Security guard's weapons and special clothing.
Security guard's weapons and special clothing.
The equipment of security company employees includes mandatory attributes that, firstly, allow them to be identified, being a kind of sign, and secondly, are necessary for the performance of official duties. Familiarization with this attribute is carried out in the process of training in security activities.
Weapons of private security guards
According to the law «On non-departmental security», a list of types and models of service weapons of private security guards has been established. To perform their job duties to protect facilities, security guards are provided with combat hand-held firearms. The list of types of special equipment that a private security guard has the right to have and use, if necessary, is defined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation «Issues of private detective and security activities». This resolution clarifies and specifies the provisions of the Law «On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation». Private security guards have the right to use: protective vests and protective helmets, handcuffs, rubber truncheons, special equipment — a gas canister «Cheryomukha-10» and its analogues, gas pistols. Firearms of private security guardsis specified in Appendix No. 3 to the Resolution: it is permitted to use PM pistols of 9 mm caliber, smooth-bore hunting rifles, as well as ammunition for them. Since it is the legality of using weapons that raises the greatest number of questions and disputes, we will consider this topic separately.
Use of weapons by a security guard
On legal grounds, employees of a private security agency have the right to use special means in the event of armed resistance, a group attack (two or more persons), or in the event of an attack that otherwise threatens the life and health of the security guard or the protected property. Further, regarding firearms. The use of weapons by a security guard is lawful in the following cases: — cases of repelling an attack when the life of the security guard is in immediate danger; — cases of repelling a group and/or armed attack on the protected property; — cases of the need to warn of the intention to use weapons or to give an alarm signal or call for help — by firing into the air.
In case of necessity use of weapons by a security guard, he must remember the obligation to comply with the following conditions:
— the person must be warned of the intention to use a weapon. The only exceptions are situations where delay may lead to negative consequences and endanger someone's life; — the security guard is obliged to strive to ensure that the harm that may be caused by the use of a weapon is minimized; — the security guard is obliged to provide first aid to victims, promptly report the incident to health and internal affairs authorities; — the security officer is obliged to immediately notify the prosecutor of all cases of death or bodily injury.
In each case of use of a weapon by a security guard, regardless of the consequences of the use, it is mandatory to notify the internal affairs agencies at the place of use of the weapon. In any case, the weapon is issued under the responsibility of the security guard, and the punishment for its unlawful use is borne by the employee himself.
Security guard workwear
An integral part of the equipment of a private security officer is security guard workwear. Depending on the area of application, the type of protected facility, the workwear can be plain or camouflaged, insulated or without insulation. In addition, the type of security guard workwear is distinguished separately, designed for sudden active actions. Each security agency orders uniforms for its employees independently, taking into account individual characteristics and needs. The standard set of security guard workwear includes a jacket, trousers, a shirt with a tie, a windbreaker, and a hat. Each item of clothing must have the logo of the security agency to which the employee is assigned. The clothing is usually made of semi-woolen materials and twill. The workwear of various security agencies differs in color as a whole or in the color of the inserts, by the presence of distinctive symbols. In Russia, the production and supply of workwear, in particular, for representatives of security structures, is carried out by special factory-type organizations that accept orders for sewing uniforms. When placing an order, the management of the enterprise should remember that, first of all, the workwear must be comfortable for staying in it for a sufficiently long time and for performing the actions provided for by the job responsibilities of a private security employee.
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