Review of the CD «Intelligent Building from A to Z».

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Review of the CD «Intelligent Building from A to Z».

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.A. Volkov

Review of the CD “Intelligent Building from A to Z.
Electronic Catalog, Version 1.0”

We should start with the fact that the very fact of the appearance of such an electronic publication in Russia is remarkable in itself and deserves the closest attention.

In the conditions of a lack of professional information not only among specialists who are beginning to think more and more often about the practical implementation of individual solutions of the “intelligent building” class in their projects, but also among colleagues who already have serious experience and a direct relationship to the issue under consideration, an electronic catalog could become the necessary link between producers and consumers of the “intelligent building” product on the Russian market, between modern science and established practice, domestic and foreign experience.

The creators of the disk, in fact, included in it the entire spectrum of professional information in the area under consideration, available today in Russia in electronic form.

It is quite difficult to clearly identify the consumer of the presentations, technical reports, catalogues and other special information presented on the CD, since it is obviously intended for the widest range of specialists related to the “intelligence” of buildings.

I am sure that the electronic catalogue will certainly be useful to many equipment manufacturers, integrators, engineering companies, installers, investment and construction, development, consulting, design, management and operating organizations.

I would recommend this publication to colleagues who are just asking themselves the question “what is an “intelligent building”?”, to teachers, postgraduates and students of construction and other technical universities who strive to meet the modern level of development of scientific and technical progress, technology and engineering, to managers and employees of design and research institutes, and to researchers.

In this sense, the experience of the BIG–RU Building Automation Association and AltPress Publishing House should certainly be welcomed!

It should be noted with satisfaction that most of the materials are presented on the disk in our native language, dated 2005–2006. and has remained relevant to this day.

The electronic catalog has a user-friendly interface and contains information presented for viewing in common application software environments (Adobe PDF, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc.).

I would like to express the hope that the release of such electronic publications will be carried out on a regular basis in the near future!

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