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Table 2. Technical characteristics of noise generators of vibroacoustic camouflage systems..

Table 2. Technical characteristics of noise generators of vibroacoustic camouflage systems.

Table 2. Technical characteristics of noise generators of vibroacoustic camouflage systems

Name of characteristics Name of the vibroacoustic masking system
VNG-012GL Shorokh-1(2) Baron-2 Baron-U
Noise interference frequency band, kHz 0.175 – 5.6 0.175 – 5.6

0.06 – 16

0.06 – 16

Number of statistically independent noise generation channels (excitation channels)

5 (noise generators) 3 (noise generators) 4 (up to 3 FM radio receivers, noise generator, phoneme cloners) 4 (4 noise generators and 4 phoneme cloners)
Type of vibration emitters piezoelectric (VN-GL and VN), electromagnetic (VNT-2) piezoceramic (KVP-2, KVP-6);
electromagnetic (KVP-7)
piezoelectric (“Hammer”, “Serp”, “Kopeyka”);
piezoelectric (“Hammer”, “Serp”, “Kopeyka”);
Number of independent generator outputs for connecting piezoelectric vibrators 3 (4) 2 4 4
Maximum number of piezoelectric (piezoceramic) vibrators connected to one output 5 (VN-GL)
15 (VN)
24 (KVP-2; KVP-6; KVP-8) 30 30
Number of independent outputs for connecting acoustic systems and electromagnetic vibration emitters 2 (1) 1 4 4
Maximum number of electromagnetic vibration emitters or acoustic speakers connected to one output 30 (VNT-2) or 30 acoustic emitters AI-8 16 (KVP-7) or 18 acoustic speakers with a resistance of 8 Ohm 7 7
Type of noise interference analog “white noise” with normal distribution of probability density of instantaneous values analog “white noise” with normal distribution of probability density of instantaneous values analog “white noise” with normal distribution of probability density of instantaneous values; “speech choir”; speech-like (formed by a phoneme cloner); combined analog “white noise” with normal distribution of probability density of instantaneous values; speech-like (formed by phoneme cloner); combined
Number of excitation signal spectrum adjustment bands 15 or 5 5 5 5
Width of single spectrum adjustment band 1/3 octave or octave octave 60 – 350 Hz;
350 – 700 Hz;
0.7 – 1.4 kHz;
1.4 – 2.8 kHz;
2.8 – 16 kHz
60 – 350 Hz;
350 – 700 Hz;
0.7 – 1.4 kHz;
1.4 – 2.8 kHz;
2.8 – 16 kHz
Signal level adjustment range in the spectral band, dB 18 (± 9) ± 20 24 24
Integral signal level adjustment range for each output, dB 20 40    
Maximum total output power, W   60 (20) 18 (for one channel) 18 (for one channel)
Minimum load resistance at the channel output, Ohm:

for electromagnetic vibrators;

for piezoelectric vibrators







Overall dimensions of the generator, mm 290x270x80 340x300x140
377x335x108 310x300x80
Generator mass, kg 3 12 (6) 8.5 5.5

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