some time.

There are quite compelling reasons for this from the terrorists' point of view: small quantities of the active substance and exceptionally high secrecy, both of delivery and of the impact on the terrorist target, which is usually a specific person.

The effect of radioactive radiation on the human body is completely unnoticeable: it does not give itself away by color, smell, or taste, and its consequences are extremely dangerous and irreversible. As a rule, this is a severe, debilitating disease and a fatal outcome.

Radioactive substances can be used in competition:

  • To eliminate a competitor (an example is the serious illness and death of the general director of JSC «Kartontara» two or three years ago as a result of radiation caused by a radioactive source implanted in a work chair).
  • To cause material damage by contaminating products and discrediting them in the eyes of the public.
  • It is also impossible to rule out such a wild situation, when a mentally unstable dismissed employee uses a radioactive substance as a weapon of revenge against his former employers.

Finally, no one is immune from contact with objects and materials that are a source of excess radioactive background.

This is possible due to a fatal coincidence of circumstances or someone's criminal negligence.

It will probably be interesting to know that, since 1993, the number of cases of detection of money supply and individual banknotes contaminated with radioactive materials has been growing.

When speaking about the need to protect against terrorist attacks using radioactive substances, it is appropriate to recall some information about this natural phenomenon, its impact on the human body and accepted methods of measurement.

Radioactivity is the ability of atomic nuclei of some substances to spontaneously transform into other nuclei with the emission of various particles and corresponding electromagnetic radiation.

There are three types of radioactive radiation:

  • alpha radiation, which is a stream of alpha particles — helium nuclei: two protons + two neutrons. They have the greatest mass, and therefore the greatest ionizing ability. However, their penetrating ability is the smallest: the range of alpha particles in the air is 2.5-2.8 cm, and in living tissues does not exceed 70 microns. For comparison: the thickness of a human hair is about 50 microns. Effective protection is a simple sheet of paper.
  • beta radiation, which is a stream of electrons or positrons. Penetrating power in air is a few meters. Outerwear is quite effective protection.
  • gamma radiation is a stream of gamma quanta (photons) of high energy. Penetrating power is hundreds of meters. Causes secondary ionization, which causes cardinal changes in biological structures.

The effect of radiation on a substance is assessed using the radiation dose — the amount of radiation energy that was transferred to a unit mass of the substance during the interaction.

A distinction is made between the absorbed dose — a quantitative assessment of the effect of various types of radiation, the equivalent (biological) dose — the amount of energy of ionizing radiation that determines its biological effect, and, finally, the exposure dose, which is a quantitative characteristic of the ionizing ability of radiation in dry air.

The latter has received the greatest application, since there are quite convenient and accurate measurement methods for this.

The unit of measurement of exposure dose is Roentgen.

All creatures on Earth live in conditions of natural radioactive background, which consists of radiation from natural radioactive substances and cosmic radiation. The dose rate of cosmic background is not the same: at the poles it is 14% higher, and at an altitude of 3000 meters it is three times higher than at sea level.

The dose rate of the natural background of granites, basalts, volcanic and sedimentary rocks, as well as limestones, is also higher.

In brick and reinforced concrete houses it is 3-4 times higher than in wooden houses. In houses made of cinder blocks, the background reaches 50 μR/hour, while in most of Russia it does not exceed 20 μR/hour.

It is estimated that a person receives an average of 0.1 roentgen per year, and 5-7 roentgens over a lifetime.

Generally speaking, the body is capable of restoring its functional activity to a certain extent, eliminating the consequences of radiation damage by replacing damaged cells.

However, there is always some residual damage, the effect of which can manifest itself with repeated irradiation. Irradiation leads to changes in metabolism, in particular, it can cause changes in heredity.

Ionizing radiation, significantly exceeding the level of natural background, affects all systems and tissues of the body, which reacts to it as a whole.

Significant biological changes occur, the role of enzymes that act as regulators and catalysts of life processes changes, the regulatory role of the nervous system, carried out through the products of the endocrine glands — hormones — is disrupted. As a result, a person becomes ill with radiation sickness.

As already mentioned, even banknotes can become a source of radioactive contamination. Apparently, the reason for this was criminal negligence, as well as violation of the rules for working with these materials.

At the same time, the increasing number of reports of thefts of fissile materials, attempts at their illegal transportation and sale indicate the possibility of using radioactive materials for terrorist purposes, including through the money circulation channel.

The exceptional mobility of money as a universal means of trade and the functioning of the financial system leads to the fact that in a short period of time a radioactive halo can arise, in the zone of action of which a large number of unsuspecting people will be.

This is also facilitated by the fact that in countries with an undeveloped system of non-cash payments (using credit cards), the main means of payment is cash.

Almost all contaminated banknotes in the cases mentioned were «open» sources of radioactive contamination, which upon contact easily passes to people's hands, clothing, furniture, and other banknotes.

The following were detected: zirconium-95, tantalum-182, niobium-95, iodine-131, selenium-75, with half-lives from 8 to 120 days and approximately equal gamma and beta activity.

In most cases, the maximum dose from banknote packs reached 60 to 100 mR/hour (when measured close to the surface of the banknotes), and in the city of Elektrostal, a banknote was found, the dose rate of which reached 3 R/hour! If such a banknote were worn for a long time, a fatal outcome would be inevitable.

It should be recalled that, despite their weak penetrating ability, beta particle sources are extremely dangerous when they enter the human body, since they completely release their energy, damaging unprotected nearby internal tissues.

In short, where there is a large flow of money and, for one reason or another, terrorism cannot be ruled out, it is advisable to organize posts of a kind of environmental monitoring, since the market is widely represented by fast-acting indicators of ionizing radiation SR-4, NPS-3, PS-D8.

A detailed examination of water, soil, and food samples for the purpose of identifying beta-emitting nuclides can be performed using a portable radiometer-dosimeter «Inspector» MKS-06N.

On the danger of using potent and toxic substances for terrorist purposes.

Security officers and various security agencies sometimes ask for help in identifying poisonous and potent drugs that may be used by suspected terrorists.
Unfortunately, the exceptional diversity of such substances, both natural and artificial, does not allow for the creation of a simple, reliable device for identifying such means of terrorism.

Judge for yourself, half of the periodic table has toxic properties: mercury, lead, cadmium, and finally, arsenic, which poisoned Madame Bovary and, as they say, sent Napoleon Bonaparte to the next world.

Even pleasant ozone is harmful in high concentrations.

What then can we say about chemical compounds, from the simplest, like potassium cyanide, which was generously soaked in the cake for G. Rasputin, to the poisonous resinous substance obtained from the South American plant Strychnos toxifera, known in common parlance as «curare».

This task is only possible for specialists equipped with very complex, expensive equipment.

Three analytical principles are used:

  • chemical analysis — specific analytical reactions;
  • physical methods — optical spectroscopy and ion mobility spectrometry;
  • biochemical analysis — based on special reagents sensitive to organophosphorus substances with chemiluminescent, electrochemical or colorimetric detection methods. It should not be overlooked that along with toxic substances, psychotropic drugs that cause various mental disorders in humans can also be used for criminal purposes. Their use should be expected primarily during acts of individual terrorism.

The following tasks can be set:

  • enhancing the effect of alcohol taken, using pharmacological effects, for the purpose of subsequent compromise of the target;
  • decreased clarity of thought to disrupt the adequacy of the decision-making process on important issues;
  • initiation of memory loss for events following drug intake,
  • increased gullibility and decreased self-control during important negotiations,
  • inducing an unconscious state to facilitate the abduction of an object,
  • simulation of mental illness.

The exceptionally high activity of modern psychotropic drugs allows them to be used virtually unnoticed by both the target of the terrorist act and those around him.

Since the symptoms of such an effect resemble a natural disease, diagnosing a change in human behavior caused by the action of psychotropic drugs is extremely difficult.

For reference, it should be noted that when conducting such studies, it is necessary to implement a set of highly sensitive physical, chemical and biological methods that involve expert studies based on recording the behavioral, neurological and vegetative reactions of laboratory animals.

Counteracting the triggering of explosive devices with radio fuses

One ​​of the most dangerous manifestations of terrorism is the use of explosive devices (ED) with radio fuses (RF).

The advantage of a radio fuse is that the executor is free to choose the exact time of the operation.

The considerable distance from which the signal to detonate the charge is sent eliminates the possibility that the terrorist will be noticed by those around him.

The use of noise-protected electronic circuits and special control signals helps prevent unauthorized activation of planted explosive devices under the influence of third-party signals and interference.

Statistics show that in most cases explosive devices (ED) with radio fuses are used to destroy slow-moving and stationary objects.

They can be installed along the route of a VIP in parked cars, trash cans and garbage containers, behind a light opaque barrier: billboards, in green spaces, etc., as well as on the body of a kamikaze terrorist.

However, these diabolical inventions also have their drawbacks. There have been cases of failures in the operation of actuators for various objective reasons (poor signal transmission, various electromagnetic interference).

Attempts to use explosive devices with radio fuses to destroy fast-moving objects, as a rule, ended in failure: the terrorists were unable to precisely coordinate the time of the object's passage with the moment of the explosion: delays in the operation of the actuator, as well as various interference with the propagation of radio waves, had an effect.

In the simplest case, terrorists use elements and units of equipment for radio-controlled models to manufacture radio-controlled fuses, which operate in well-known ranges: 26-29 MHz and 144-146 MHz.

But in practice, they also use control circuits for car alarms and industrial equipment for remote activation of listening devices. In any case, with varying probability, the operating frequency of radio-controlled fuses can be located in the following ranges: 20-26, 29-48, 110-140, 170-260, 300-700 MHz.

To increase the reliability of radio detonators, terrorists sometimes use several control channels operating in parallel.

In principle, a control channel for an explosive device can be organized using a portable radio station in the 420-470 MHz range, a pager, or a cell phone.

However, there are a number of limitations that are due to the conditions of radio wave propagation at high frequencies, delays in transmitting a signal to a pager, and possible errors by telephone subscribers.

For this reason, one should not expect the use of such devices in fuses designed to defeat even slowly moving objects.

However, in cases where the exact response time is not of particular importance, and failures in operation caused by interference at high frequencies or errors by the paging operator are not fundamental, for example, when committing a terrorist attack against a stationary object, such a scheme is quite likely.

The executor will simply give a signal until the explosion occurs.

Since the location of the explosive device and the exact frequency of the radio detonator are unknown, the only method of protection is to effectively counteract the radio detonator's reception of the command to operate.

The most realistic approach is to influence the input circuits of a radio fuse with special radio signals that prevent the reception and processing of the control signal. This method is widely recognized as the main one and is implemented using special interference generators — radio fuse blockers or jammers in English transcription.

The essence of electronic blocking (suppression) of a radio fuse consists in setting up interference of a sufficient level in its operating band.

Since the frequency of the explosive device control channel is unknown, the jammer is designed to cover a range from 10 to 500 MHz, or even 1000 MHz.

However, even with a total radiated interference power of hundreds of watts, the radius of reliable suppression of radio fuses is only a few meters, which is confirmed by the results of full-scale tests.

At the same time, the possibility of spontaneous activation of explosive devices with insufficient interference immunity cannot be ruled out.

The reasons for this may be interference under the influence of a powerful electromagnetic field, as well as breakdown of the electronic key of the output stages of radio fuses.

Usually, to increase the suppression zone of radio receiving devices, the studied interference power is increased.

However, due to the nonlinear nature of the weakening of the electromagnetic field strength with distance, such an increase does not provide a significant gain in the range of the interference.

Thus, when the output power of the jammer is increased by 2 times, its range increases by 5-7%, and when the power is increased by 4 times, the zone of radio fuse suppression expands by only 8-10%. At the same time, the harmful effect in the near zone on the protected object and surrounding personnel increases significantly.

Another method of protection is used in the Perseus series radio fuse blockers:

  • the emission of the interference signal is concentrated in the ranges of the most probable operation of radio fuses: 20 — 40, 40 — 80, 110 — 260, 260 — 700 MHz;
  • the interference signal is created by two or more independent generators, located in the same housing with independent antenna-feeder paths;
  • each of the generators forms a sweeping (adjustable in range) interference, while the amplitude and duration of the pulses, as well as the sweep speed, change according to a certain law;
  • when several independent generators with closely spaced antennas operate, intermodulation interference is generated, as a result of which the noise frequency range is significantly expanded and covers from 10 to 2000 MHz;
  • at the same time, intermodulation interference also occurs in the receiving path of the radio fuse, while the blocking zone expands by 15 — 20%;
  • the signal power in each channel is about 2.9 — 3.0 W.

To protect an object on the way from home or office to the car, you can use the Perseus-3S product, placed in an attaché case and without protruding antennas, and when moving by car, you can use the Perseus-4T equipment, the noise generator of which is located in the trunk, and 4 removable antennas are installed on the roof of the car.

Power supply is autonomous or from the on-board network of the car. The interference generator is switched on from the passenger compartment.

Since the powerful electromagnetic field may trigger unprotected radio fuses at a distance of 150-200 meters, it is advisable to switch on the noise suppression equipment in advance in a safe place, guaranteed to be far from the possible installation sites of such explosive devices.

The test results showed that the blocking range of the most protected types of radio fuses was 27 m for the Perseus-3S product, and 37 meters for the Perseus-4T (with a range of remote control equipment of 100 m).

On the issue of working with explosive objects

So, if all the recommendations are followed properly, and the alarm turns out to be false, then you can play the all clear. But evil fate may decree otherwise, and a harmless parcel or bag turns out to be an infernal machine.

An explosive device can be activated by:

  • a clock mechanism (timer),
  • a remote control device — a wire line or a radio fuse,
  • tensioning mechanism,
  • non-removable element,
  • combination (duplication) of several schemes.

Experience shows that, as a rule, terrorists set the bomb's trigger time to be a multiple of 15, 30 minutes or 1 hour, which is explained by some circuit and… psychological convenience for the manufacturer himself.

In any case, there is reason to believe that the most dangerous time of being near a suspicious object is a multiple of 15 minutes.

And if the use of wired remote control lines in a crowded place, in transport, etc. is unlikely, then the tension mechanism threads represent a real danger. The best advice here would be extreme attentiveness and accuracy when examining the space surrounding a suspicious object.

The only effective means of combating radio fuses, as we have already said, are blockers of these devices.

Finally, non-removable elements are used by terrorists to duplicate the action of the main detonator, and as the main one when equipping explosive devices designed to destroy the recipient of correspondence or a random person during an intimidation action.

It becomes clear that when a suspicious object with an explosive device possibly installed inside is discovered, strict adherence to the following rules is of particular importance:

  • do not carry out any manipulations with the suspicious object yourself or allow other persons to carry out any manipulations;
  • isolate the suspicious object from access by outsiders;
  • evacuate the surrounding people;
  • pass the initiative to explosive experts called in the prescribed manner.

We must not forget that there are no technical means that provide absolute protection against manifestations of terrorism.

When working with suspicious objects, it should be taken into account that the design of an explosive device, born in the inflamed brain of a terrorist, usually contains many «surprises».

And these are, first of all, the already mentioned non-removable elements. The history of the fight against terrorism, including in our country, knows many examples when professional intuition failed even very experienced sappers.

Even a weak attempt to tilt or move the object can cause an explosion. Therefore, under no circumstances try to pick it up and move it to another, «safer», in your opinion, place.

When dealing with explosive objects, it should be taken into account that the theory of probability and elementary luck, as its practical manifestation, can play a cruel joke on you, and that very one-in-a-million chance will happen to you.

And yet, if circumstances are such that it is necessary to approach a suspicious object, this should be done by one person.

If possible, protect the most dangerous areas from the blast wave and shrapnel using basic means, such as sand, water, etc.

And yet, the explosive device found must be evacuated and, ultimately, destroyed.

It is worse when this has to be done directly on site. But all these actions are already within the competence of special services.

To perform this extremely difficult task, they are equipped with the appropriate equipment, among which we can note:

  • A special robot — a transport and reconnaissance complex, for example, the domestic «SV-1355», which allows for television reconnaissance of a certain territory with objects located on it. The complex is controlled by radio and ensures confident search, detection and destruction of improvised (home-made) explosive devices. The transport and reconnaissance complex is characterized by its small weight and dimensions. High maneuverability allows it to be used both in open spaces and inside various premises, hangars and warehouses with a complex layout. The device is designed to be controlled by one operator.
  • The SV-1315 set is for remote manual defusing of explosive devices (ED). It enables opening suitcases and bags with push, slide and pull action locks to defuse the explosive devices contained therein. The set is placed in two suitcases. It is serviced and carried by one operator. The set includes: devices for opening locks and lids of suitcases, for extracting fuses from standard and homemade ED, for disconnecting threaded elements of ED.
  • The SV-1324 hydrodynamic destroyer is for destroying explosive devices with a strong stream of liquid. It ensures the destruction of attaché cases, briefcases, and parcel boxes containing explosive devices without triggering the explosive substance contained in them.
  • The SV-1314 explosive device handling kit is designed for manual remote handling of explosive devices (ED) during their examination and evacuation. It enables the capture and handling of cylindrical objects up to 150 mm in diameter and rectangular objects measuring 500 x 400 x 400 mm.
  • The SV-1302 device ensures the destruction of improvised explosive devices in strong metal casings, including those containing highly sensitive vibration-inclined non-removal elements. In this case, the charge contained in them is not triggered.

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