Technical means for rapid penetration into closed spaces.

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Technical means of rapid penetration into enclosed spaces.

Technical means of rapid penetration into enclosed spaces.

Technical means of rapid penetration into enclosed spaces.

The Canadian company MREL (Mining Resource Engineering Ltd) has developed the Breachcase Mkll shield., which can form openings in the walls of premises with dimensions that allow a person to pass through them. The passage is formed quickly, easily and safely during a single operation. The shield's action is based on a borrowed military concept for conducting operations in urban conditions. The shield, which is a contact explosive device for forming passages in walls, provides law enforcement agencies and security services with the ability to use, transport and store it with minimal risk. The shield is easily carried by one person in a folded state, for which it has two shoulder straps, and is quickly deployed for use. It has two support legs, giving it stability when used for its intended purpose. The shield can be divided into two independent halves, each of which contains an M 60 cartridge for an explosive detonator, into which standard detonators of all types can be inserted. The shield contains a linear explosive charge weighing 3.4 kg. The dimensions of the shield in the folded state are 160x540x460 mm, in the unfolded state 80x540x920 mm.

Shield Breachcase Mkllcan form passages when a charge is detonated in brick walls up to 30 cm thick, porous limestone walls up to 25 cm thick, and reinforced concrete walls up to 20 cm thick. In a sector of up to 15° in the plane of the charge, there are no fragments from the explosion, and the service personnel are protected from the increased pressure of the blast wave when located at a distance of more than 30 m from the explosion site. In a normal external wall, a hole measuring 54×92 cm can be punched, which is quite sufficient for the passage of an attack aircraft with full equipment.

Company MRELoffers Lexfoam explosive foam, which is designed for a variety of demolition applications, including the detonation of unexploded ordnance and the destruction of barriers to entry or intrusion. The firm can produce explosive foams with densities of 0.1-0.75 g/cm3, detonation velocities of 1.8-4.8 km/s and blast pressures of 2-35 kbar. Lexfoamcan be detonated by electric detonator No. 6, located above the surface of a foam layer with a density of 0.20 g/cm3 and a thickness of 50 mm. With a foam density of 0.25 g/cm3, its minimum thickness should be at least 13 mm. Due to the small minimum layer thickness and the fluidity of the foam, which has the appearance and consistency of shaving cream, it is convenient for many applications. In addition, the relatively low pressure created by the explosion of the foam allows it to be used in small quantities in populated areas at a minimum distance from people.

The above mentioned company can manufacture a charge of flexible or rigid explosive foam of the F-SEF type upon the user’s request.with specified explosive properties (detonation velocity, pressure, impulse) for the intended operation. This gives the user a certain choice. Explosive foams with good adhesive properties (adhesion to the surface to which they are applied) are available. Flexible explosive foams with a detonation velocity of 3,000 to 7,000 m/s are produced. The flexibility of the foam allows the user to use it to destroy a number of selected objects. Depending on the density, foams can be produced in the form of sheets with a thickness of 7 to 76 mm. Typically, the company supplies foam in the form of 30×100 cm bags of various thicknesses, as well as according to specific customer requirements. The company also supplies rigid foam in the form of certain rigid configurations with explosive characteristics similar to those of flexible foams.

Company Sigma Security Devices(UK) specializes in the production and supply of equipment for forced entry into premises. Many years of experience in this area allows the company not only to develop, but also to produce and test complex models of its products. Constant contacts with customers allow it to maintain compliance of manufactured products with high requirements and to develop new models based on progressive ideas. The latest achievement of the company is a set of devices and tools for rapid entry into closed premises.

The Enforcer device was developed by order of drug enforcement agencies. It is designed to quickly open doors that open inwards. Tests have shown that the device can open any door within 2 seconds, except for those reinforced with special steel elements. Door locks are subjected to a force of up to 3 tons when impacted by the Enforcer device. The Enforcer deviceis designed as a single element 580 mm and weighing 18 kg. It is used by one person and can be carried under clothing for covert operations.

Ripper toolThe specified company is designed to open outward-opening doors. It eliminates all the problems associated with bolts, locking rods, etc. The original patented ratchet handle of the tool converts the force holding the door closed into additional force that assists the operators. The use of the tool is especially effective in fires and patrol car operations and the need to easily open the doors of cars that have been in an accident. The Ram ram is used to open reinforced doors and gates where this must be done as quietly as possible. Ram— is a stand-alone hydraulic ram with brackets for securing it to the door structure. The ram can create a force acting on the door of up to 5 tons. And when the switch is turned on, the second ram is activated, acting on the door lock with repeated pushes, as a result of which the door opens almost silently. It takes 40 s to open the door. The jack kit includes a set of brackets of different lengths for doors of different standard sizes. Brackets for non-standard doors can be ordered additionally.

The Blower air ram from Sigma Security Devices is designed to quickly open all inward-opening doors, including doors of specially reinforced design. Like the Ram hydraulic ram, it has special brackets for fastening in the doorway. The ram itself is a particularly strong rubber bag, tightly secured between the plane of the door and the rod connecting the brackets. The bag is then filled with compressed air from a cylinder carried by the operator. The bag fills with air within a fraction of a second, causing the door to open within that time.

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