RTSoft: reliable solutions – reliable partnership.

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RTSoft: reliable solutions – reliable partnership.

RTSoft: reliable solutions — reliable partnership

RTSoft: reliable solutions — reliable partnership

The Citect family of software products is well known in Russia and is widely used in a variety of areas: metallurgy, energy, food, oil, gas, chemical and other industries. Another area in which Citect solutions are effectively used is automation and dispatching of engineering and technical systems of buildings and structures. RTSoft once again presented its proposals for this area at the Hi-Tech House & Building exhibition, which was held on November 8-10, 2007, in the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex in Moscow.

The Hi-Tech House & Building exhibition presents the world's leading technologies and equipment for automation and dispatching of engineering and technical building systems, solutions for the comprehensive equipping of administrative, business, residential and industrial buildings with intelligent systems, the latest technological projects «intelligent building» and «smart home».

The visitors to the RTSoft stand were particularly interested in the specialized software for building automation CitectFacilities V7.0 from Citect. Open protocols make it easy to implement a new system into a complex of already existing equipment. Integration of engineering systems from different manufacturers provides visibility, increases productivity and reduces operating costs. And the flexibility of use in small and large systems allows the client to choose the configuration that suits his business.

RTSoft offers a special Citect partner program, which includes a developer package, exclusive access to Citect portal resources and special discounts on the entire line of Citect products. This program allows you to develop, debug and implement a project of any complexity, while the required number of licenses can be purchased at the final stage of the project. Exclusive access to the Citect portal allows you to download various technical documentation, training materials and monitor software and driver updates. In addition, seminars with representatives of Citect and RTSoft are held annually for participants in the partner program.

At the RTSoft stand, all interested parties could also get acquainted in detail with the integrated automated system of operational dispatch control (ASODC) of the infrastructure of buildings, municipal and housing and communal services. The RTSoft company offers its functional content of the modern ASODU based on its extensive experience in the field of integration of modern technical solutions and heterogeneous systems. A special feature of the ASODU developed by RTSoft is the inclusion of energy resource accounting and maintenance and repair management subsystems in the complex automation system.

«RTSoft» is the official distributor of Citect software products in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, — says Anna Nesterova, director of the coordination and marketing center. — We have accumulated vast experience in this area and have quite a few successful examples of implementing Citect solutions. Customers note the high professionalism and quality of our specialists. But most importantly, they see our team spirit, corporate and social values. We do not simply implement technical solutions, we offer reliable partnership.

The strategic goal of RTSoft for 2008 is to strengthen and further develop the partner network. We will continue to cooperate with our long-standing partners and will attract new companies to implement projects based on Citect software products. In the coming year, we wish everyone success in their professional activities, creative development and promising ideas!”

RTSoft CJSC, rtsoft.ru, pr@rtsoft.ru

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