Technical means of perimeter protection. Options for protecting objects and territories..

Technical means of perimeter protection. Options for protecting objects and territories.

Technical means of perimeter protection. Options for protecting objects and territories.

Today, there are quite a lot of different systems and methods for protecting objects and territories. In the conditions of rapid development of the market of technical means of protection, manufacturers offer a wide range of solutions in the field of security. Along with expensive systems, produced in Western Europe and the USA, a lot of products of Asian origin with a low price tag, but questionable quality are offered. In today's economic conditions, it is necessary to look for a golden mean and choose the optimal combination of reliability, quality, and price.


We suggest you familiarize yourself with domestically produced security products, they are designed to protect the perimeters of objects and territories of any complexity and length. These security detectors are based on two different detection principles and allow you to optimally protect an object, both in a complex of security means, and in their use in local areas of objects.


The wire-wave method of detecting objects in security perimeter detectors has been used for no more than 25 years. The Scientific and Production Center «Omega-microdesign» is at the origins of its creation. The first models of wire-wave detectors «Lipa», «Impulse-1» and «Pulsar» were built on the element base of the «Soviet» military-industrial complex, had a «rigid» analog-digital signal processing circuit. The most successful model of the wire-wave detector is «IMPULSE-12», produced from 1997 to the present in a modernized form.

In general, the detectors of the «Impulse» series have been manufactured by the Scientific and Production Center «Omega-microdesign» for about 20 years. During this time, they have undergone many changes. Taking into account operating experience, customer requirements, the variety of protected objects and territories, climatic conditions, about twenty modifications of these products have been developed and are being produced to date.

Everyone who is in one way or another connected with the protection of complex perimeters and rugged territories is familiar with the Impulse series detectors. Let us remind you that these products operate reliably with a detection probability of at least 0.98, detect intruders moving at a speed of 0.1 to 10 m/s, when exposed to rain, snow, fog, thunderstorms, electromagnetic fields (including power lines up to 750 kV), have the ability to remotely monitor performance, and have a dry contact group at the output.


 The advantages of modern wire-wave detectors include:
1) the ability to create a detection zone that accurately follows the curves of the protected fence in all planes;
2) the ability to block with one product both ground-level sections of the perimeter and the top of fences, walls and roofs, buildings and structures;
3) uniformity of the detection zone over the entire area (practically unchanged cross-section)

4) at the output of the detectors there is a dry contact group, which allows you to connect any control and monitoring device.

The current unstable economic situation affects the budgets of various organizations and departments, including the funds allocated for security. It becomes clear that the market needs low-budget security systems. But consumers of technical security equipment must understand that reducing the cost of products by reducing production costs and components, obviously entails some reduction in requirements for resistance to external influences. Our company managed to find a balance in the price/quality ratio, and as a low-budget alternative this year, the model range has been supplemented with economy-class detectors «Impulse-12K». The new modifications are made in lightweight plastic cases and meet reliability requirements. The difference in the price of the model range varies depending on the configuration, and the Customer gets the opportunity to choose between budget, standard and premium versions of our products. The difference in cost is transparent, and the corresponding performance characteristics easily explain to the consumer why one product is more expensive than another. Based on the tactical and technical requirements and operating conditions at the facility, the Customer will be able to correctly select the most advantageous configuration.

The expansion of the product range of the Scientific and Production Center «Omega-microdesign» also affected the second type of detectors — two-position linear radio wave, they are the most common on the market of technical means of perimeter protection.

The detectors reliably block short and extended sections of boundaries, are easy to install and configure, have good detection characteristics, and operate stably throughout all seasons, in any climatic conditions. When used correctly, these detectors do not cause problems. In addition, they are distinguished by a variety of design characteristics.

The design of two-position radio wave detectors is based on microwave energy emitting transmitting and receiving antennas. An electromagnetic field (detection zone ZO) in the form of an ellipsoid of rotation is formed between the antennas. To detect intruders, the ZO is formed in free open areas of the border (in the exclusion zone).

Two-position radio wave detectors of the «Prism 1» series are designed to monitor straight sections from 3 to 500 m long. They are universal and can block boundaries along the ground surface or the upper part of various barriers.


The size and shape of the exclusion zone do not allow placing detectors directly near the walls of buildings and fences, and placing a detector on a fence requires its installation on a special mount above the top of the fence, depending on the length of the protected area. In the exclusion zone, it is necessary to exclude the movement of foreign objects (tree branches, elements of the fence structure, etc.). If there are any objects in the exclusion zone, for example, the wall of a building, then the reflected electromagnetic wave is subtracted or added to the main one, as a result of which the characteristics of the detector are significantly deteriorated.

Detectors of the «Prism 1» series are successfully used in security systems of state-important facilities, private property, both in our country and abroad. But like all products of this class, they do not allow blocking boundaries near fences.


Until 2009, there were no radio wave detectors that worked correctly near reflective and conductive surfaces — walls of buildings, fences. Moreover, developers of radio wave detectors usually achieved a decrease in the influence of reflected signals by increasing the antenna aperture in planes perpendicular to adjacent surfaces (ground, fence, building wall, etc.), or by decreasing the wavelength. These actions led to a limited expansion of the capabilities of the detectors, but when the sensitive zone was brought closer to the adjacent surface, everything repeated itself.

In 2009, the Federal State Institution FIPS of Russia received a PATENT for an invention (RU 2348980C2) for a new method of detecting objects, which made it possible to solve the problem of repeated reflections and create two-position detectors of the «Prism 2» series. These products are developed and manufactured at the Omega-Microdesign Research and Production Center.

The essence of the invention is to form a plane-polarized electromagnetic field with a polarization vector formed at an angle relative to adjacent surfaces (ground, barrier, high snow cover, etc.). Signals reflected by adjacent surfaces reach the receiving antenna at an angle to its polarization vector and are practically “invisible”, i.e. the detector “does not realize” that there is a barrier or snow cover nearby.


Structurally, the products of the «Prism 2» series are made similar to «Prism 1». The length of the blocked section is from 1 m to 50, 100 m, 300 m, 500 m, depending on the modification.

They can be installed directly on the plane of barriers, building walls, along reflective and conductive surfaces. When blocking barriers, the installation of «Prizma-2» can be done both from the outside and from the inside of the perimeter, or at the top of the barrier, at any height, depending on the wishes of the Customer. An important advantage of these detectors is that they can be installed along the surface of the ground with a fairly high level of snow cover, directly reaching the detector units, without fear of false alarms or loss of operability of the products. What was previously an unsolvable task has become possible with the use of «Prizma-2» detectors.

Based on the results of the trial operation of the first batch of «Prizma-2» detectors at the facilities, good feedback from customers on the operation of the products was received. For example, installers used the detectors to protect the web of a metal lattice fence with a span length of 2.5-4 meters, the detection zone was formed directly on the fence web. As a result, it was confirmed that the detection zone is adjacent to the fence web from the inside and practically does not go outside, beyond the external territory of the facility. This circumstance allows the successful use of «Prizma 2» series detectors in dense urban development with restrictions on the creation of exclusion zones. The use of the product to protect the top of the fence from climbing allows you to protect a fence that has height differences in one span, for example, decorative peaks of different heights in forged gratings. It can be noted that the alarm signal is generated when the intruder touches the top of the fence with his hands. When an object moves along the fence from the outside of the object, the detector is not triggered.

The next new product in the range of two-position radio wave detectors is the «Prism 3» series. This modification is characterized by a very narrow detection zone — 1 meter. The product is intended for use at distances from 1 to 100 meters.

Product name




Case type

Detection zone length

U supply, V

Operating conditions

Setup mode

Enhanced lightning protection of units

Additional features



Receiving unit (BPRM) 1 pc. Transmitting unit (BPRD) 1 pc.

Molded plastic, IP65

20…250 m One flank


-40…+50?С. In temperate climate zones, in places with a low level of vandalism.

 Simplified manual







BPRM 1 pc. BPRD 2 pcs.

Molded plastic, IP65

2x(20…250) m Two flanks


-40…+50?С. In temperate climate zones, in places with a low level of vandalism.

Simplified manual






BPRM 1 pc. BPRD 1 pc.

Cast aluminum, IP65

20… 250 m One flank

20…36 (11…36)

-50…+50?С.    Severe,    in places with a high degree of vandalism

Simplified manual


Enhanced protection against induced electromagnetic interference



BPRM 1 pc. BPRD 2 pcs.

 Cast aluminum, IP65

2х(20…250) m Two flanks

20…36 (11…36)

-50…+50?С.    Hard, in places with a high degree of vandalism

 Simplified manual


 Enhanced protection against induced electromagnetic interference




BPRM 1 pc. BPRD 1 piece

Cast aluminum, IP65

20…250 m One flank

20…36 (11…36)

-50…+50?С. Tough, in places with a high degree of vandalism.

 Advanced manual


 Enhanced protection against induced electromagnetic interference




BPRM 1 pc. BPRD 1 pc. Control and Connection Unit (CCU) 1 pc.

Cast aluminum, IP65

20…250 m One flank

20…36 (11…36)

-50…+50?С. Tough, in places with a high degree of vandalism.




Increased resistance to bird and weather factors.*




 BPRM 2 pcs. BPRD 2 pcs. BPU 1 pc.

Cast aluminum, IP65

2x(20…250) m Two flanks

 20…36 (11…36)

 -50…+50?С.    Hard, in places with a high degree of vandalism.




 Increased resistance to the effects of birds and meteorological factors. Possibility of gap between flanks up to 40 m.*




BPRM 1 pc. BPRD 1 pc. BPU 1 pc.

Cast aluminum, IP65

20… 250 m One flank


 -50…+50 ?S.    Tough, in places with a high degree of vandalism.




 Increased resistance to bird and meteorological factors. The control unit functions as a distribution box.*




BPRM 2 pcs. BPRD 2 pcs. BPU 1 pc.

Cast aluminum, IP65

2х(20… 250) m Two flanks


-50…+ 50?C.    Tough, in places with a high degree of vandalism.




 Increased resistance to bird and meteorological factors. The BPU functions as a distribution box. Possibility of a gap between the flanks up to 40 m.*




 BPRM  1 pc. BPRD  1 ​​pc. BPU  1 pc.

Cast aluminum, IP65

10…350 m One flank


-50…+50?С. Hard, in places with a high degree of vandalism

Advanced manual, automatic, «Training»


 Determination of the direction of crossing the boundary «towards us» — «away from us». High resistance to electromagnetic interference, small animals and birds.*




 BPRM  2 pcs. BPRD  2 pcs. BPU 1 pc.

Cast aluminum, IP65

2x(10…350) m Two flanks


-50…+50?С. Hard, in places with a high degree of vandalism.

Advanced manual, automatic, «Training»


Determining the direction of crossing the boundary «towards us» — «from us». The gap between the flanks can be up to 40 m. High resistance to electromagnetic interference, small animals and birds.*

 The range of two-position radio wave detectors of the «Prism» series

Product name


Length of section, m

Width of detection zone, m*

Approximate cost of 1 m of the line**

Additional options





Small dimensions. Automatic sensitivity adjustment.
Possibility of connecting an external indicator.





Three sensitivity settings modes: “Manual”, “Training”, “Automatic”. Adjustment and configuration without additional devices. Built-in indication of signal level, noise, thresholds,
synchronization quality.





Three sensitivity settings modes: “Manual”, “Training”, “Automatic”. Adjustment and configuration without additional devices. Built-in signal level, noise, thresholds,
synchronization quality indication.





Three sensitivity settings modes: “Manual”, “Training”, “Automatic”. Adjustment and configuration without additional devices. Built-in indication of signal level, noise, thresholds,
synchronization quality.





Three sensitivity settings: “Manual”, “Training”, “Automatic”. Adjustment and configuration without additional devices. Built-in indication of signal level, noise, thresholds,
synchronization quality. Stable operation close to (almost right next to) the web of any barrier.





Three sensitivity settings: “Manual”, “Training”, “Automatic”. Adjustment and configuration without additional devices. Built-in indication of signal level, noise, thresholds,
synchronization quality. Stable operation close to (almost right next to) the web of any barrier





Three sensitivity settings modes: “Manual”, “Training”, “Automatic”. Adjustment and configuration without additional devices. Built-in signal level, noise, thresholds,
synchronization quality. Stable operation close to (almost right next to) any barrier web.





Three sensitivity settings: “Manual”, “Training”, “Automatic”. Adjustment and configuration without additional devices. Built-in indication of signal level, noise, thresholds,
synchronization quality. Stable operation close to (almost right next to) the web of any barrier.

* — The detection zone is an ellipsoid of rotation, so the width and height of the zone depend on the distance between the detector units and the selected response thresholds.
** — The cost of 1 m of the line was calculated based on the cost of one detector set (with VAT) at the maximum section length.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note that today, there are no unsolvable problems in equipping an object with a high-quality security system. Everything depends on the financial capabilities of the customer, and in today's market conditions, even economically confident organizations set the price of the issue one step higher than other criteria. Under these conditions, the task of domestic manufacturers is to continue to produce high-quality and reliable security systems, while maintaining a flexible pricing system, management and a competent marketing policy.


You can get more detailed information about the products of the Scientific and Production Center «Omega-microdesign» on the website

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