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Security guard equipment. Gas weapons..
«Private security organizations are allowed to use firearms only when protecting the owner's property… and when providing other types of private security services, the use of gas weapons is allowed…» Draft Law of the Russian Federation «On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation», Art. 17.
So, let's see what the gentlemen-comrades legislators have graciously allowed us to use for our defense.
First of all, this is a gas weapon.
The very idea of such a weapon is old.
Since time immemorial, schoolgirls have had a mixture of ground pepper and shag in their arsenal.
The most accessible to the majority of the population are gas canisters.
They are purchased without any additional formalities: you come to the store, pay money, and you are already armed.
They compare favorably with gas pistols and revolvers in their low price, dimensions, and weight. And their effectiveness as a weapon is sometimes even greater.
In addition, they have another advantage: they do not provoke a return shot.
The effectiveness of a gas canister mainly depends on its content.
In Russia, only substances with a lachrymatory-irritant effect are currently permitted: these are CN, CS, CR.
In addition, substances using red pepper extract — capsaicin, or its synthetic analogue — MPC are becoming increasingly popular.
Mixtures of irritating and lachrymatory substances are the most effective.
Thus, the aerosol can «Reseda», intended for law enforcement agencies, uses a mixture of CS and MPC, this mixture has not only a tear-producing and irritating effect, but also causes respiratory spasms.
The mixture is effective at sub-zero temperatures, acts on drunks, drug addicts and dogs.
The effect time is 15-30 minutes.
Another means, which is in service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are the aerosol cans «Lilac» (CS) and «Bird cherry» (CN). They are significantly superior to similar civilian products in efficiency due to the increased concentration of the active substance.
At the same time, «Lilac» can affect both drunk people and people under the influence of drugs.
According to some experts, the harmlessness of police gases is greatly exaggerated, and their use can affect the health of citizens.
For example, due to side effects, CS gas was removed from service by the US police back in 1973.
In Russia, the Ministry of Health believes that our people are stronger.
Aerosol cans with a wide variety of formulations and sizes have been developed for civilian use.
For example, «Cobra 801» and «Cobra 802», filled with CS gas at the maximum permissible concentration.
Under favorable weather conditions, the range of such a canister is up to 4 meters (the usual range is 3 m).
The «Scorpion 5000» series of gas canisters is interesting.
It is effective against both people and dogs.
The active substance used in «Scorpions» is MPC.
In addition, a special substance has been introduced into the composition, causing unconscious fear in dogs («Scorpion 5003»)
A similar purpose is also used for the «Shock» series of sprays, made on the basis of a natural extract of red pepper — capsaicin.
The effectiveness of use is also affected by the design of the spray, especially its capacity.
Small-capacity sprays have their advantages — small dimensions and the ability to be well camouflaged (there are some disguised as a pen).
Disadvantage — short operating time, making it impossible to reliably defeat multiple targets.
Medium-capacity canisters are the most convenient for constant wear.
The optimal distance for their use is 2-2.5 m.
Operating mode — individual launches lasting 1 — 2 seconds.
A canister is enough to repel an attack by 3 — 5 people.
They are convenient to carry in your pocket and difficult to knock out of your hands when used.
Rational in use are the canisters «Rezeda-1 OM», «Scorpion 5003», «Scorpion 5001», «Shok».
Foreign models of gas canisters are not considered due to the likelihood of low resistance to low temperatures (domestic formulations are effective from -10, -20 to + 50 degrees Celsius).
It cannot be said that a gas canister consists of only advantages, there are also disadvantages. Short range of effective destruction, high dependence on weather conditions.
Snow, rain, wind — all this significantly reduces the possibility of actually hitting the enemy, and sometimes makes it impossible or unsafe for the defender himself.
The second disadvantage is the impossibility of using it in confined spaces (elevator, vehicle, etc.).
Many incompetent people prefer a gas pistol or revolver.
Obviously, psychology plays a role here: this toy looks like a real weapon.
This is where the advantages of this type of gas weapon end.
And the disadvantages begin. The appearance of the first samples of gas pistols coincided with the beginning of perestroika.
The real market for gas pistols and revolvers emerged only in 1993, when the authorities adopted the first version of the Law on Weapons (before the law was adopted, the black market was doing well, where you could buy any foreign model without any formalities).
Domestic gas weapons for civilian use appeared almost simultaneously with the first Law on Weapons.
In 1993, Izhmash released the IZH-76 gas pistol, which was suspiciously reminiscent of the German REK-G5.
Compared to foreign models, this pistol was more reliable and less expensive, but did not gain widespread popularity.
Subsequent models of gas pistols were created on the basis of combat models.
This made production cheaper and significantly improved the quality of the products.
Domestic gas pistols were made of high-strength gun steel, which had a positive effect on their reliability compared to foreign models.
The most convenient domestic model of a gas pistol was the IZH-79, created on the basis of the PM.
It is produced in three versions: for 7.6 mm, 8 mm, 9 mm caliber.
The pistol retained all the positive features of the PM: a double-action trigger mechanism (with self-cocking) and a reliable flag safety.
The weight of the pistol is 0.73 kg, dimensions are 161x127x30.5 mm.
Magazine capacity is 8 rounds.
Effective range up to 3 meters.
The smallest of the domestic gas pistols is the IZH-78, created on the basis of the PSM.
One of the distinctive qualities of domestic gas pistols is the ease with which they can be converted to fire live ammunition.
Some models were even taken out of production under pressure from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for example, the IZH-79 for 9 mm cartridges.
With foreign models of gas pistols, often made of low-strength aluminum alloys, serious problems may arise during reworking.
As is well known, any idea can be brought to complete insanity if desired.
Obviously, specifically to illustrate this idea, the Iceberg company developed two unusual models of gas weapons.
One, the GMC-700, is a variation on the theme of the Cypress submachine gun, but in a gas version.
It has a magazine with a capacity of 20 rounds (9 mm gas and noise cartridges manufactured by Iceberg).
The weapon can fire both single shots and bursts, the rate of fire is 700 — 900 per minute.
The purpose of this «masterpiece» is to equip security services and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The GMC-710 model, listed in the passport as an electromechanical gas pistol, looks even more sophisticated.
Special cartridges in noise and gas design are used for shooting. The magazine capacity is 24 rounds.
Fire can be conducted both in single shots and in bursts.
Power is supplied by a battery.
Dimensions 360x185x40 mm, weight — 1.5 kg.
Rate of fire 600 — 900 per minute.
The weapon is intended for security services and self-defense of citizens. The reasonableness of this concept raises great doubts and in practice such a weapon will be no less dangerous for the shooter than for the «shot».
More interesting is the electromechanical gas revolver GR-40. In my opinion, the term «revolver» is not very appropriate for this design.
The device consists of a block with four barrels, for electric 9 mm cartridges of noise or gas action.
When you press the trigger located on top, the ratchet mechanism turns the electrical contact, places it opposite the next cartridge and closes the circuit.
Power is supplied by a 1.5 V battery.
The advantages include small dimensions and dissimilarity to firearms.
The main purpose is self-defense for women. After firing the cartridges, the device can be used to strike, as it is quite massive and fits well in the hand.
Unlike pistols, domestic gas revolvers did not have a ready-made design base.
The most unusual model is based on the R-92 revolver.
It has a forward-shifted handle and a semi-hidden trigger, all of which reduces the dimensions of the weapon, making it convenient for concealed carry and quick drawing.
Some models of gas weapons underwent a reverse transformation.
The MRGC-1 gas revolver of 9 mm caliber served as the basis for the RSL-1 combat revolver.
Typical gas revolvers can be considered revolvers from the Iceberg company.
The GR-205 revolver has a long barrel — 96 mm, a drum for 6 cartridges of 9 mm caliber.
RP-80 gas cartridges and RP-70 sound cartridges are used.
The killing zone is up to 4 meters. Weight — 1 kg, dimensions 230x151x38 mm.
Another revolver from the Iceberg company, the GR207, has smaller dimensions and is more convenient for concealed carry.
Barrel length is 62 mm, drum capacity is 6 rounds of 9 mm caliber, the killing range is up to 4 meters, weight is 0.8 kg.
Dimensions are 184x124x38 mm.
Special design measures are taken to prevent the conversion of gas revolvers to live cartridges or cartridges containing a shot charge.
Now let's consider the eternal question: what is better — a pistol or a revolver? In relation to gas weapons, this dispute is basically meaningless, since neither a gas revolver nor a gas pistol can be considered a weapon.
But in my opinion, a revolver is still preferable, in addition to greater structural reliability, it has increased combat readiness and is a one-handed weapon. Of course, a pistol can be carried with a cartridge in the chamber, but as practice shows, police officers for some reason believe that this is prohibited.
Therefore, it is easier to buy a revolver and save your nerves.
The most successful design of gas weapons can be considered «UDAR» (metered spray device).
Ammunition with the affectionate name «violet» shoots a stream of irritating liquid at a distance of up to 6 m.
I wonder what kind of mental disorders one must have to come up with names for all sorts of nasty things like «Bird Cherry», «Lilac», «Mignonette», «Violet», «Jasmine».
The undoubted advantages of «UDAR» include the ability to buy it without any unnecessary formalities, just like an aerosol gas canister.
The cost of «UDAR» compares favorably with the cost of gas pistols and revolvers.
The technical data of «UDAR» are also at a high level, the range is — 4-6m depending on the cartridge.
Weight without charge no more than 0.15 kg.
Almost the entire device is made of high-strength plastic.
Dimensions: height 126 mm, length 106 mm, width 32 mm.
To activate the firing mechanism, there is a cocking lever on the side, it is combined with the safety.
To fire a shot, you need to remove the weapon from the safety and press the lever, all this is easily done with one movement of the finger, which increases the readiness of the weapon for immediate use.
After the shot, the spent cartridge is automatically ejected and the next one is fed in its place.
Unlike gas canisters, the effectiveness of the UDAR is practically unaffected by weather conditions.
A shot from the UDAR is almost silent.
Ammunition with an irritant such as CS, red pepper extract, or complex substances containing a tear component mixed with synthetic substitutes for red pepper extract.
Another advantage of the «UDAR» can be considered its dissimilarity to a conventional firearm, which means that a person who uses a firearm against you will not be able to claim that he was forced to defend himself.
When using a gas weapon, it is necessary to remember that a point-blank shot can be fatal.
The damage is caused by a stream of gunpowder gases and is aggravated by the ingress of undisintegrated crystals of tear gas and fragments of a plastic capsule into the wound.
These fragments can be dangerous at long distances — up to 6 m, and are especially dangerous if they get into the eyes.
So, on the one hand, a gas weapon does not provide real protection, but under unfavorable circumstances it can quite easily lead its owner to ruin.
In addition, non-lethality sharply reduces the psychological threshold for the use of weapons.
Considering the wide distribution of firearms, the chance of running into return fire sharply increases.
No normal person will figure out what you have in your hand: a gas cracker or a live barrel, but will immediately open fire to kill.
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