Smart Home by Gira

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The phrase «smart home» hardly surprises anyone today. Just four years ago, many people had only heard something about home automation systems. Nowadays, many people already know about the capabilities of «domo sapiens». Nevertheless, interest in this topic does not weaken, but only fills with new shades.

The German company Gira, one of the world leaders in the field of production of electrical installation equipment and components of bus systems for automated control and management of engineering equipment of buildings, has an incredible number of very interesting offers for «experts» and «lovers» of «smart» installation equipment for the home. Owners of urban and suburban real estate «there» have long been well aware of the products of this company with a century-old history, and we would like to introduce our compatriots to modern Gira equipment, with which life becomes much more comfortable and perfect.

Those who are overcome by torment about the expediency of creating a «smart home» are often forced to pull the reins, restraining the rapid run of their own imagination, the thought of the cost of this enterprise. But let's think sensibly. Today, when you have a large modern and, naturally, expensive house or apartment, filled with complex electronic devices and systems, it is impossible to do without automation. Without it, you can forget about achieving real comfort. True, graduates of the «skillful hands» club are unlikely to succeed in making everything function and interact normally. Comfort, like beauty, inevitably requires sacrifice. The first «sacrifice» is financial, but in comparison with the benefit that home automation subsequently gives, this sacrifice, it must be said, is not so great.

The Gira Instabus KNX/EIB bus system can be called a real gift for those who want to intelligently organize the management of the entire home infrastructure. This system is the embodiment of safety, the highest quality and reliability. Firstly, to equip a house with it, you do not always need to hammer out walls and other surfaces to lay wires. (However, it will still be better if you think in advance — at the beginning of the renovation or construction — where, what and in what quantity you would like to install and cover with «artificial intelligence»). Secondly, later, when the system is already installed, you yourself, even without special training, will easily find a common language with it and will be able to adjust it to the wave of your habits and needs. During operation, you can change the algorithm or expand the functions of the system at your discretion. With the Gira Instabus KNX/EIB, your «home engineer» can perform almost any task you set: from turning on the kettle via mobile phone to performing duties that a whole squad of servants cannot handle.

Gira Instabus KNX/EIB acts as a dispatcher, which is responsible for the operation of devices and systems in houses or apartments (in industrial and office buildings, by the way, too). Sensors, such as motion detectors and thermostats, send telegrams to actuators, which in turn can activate or deactivate lighting devices or a heating system, etc.

With the KNX/EIB system, you will sleep soundly, knowing that the “electronic guard” will not allow uninvited guests to enter your home. And if, say, you decide to return home earlier than usual, then with a phone call the temperature in the rooms will be set to the required comfortable limits and the sauna can be set to the preheating mode. During your long absence, KNX/EIB will provide an economical mode of heat supply, and in case of voltage surges (God forbid, of course), the devices will automatically switch off. You can control the blinds not only through switches, but also automatically — depending on the conditions of external lighting and the position of the sun above the horizon. The wide range of functions performed by the «intelligent» system is not only intended for new buildings: KNX/EIB technology can also be successfully used in older buildings that were not previously equipped with such systems.
Gira, in collaboration with Loewe, has developed a special remote control for TV, video, DVD and audio equipment with an integrated transmitter for «clear control» of the «smart» home elements. Joint work with Revox has brought to the world wall-mounted control units for multi-room systems — they fit perfectly into the design concept of Gira electrical installation products. You can completely trust KNX/EIB technology, it will never let you down.

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