What is allowed for a private security company employee.

Dear readers, please note that private detective and security activities are regulated by the law «On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation» and the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia «On approval of the instructions on the organization of work on licensing and implementation of internal affairs bodies control over private detective and security activities in the territory of the Russian Federation.»

Is it possible to search a buyer, accusing him of stealing goods?

The following should be noted: a security service employee does not have the authority to inspect the buyer's belongings.

A personal search is the exclusive prerogative of law enforcement officers.

And no regulatory act obliges you to wait for the police in the store.

If you are sure that the accusation is unfair, you have the right to go about your business, leaving the security guard alone with his assumptions.

A security guard may use force when detaining a suspect in theft only if he saw personally or through a surveillance camera that the buyer stole something from the store or otherwise violated the law.

Immediately after the arrest, the security guard must call the police — and nothing more.

Does a security guard have the right to demand that bags be checked into a storage room?

The buyer has the right not to leave personal belongings in the storage room at the entrance to the store.

No matter how big the bag is.

Moreover, the store administration immediately warns buyers that it is not responsible for the safety of their property.

But if you lose the key to the cell with things, the store will charge you in full for it.

Please note that a customer has the right to enter a store with any item, even identical to what is sold there – be it a bottle of water or a bunch of bananas.

The only thing a visitor is required to do in such a case is to notify the store employees.

Are the security guards in self-service stores legal to show the contents of a bag upon exiting?

The security guards are allowed to: ask to show a receipt, show a bag, and even “go through to clarify the circumstances.”

But you have the right not to obey.

Such a demand is akin to a request from a random passerby: you can respond, or you can pass by.

If the security exceeds their authority, then you can safely write a statement to the police.

From there, the complaint is sent to the licensing and permitting service that issued the license for the activities of this private enterprise, then an inspection will be carried out on the fact of illegal actions of the security. And if a gross violation of the law is committed, then you can lose your license.

It should be noted that private security companies are registered and have the status of a legal entity.

And the security service is a structural division of the organization in which it is created.

For example, in banks, an order from the head and approval of the charter by the Ministry of Internal Affairs are sufficient to create it.

The difference here is that private security companies have the right to enter into contracts with enterprises and organizations for the provision of security services, and security services only protect their own organization.

It is important to remember that the head of any self-respecting security company is interested in ensuring that the reputation of his organization is unblemished.

Therefore, he will never employ incompetent employees.

The security guards of a reputable private security company ensure the safety of the client and strictly follow the law.

They also assist the police and take an active part in maintaining public order.

If the employees of any private security company from time to time act illegally, then this threatens the cancellation of the license or its suspension.

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