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Read the beginning of the article —  «Overview of the market of night vision devices of Russian production.»


A similar development of «ROMZ» — the NZT-P sight, has repeatedly been awarded gold medals at exhibitions (photo 13).

A similar model is also produced by the Krasnogorsk plant under the brand name NV-300P(export version — Safari) (photo 14).

Photo 13. NZT-P sight

Photo 14. Safari night vision device

In addition to observation, night vision devices are traditionally used to ensure firing at twilight and at night from various types of small arms.

This task is solved either by using night sighting systems (NSS) or special night sights.

In addition to the NVS, the NSS certified for the RF Armed Forces includes a laser target designator (TL) mounted on the weapon.

When using the system, shooting is carried out at a distance usually not exceeding 150 m with visual control of the illumination spot created on the target by the laser IR diode of the target designator.

Consideration of the NPKs produced in the Russian Federation is beyond the scope of this article due to their, as a rule, purely military purpose.

If desired, the complex can be obtained by purchasing in addition to glasses or a monocular with a headband CL together with the services for mounting on a weapon from the manufacturer.

Night vision sights are of considerable interest to amateurs and professionals. Since the debut of the «Sniperscope» during the Second World War, dozens of their models have been developed and produced using EOPs of almost all generations.

The basic principles of night sights are determined not only by the requirements of achieving specifically high optical characteristics, typical for other types of night vision devices, but also by the need to ensure significant mechanical strength of the structure.

The magnification factor of the observed image can be easily obtained from the ratio of the focal lengths of the objective to the eyepiece.

Obviously, the greater the value of this coefficient, the higher the image detail and, consequently, the aiming accuracy.

The desire to improve this characteristic in practice leads to a proportional complication of the design and an increase in the mass and size parameters of the sight due to the restrictions imposed on the focal lengths of its optical units.

Current regulations set the value of the eyepiece exit pupil removal at no less than 50 mm.

When shooting single shots from a hunting weapon, a value of 40-45 mm can be considered acceptable.

With a magnification factor of 3-4 times and an objective focus of 100 mm, the focus of the eyepiece will be 25-35 mm, which is significantly less than the specified distance.

At the same time, the development of eyepieces with a large exit pupil distance (greater than the length of its focus) leads to an increase in the dimensions and weight in the glass of this unit with a corresponding increase in the complexity of its design and its cost.

The previous article already discussed the advisability of using in the design of night vision devices only high-aperture lenses with a relative aperture (F-factor) of at least 1:1.5, or super-high-aperture lenses with an aperture of 1:1.2 or more.

The relative aperture is the ratio of the diameter of the entrance pupil of the lens to its focal length and determines the illumination of the photocathode of the image intensifier tube.

In turn, the maximum diameter of the objective lens can be considered approximately equal to the diameter of the entrance pupil. As a result, when using a lens objective with a focal length of 100 mm, the diameter of the sight can be 60-80 mm, and a mirror-lens objective — more than 100 mm.

Accordingly, the minimum length of the device can be obtained by summing the focal lengths of the lens and eyepiece and the optical thickness of the EOP (the distance between the photocathode and the screen), which will be about 200 mm excluding the eyecup.

These simple considerations illustrate well the problems of ergonomics of night sights, as well as all other NVDs, the weight and dimensions of which are very difficult to reduce without worsening their main characteristics.

Modern night sights use lenses with focal lengths of 60-120 mm or more with a magnification factor of 2-5 times or more.

For aiming, it is necessary to have a built-in aiming mark or a mark with adjustment mechanisms that ensure its movement across the field of view.

The latter are also built-in, but are sometimes mounted in the weapon mount, providing for the displacement of the optical axis of the sight relative to the barrel bore (especially in the vertical plane, which is more typical for models with 0 and I-generation EOPs, i.e. for relatively inexpensive civilian models).

Confident observation of the aiming mark is required at different brightness levels of the EOP screen, for which backlighting is used, often with independent brightness control.

The sight must withstand impact loads of up to 500g while maintaining the original position of the adjustment units. A similar requirement applies to the weapon mounting mechanism, which must also ensure quick installation with reliable fixation of the sight.

KOMZ (Kazan) and Novosibirsk NPZ traditionally specialize in the production of night vision sights for the needs of the Armed Forces.

Recently, NPK «Pusk» (St. Petersburg) has been trying to compete with these companies, promoting models with very high characteristics to the market. «BelOMO» (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) also produces military night sights; comparative characteristics of some models of these companies are presented in Table 2.

«KOMZ» can be represented by the serial model 1PN-83(photo 15) using the second-generation EOP. «NPZ» successfully operates in the professional market, mainly due to the offer of the modern line 1PN93.

Today, six modifications have been developed, of which the most famous is 1PN93-1 (photo 16). Similar in circuit design is the model PKN-04 from NPK «Pusk».

Both models are equipped with mirror-lens objectives and are distinguished by the smallest weight and size parameters.

The use of such lenses allows achieving the minimum possible length of the device along the optical axis and, due to the possibility of direct image transfer to the photocathode, using the II+ and III image intensifiers without a built-in reversing element.

However, mirror-lens systems have worse light transmission (smaller effective relative aperture) than conventional lens systems with the same maximum diameter and, in addition, have an unmasking effect (the mirror area of ​​such lenses, developed for military purposes, is covered with decorative caps).

Accordingly, the PKN-06 model, developed by «Pusk» for the use of EOP-III, can be considered more advanced.

This company also produces other models of sights intended for military needs and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as for sale on the open market (for example, Coyote-1 with EOP-I).

A special feature of the NPK «Pusk» sight line is the presence of a red collimator mark (collimator sight), which allows increasing the speed and accuracy of fire.

However, the collimator aiming mark is also used in models of other companies, for example, 1PN-83. All the described sights have a built-in mechanism for adjusting the aiming mark (dot, tick, grid) and are designed for a load of more than 500 g.

Photo 15. 1PN-83 sight

Photo 16. Night sight 1PN93-1

The work of JSC «Dedal» can be considered a very successful consequence of the conversion of high technologies.

This company, initially focused on the civilian market (hunters, athletes), develops and produces very technologically advanced products with high characteristics, offering a wide range of services and the necessary advertising information.

It should be noted that «Dedal» adheres to a slightly different classification of image intensifier tube generations. Thus, the 0-generation image intensifier tube in a modern design with a sensitivity of 120 — 250 mA/lm is designated as «I»; an image intensifier tube with a fiber-optic element at the input and a minimum sensitivity of 280 mA/lm is designated as «I+» or «Super I+», referring to foreign sources *.

However, such classification is used today by many Russian companies working for export and consumers should pay attention to this.

The models of this company Dedal-300 and Dedal-40m (photo 17) with EOP II and 25 mm photocathode diameter, Dedal-200 with EOP II and photocathode diameter — 18 mm have quite professional capabilities.

A serious novelty of the company is the day/night sight Dedal-DN510 (Fig. 1), supporting the installation of EOP II+ and III generations, mounted with an eyepiece in a separate replaceable block.

Models of night sights with variable magnification PNP-1/2 (photo 18) with II+ professional-grade image intensifier are offered to the market by the «Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant» («ZOMZ»).

Photo 17. Dedal-40m sight

Fig. 1. Dedal-DN510 day/night sight

Photo 18. PNP-1 night zoom sight

*Note: The classification of image intensifier tubes and, accordingly, night vision devices has foreign roots and is based on patented names.

Thus, fiber-optic plates (FOP) were initially used to connect cameras in multi-module designs.

This solution made it possible to avoid a drop in resolution at the edges of the field of view in such image intensifier tubes.

Today, only single-chamber converters with a FOP at the input (sometimes at the output) and with a multi-alkali photocathode (S-25 according to the American classification) remain in production, which are classified as I+.

During the development of the II+ converter, the greatest success was achieved by Philips, which created the XX1610 image intensifier tube, which is close in its parameters to the III generation.

This image intensifier with a photocathode sensitivity of up to 650 µA/lm (S-25R or Super S-25) received the registered name: SuperGen.

A similar image intensifier developed in the Russian Federation was called II++, which led to misunderstanding on the part of foreign consumers.

The shortened EOP-0, which is currently being developed in Russia, is already being called «Supernull» by its developers, although the prefix «super» should more accurately be attributed to the increase in photocathode sensitivity, and the design improvement should be designated «plus».

The classification of NVDs with EOPs without the use of a VOP in the design as the first generation, even with improved photocathodes and an electrostatic image transfer system, can only be considered as «historically the first generation».

Minsk «BelOMO» is represented on the market by traditional military models: PN-9 (photo 20) with a mirror-lens objective and the usual PNV-17 (photo 19), both with EOP II.

Photo 19. Night sight PN-9

Photo 20. Night vision sight PNV-17

As in the case of sights, there are quite a lot of companies working in the segment of sights with 0-generation EOP (or I — in the classification adopted by sight manufacturers).

The use of such sights is ineffective, but many night hunting enthusiasts consider their characteristics to be quite sufficient, most likely implying by this an affordable price for them — about $400-500.

The use of these devices requires the use of fairly powerful LED IR illumination, which is clearly visible in the dark to animals.

Powerful laser IR illuminators have not received widespread distribution due to their high price and uneven distribution of energy in the illumination angle, although they are produced in small quantities, for example, the laser IR illuminator from «Dedal» costs $320 per piece against a diode one — about $100.

Night sights with Super I+ generation EOP, i.e. with a fiber-optic washer at the input and improved sensitivity, have sufficient capabilities for the needs of night hunting, but their price fluctuates around $900.

A good development of the night sight RN-S01 with I+ EOP is offered by the company «Retron» (Moscow).

Within the framework of a magazine article it is impossible to consider the entire park of night equipment manufactured in the Russian Federation, and the author did not set such a goal for himself.

A general idea of ​​industrial enterprises and companies working in this direction with a brief comparative analysis of the products they manufacture is quite sufficient for solving most problems of night vision practice.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Russian companies have almost completely occupied the segments of the NVG market of generations 0 and 1 and are quite successfully producing night sights and binoculars with general-purpose EOP II.

Today, the most successful models in this class are produced in runs of up to 10 thousand units per year. The situation is much worse with special-purpose NVGs of generations II+-III. The main consumer of such high-tech products is traditionally the state.

The difficult economic situation in Russia does not allow for the formation of sufficient government orders for special equipment, ensuring stable serial loading of enterprises working in this area.

A serious problem is financing the production and development of new products, even in the presence of contracts.

It is quite possible that there is an insufficiently rational use of allocated funds due to the lack of practice in Russia of open competitions (tenders) when ministries form a portfolio of state orders.

These problems affect not only the development and implementation of new devices, but also the quality of manufactured products.

However, it is well known that truth is learned through comparison. A brief overview of the achievements of the world market, which is planned to be prepared for the next issue of the magazine, will help determine the actual position of domestic night vision technology.


1. Beguchev V. P., Chapkevich A. P., Filachev A. M., Electron-optical converters. Status and development trends.//Applied Physics, February 1999, 132-139.

2. A look into the darkness. Night vision devices.//Gun. Weapons and ammunition, April 1998, pp. 48-52.

3. Orlov V. Night vision devices from Rostov the Great//Military Parade, November-December 1997, pp. 126-127.

4. Advertising messages from companies: «Alfa», «Refinery», «KOMZ», «Kathod», «LOMO» , «BelOMO», «Dipole», «Start», «Daedalus», «Turn», « Gephysics-NV», «ZOMZ», «ROMZ», «Retron», “LZOS”, “Krasnogorsk plant named after. Zvereva”.

Table 1

Comparative characteristics of ONV pseudobinoculars


Main characteristics MODELS
1ПН74 Kreml-1/2 Sova-B1 GEO-NV-III-NG RECON-1
Magnification, times
* glasses/binoculars with attachment (lens)
1/2.6* 1/4 1/4 1 1/3
Field of view angle, deg 40 40/12 37/9.5 40 22//6
Angle resolution along the axis, lines/mm 33-38 40-50 33/30 40 20
Focal length, mm 25 25/100 25/100 25 26/90
Relative lens aperture F/1.4 F/1.1
Exit pupil diameter, mm 8 7.5 5
Exit pupil relief, mm 15 14 20
Adjustment range by eye base, mm None 60-70 54-70
Diopter adjustment range, diopter 64 64 65 64 64
Focus limit 25-infinity 25-infinite/500-infinite 25-incr./150-incr. 30-incr. 25-incr.
Overall dimensions:

  • width
  • height
  • thickness (along the optical axis)









Weight in running order, g 800/1000 500+/600
mask – 250
mask –500
850 350+/520
mask – 250
Type of power supplies 2 AA 2 AA 1 THL-316 (3B) 2 AA Alkaline 2AA Alkaline
Continuous operation time, hour 24 20 30 24 14
Operating temperature range 6 50 -25/+40
The manufacturer's declared observation range of a full-length human figure in ENO conditions//in complete darkness with IR illumination. 200/300 200/400 150/300 150/300


Table 2

Comparative characteristics of night sights

Main Features MODELS
1PN- 83 1PN93-1 PKN-04 PKN-06 Dedal-
PN-17 PN-9 Dedal-
Intensifier tube generation II II+ II+ III II, O 25 mm II, O 25 mm II II SII+,III
Magnification, times 3 4 4 3.1 2.8/4, 4 3.2 3.5 6 3-7.5
Field of view , deg 7 7 10 13 17/10 14 12 6°20′ 12-5.2
Focal length, lens, mm 100 102 72 64/100 100 100
Relative lens aperture F/1.7 F/1.7 F/1.56 F/1.2/F/1.5 F/1.5 F/2
Lens type Lens. 3-L 3-L L L L L W-L L
Resolution, lines/mm &# 8212; 33 45 32 40 min 38
Eye relief, mm 50 50 60 50 45 45 40 50 45
Eyepiece diopter setting, diopter +3/-4 +3/-4 ± 4 +2 /-4
Continuous operation time, hours 20/10 10 70 60 50 70 min 30
Power supply type 2AA Litium
4NiCd (1.25V)
1 AA 2AA Alkaline 2AA Alkaline 2AA 2AA 2AA/
  — length 295 207 130 170 225 -252 270 215 315 320/345
  — height 205 176 130 160 82 93 180 245 & #8212;
  — width (diameter) 68 79 68 80 74 86 86 120
Weight, kg 1.45 0.95 0.7 1.0 0.97/1.1 1.23 1.2 2.8 0.83/0.85


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