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Table 8. Main characteristics and features of complex TPS from SDV on power supply circuits.

Characteristics and features

Technical means of protection from SDV on power supply circuits

Name Complex TPS without galvanic isolation Complex TPS with galvanic isolation Complex TPS without galvanic isolation Complex TPS with galvanic isolation Complex TPS without galvanic isolation
Purpose For protecting building inputs For protecting building inputs For floor-by-floor protection of the power grid, protection of premises and consumers For protecting individual premises, offices, powerful consumers For protection of individual rooms and offices with voltage compensation
Protection against interference with energy, kJ/Ohm, including for input:
    — cable 100 100 500 500 100
   — air 900 900
Implementation Superfilters SPF-65-4/5, SPF-130-4/5 Transformer substations TPP 25/50/100, transformers TFT 25/50/100 Superfilters SFP-15/30/40 -4/5 Three-phase transfilters TFT 5/10 (4-wire input, 5-wire output) Protected power supply devices UEP 5/10/15-3, air conditioners KN 500, voltage correctors KNT
Main components Power capacitors with damping circuits Interference-suppressing isolating transformer Line potential equalization module Interference-suppressing isolating transformer Voltage corrector
Features Super filters are available in 4- or 5-wire design It is possible to use a simplified grounding scheme A modification of the superfilter with units for protection against SDV is produced The TF 500 modification is used for protection against NSD, TF 1000 — for protection of nuclear power plant reactors There is a modification for networks with large voltage asymmetry in phases

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