Table 1. Features of network technologies for automation of intelligent home.

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Table 1. Features of network technologies for smart home automation.


Platform or technology Developer Communication protocol Communication environment Transceiver range, m Element base (IC integrated circuits) Features Implementation
LonWorks Echelon LonTalk (open industry standard (EIA-709.1) Power line, telephone line, RF and IR channel 25 Neuron family IC An open platform that has a built-in Internet protocol Merloni Elettrodomestici has launched the Ariston Digital series of smart home network devices
Home Radio Network HomeRF Home Radio Frequency Working Group- HomeRF Shared Wireless Access Protocol- SWAP HF channel with a bandwidth of 2.4 GHz, noise-like signal with “frequency hopping”, speed – 2 Mbit/s 50 Set of specialized ICs Allows you to include DECT-standard phones in the network The first experimental HomeRF network was shown at the Home Networking Forum in October 1999
HomePNA home wired network HomePNA (Home Phoneline Networking Alliance) wired networking society Home Run specification from Tut Systems A wired channel with a bandwidth of 2.45 GHz, the transmission speed is 1 Mbit/s. The new HomePNA 2.0 family of ICs will increase it to 10 Mbit/s, and then to 100 Mbit/s IC Family The HomePNA platform is based on Ethernet technology. It organizes additional communication without deteriorating telephone communication Currently, the AnyPoint (Intel) and HomeLine (Farallon) series of network devices have entered the market.
Bluetooth communication technology Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) Supports GSM standard protocols HF channel with a band of 2.45 GHz, a signal with a “hopping” frequency (1600 hops/sec), the transmission speed is 1 Mbit/sec 0.1 – 100 IC family. In the future, all devices will be combined into one crystal Simultaneously supports asynchronous data transmission channels and synchronous voice transmission At COMDEX' 99, Ericsson showed for the first time a head-mounted mobile phone with a Bluetooth radio chip
UWB technology Ultra Wideband Working Group 802.16a Protocol Ultra-wideband signal in the range of 3.1 — 10.6 GHz, transmission speed of 500 Mbps 10 Set of ICs Transmission of ultra-short pulses without high-frequency filling Implemented by Intel, Sony, Motorola, Siemens, etc.

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