Technical requirements for the system of technical means for ensuring the functions of operational-search activities on documentary telecommunication networks..
Agreed Deputy Director A.A. Bespalov & #171;____»___________1998 |
«___»___________1998 |
Head of the UES A.Yu. Rokotyan «____»___________1998. |
Approved First Deputy General Yu.A. Alekseev «___»___________1998. |
1.1. The system of technical means for ensuring operational-search activities (SORM) on documentary telecommunication networks (DTN) is created on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and is intended for technical support of the implementation of the specified activities on telecommunication networks used to provide consumers with telematic services, data transmission and access services to the worldwide global computer information network INTERNET.
1.2. These technical requirements (TR) apply to SDES, regardless of the form of ownership, which are being created or were created earlier, on the basis of licenses issued by the State Communications Committee of Russia.
1.3. SORM must ensure the removal of all information (incoming and outgoing) belonging to specific subscribers of this network.
1.4. These TR must be provided regardless of what methods of information protection are used in the SDES.
1.5. These TTs must be provided when providing additional types of services to subscribers of the SDES.
1.6. These TTs must be provided for each individual subscriber, regardless of the type of connection to the DES network (individual or group).
The SORM must include:
- hardware and software that ensure the implementation of the requirements for SORM and are part of the remote control point (RCP) — APS SORM PU;
- hardware and software that ensure the implementation of the requirements for SORM and are part of the equipment of the node (nodes) of the DES network — APS SORM SDES;
- communication channel (communication lines and channel-forming equipment) that ensures the organization of communication between the APS SORM SDES and the APS SORM PU;
Note: Channel-forming equipment must be part of the APS SORM SDES equipment.
software tools to ensure security and confidentiality of the SORM operation.
3.1. The SORM SDES control should be carried out from the control center, through its interaction with the SORM SDES APS via communication channels that ensure the transmission of control commands from the control center to the SORM SDES APS and the transmission of information from the SORM SDES APS to the control center.
3.2. SORM must ensure the transfer to the control unit from the SORM SDES APS:
- on the readiness of the SORM SDES APS for operation;
- on the results of executing commands from the control unit;
- on unauthorized interference in the operation of the SORM SDES APS.
3.3. SORM must ensure the transfer to the control unit, upon request of the control unit operator, of the SDES user information base containing the following information about network subscribers:
- date of registration in the DES network;
- e-mail address;
- registration address;
- additional types of services provided, including inter-network roaming (and voice services).
3.4. For each individual user, SORM, upon command from the control center, must provide:
- removal of statistical information;
- removal of information (incoming and outgoing) belonging to specific users.
Note: This command may be documented by the communications operator.
3.5. The software must ensure the determination of:
- the subscriber's telephone number when the latter uses the public switched telephone network (if such a capability is available in this network) for the implementation of telematic services and data transmission;
- the subscriber's e-mail address when the latter uses other telecommunications networks for the implementation of telematic services and data transmission.
3.6. When collecting statistical information, SORM must ensure that the following information is transferred to the SORM SDES APS PU:
- working time on SDES;
- telephone number (switched telephone network) or network address (other communication network) from which access to SDES is carried out;
- network addresses to which access was carried out for receiving or transmitting information via SDES.
3.7. When collecting information, SORM must ensure that the following information is transferred to the SORM SDES APS PU:
- working time on SDES;
- telephone number (switched telephone network) or network address (other communication network) from which the access to the SDES was carried out;
- in real time, information transmitted via the SDES and belonging to specific users.
3.8. The SORM response time from the moment a command is entered from the control panel until confirmation of its execution is transmitted to the APS SORM SDES must be no more than 30 seconds (except for the command to interrupt the provision of communication services).
4.1. Communication between SORM and PU must be carried out via a data transmission channel.
4.2. Data transmission channel redundancy must be ensured.
4.3. Switching to a backup channel in the event of a failure of the main channel must be ensured.
4.4. Information exchange must be carried out via a dedicated communication channel in duplex mode at a speed of no less than the maximum permissible for the consumer of the SDES services.
4.5. The communication interface with the channel-forming equipment must comply with ITU-T recommendations V.36, V.24, G.703.
4.6. The protocol for exchanging digital information between SORM and the PU must comply with ITU-T recommendation X.25 (1995 edition) for the single-link LAPB procedure.
Note: When using information exchange protocols in the network that differ from ITU-T Recommendation X.25 (for example, TCP/IP), the information exchange protocol between SORM and the PU may differ from that specified in paragraph 4.6. in agreement with the FSB of Russia and the network administration.
4.7. The interface protocol between SORM and the PU (type of service information, interaction algorithm between SORM and the PU, organization of transmission of information messages) should be determined in the process of developing the SORM software in agreement with the FSB of Russia.
5.1. When operating the hardware and software of the SORM, functional control of its operability must be provided against the background of the operation of the SDES equipment.
5.2. Information about the occurrence of malfunctions affecting the operation of the SORM SDES must be transmitted to the control center.
5.3. The serviceability of the information exchange channels between the SORM and the PU must be monitored. If the equipment of the information exchange channels between the PU and the SORM is damaged, data transmission must be stopped, a message about the damage must be sent to the operating personnel, and automatic switching to the backup channel must be ensured.
6.1. The possibility of unauthorized interference in the functioning and interaction of the APS SORM SDES and the APS SORM PU must be excluded.
6.2. The possibility of unauthorized access to the data and software for interaction between the APS SORM SDES must be excluded.
6.4. A message about attempts of unauthorized access and interference in the functioning of the APS SORM SDES must be transmitted to the control unit.
6.5. Information must be closed during interaction between SORM and the control unit.
7.2. In case of restart of the software (SW) of the equipment of the SDES node, it is necessary to ensure the transmission of a message about this to the control unit.
7.3. The technological mode of restart of the SW of the equipment of the SDES node must include the procedure for restarting the APS SORM SDES.
7.4. It must be possible to restart from the control unit a part of the software that ensures the operation of the APS SORM SDES.
Agreed Deputy Director A.A. Bespalov «____»___________1998 |
& #171;___»___________1998 |
Agreed Initial UES A.Yu. Rokotyan «____»___________1998. |
Approved First Deputy General Yu.A. Alekseev «___»___________1998 |
Administrations of telecommunication networks of documentary telecommunications (DES), including such services as data transmission, telematic services, access to information resources of the INTERNET, which have adopted for management the «Technical requirements for the system of technical means for ensuring the functions of operational-search measures on documentary telecommunications networks» must carry out the following organizational and technical measures.
A plan of measures for the implementation of the operational-search measures system (SORM) on the network is developed and agreed upon with the FSB of Russia, consisting, as a rule, of two stages (the first stage may be absent).
Stage I — implementation of SORM with limited functions on standard equipment of the communications operator enterprise, its trial operation and assessment of compliance with the main technical requirements of SORM.
Stage II — implementation of SORM in full, taking into account the results of trial operation.
The first stage provides for:
1. Development and approval with the FSB of Russia of the technological scheme and algorithms for the operation of SORM on the network of the enterprise-communication operator based on technical requirements.
2. Clarification, if necessary, of the technical requirements for SORM based on the results of the implementation of paragraph 1.
3. Preparation based on the results of paragraph 1. of a list of SORM hardware and software (indicating for each device its type, cost, delivery time, at whose expense it is purchased), used at the first stage and its approval with the FSB of Russia.
4. Preparation of proposals and coordination with the FSB of Russia of the necessary protocols for the exchange of information between the SORM equipment and the standard equipment of the communications operator enterprise, when the latter implements the technical requirements for SORM, taking into account paragraph 2.
5. Acquisition and delivery of SORM equipment in accordance with the list prepared under paragraph 3.
6. Allocation of the necessary technical means for checking and configuring the SORM software on the equipment of the communications operator enterprise.
8. Organization of an intracity connecting line between the telecommunications operator and the PU.
9. Preparation of operational and technical documentation for SORM, including instructions for interaction between duty services.
10. Conducting testing and configuration of SORM hardware and software when interacting with standard equipment of the telecommunications operator.
The first stage ends with the act of acceptance of SORM into trial operation based on the results of joint (FSB of Russia — customer, communications operator enterprise — contractor) tests.
The second stage provides for:
1. Development, based on the document «Technical Requirements for the System of Technical Means for Ensuring Functions of Operational-Investigative Measures on Documentary Telecommunication Networks» (revised, if necessary, based on the results of the implementation of the first stage), technical specifications are developed in terms of SORM for the equipment of the telecommunications operator enterprise, which must list:
- hardware and software ensuring the implementation of SORM requirements and included in the equipment of the node (nodes) of the DES network — APS SORM SDES;
- hardware and software ensuring the implementation of SORM requirements and included in the equipment of the remote control point (RCP) — APS SORM PU;
- the type of communication channel between APS SORM SDES and APS SORM PU;
- type of equipment for the communication channel between the APS SORM SDES and the APS SORM PU;
- speed of information exchange between the APS SORM SDES and the APS SORM PU;
- protocol for information exchange in the communication channel between the APS SORM SDES and the APS SORM PU;
- interfacing protocol between the APS SORM SDES and the APS SORM PU;
- software to ensure the security and confidentiality of the SORM operation.
The technical conditions are agreed upon by the communications operator with the FSB of Russia.
2. Based on the technical conditions, a specification of specific hardware and software is drawn up (indicating for each device the type, cost, delivery time, at whose expense it is purchased), which must be included in the standard equipment of the communications operator enterprise and control center.
The specification is agreed upon by the communications operator enterprise with the FSB of Russia.
3. Development of a technical project for the implementation of SORM at a communications operator enterprise. Performed by an organization licensed to perform design work, upon request of the communications operator enterprise.
4. Development of operational and technical documentation for SORM, including instructions for interaction between duty services.
5. Installation of SORM hardware at a communications operator enterprise. Performed by an organization licensed to perform installation work at communications facilities, upon request of the communications operator enterprise.
6. Testing and configuring SORM software on the equipment of the communications operator enterprise.
7. Conducting joint (FSB of Russia — customer, communications operator enterprise — contractor) testing of SORM.
The second stage ends with the act of acceptance of SORM into production operation, which is approved by the management of the communications operator and representatives of the FSB of Russia.
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