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Table 1. Performance characteristics of rapidly deployable security systems and detection equipment.



Boundary alarm Reconnaissance and alarm
1. Probability of detecting an intruder (depending on the type of alarm) 0.9 … 0.98
0.4 (wire-break)
2. False alarm time, hours (depending on the type of alarm) 100 … 1000
5 (wire-break)
3. CO deployment time, minutes, no more than 5…30 0.5…3
4. CO deployment time, minutes, no more than 5 1
5. CO weight, kg, no more than 30 3

6. Number of deployment/collapse cycles, no more than

500 100
7. Length (radius) of the CO detection zone, m, no more than 300 3 … 50
8. Length of the CO blocking perimeter, km, no more than;
area controlled by the CO, ha, no more than

9. Classification and counting of detected targets (typical) No

Yes: single intruder, group, transport (wheeled-tracked)

10. Determining the direction of target movement No Yes (left-to-right, right-to-left)
11. Installation

On the ground (posts), on an existing barrier

In the ground, on the ground (posts)
12. Visibility Low-visibility (mostly), camouflaged


13. Information transmission Wire (cable), VHF radio channel VHF radio channel, GSM, satellite communication
14. Information transmission range to the PUI, km, no more than 2 50
15. Power supply

Centralized or autonomous: accumulators, batteries, solar panels

Autonomous: accumulators, batteries

16. Continuous operation time of the cooling system from the battery, no more than (typical) 10 days 60 (90) days
17. Maintenance Allowed Not allowed
18. Permissibility of adjustment or regulation during installation

By 2 – 5 parameters

By one parameter or not allowed
19. Places of application (typical) Forest, field, desert; along the banks of rivers or lakes, roads, forest edges Near roads and paths; hollows, ravines, mountain slopes, passes, rough terrain
20. Detection means as part of the SOS (typical) 1. Single-position active radio beam;
2. Dual-position active radio beam;
3. Passive IR (thermal imager);
4. Acoustic;
5. Seismic;
6. Active IR (two-position);
7. Lidar (laser beam)
8. Wire-wave (VHF) – active;
9. Leaky wave line effect (LWLE) radio wave – active;
10. Wire-break
1. Seismic (point);
2. Seismic (cable);
3. Acoustic:
4. IR-passive;
5. Magnetometric;
6. Radio beam single-position – active
21. Composition of the SOS (typical) 1. SO;
2. Power supply (to SO);
3. Radio transmitter (to SO);
4. Portable PUI with LCD display.
1. CO with autonomous power supply and radio transmitter;
2. Radio transmitter with autonomous power supply;
3. Portable PUI;
4. Main PUI

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