Regulatory normative documents for building automation.

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Regulatory normative documents for building automation.

Hans R. Kranz
HAK company (Forst/Baden)
Project manager for standardization of building automation according to
DIN/CEN/ISO standards.
Member of the DIN Presidium and the Board of the Association of German Engineers VDI TGA.
Head of Working Group 070
on Building Automation of the Joint Commission on the Application of Electronics in Construction GAEB.

Headed the department of production and
sales of building automation systems at Siemens

Building automation (BA)

A building automation system, abbreviated as the “AZ” system (English: BACS, Building Automation and Control System), is a complex of networked microprocessor devices. The data exchange network we are considering between them is the AZ network (English: Building Automation and Control Network).

The AZ system, together with operational services, ensures (almost imperceptibly to the eye) optimization of the operation of the building and its engineering systems in accordance with the criteria of reliability, ecology and efficiency, thereby achieving cost reduction.

The AZ system provides reliable strategic control of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. It is optimized for saving operating time, limiting maximum loads and calculating the characteristics of thermal functions, and also informs the operating service about trends, current and historical operating conditions. These processes are provided by the technological functions of the AZ.

A building automation system brings together all the data necessary to operate a facility in its entirety. Effective building management is no longer conceivable without AZ, which comprehensively covers the work of all subcontractors. Without it, it would be impossible to manage and optimize building operation equipment. Having developed, this industry coordinates all subcontracting work on the engineering equipment of buildings.

AZ has all the data necessary to control energy consumption and operating costs, which are also required to document the environmental audit system. The AZ system contains data related to the maintenance of engineering systems, as well as relevant statistical information. At the same time, the AZ serves as a tool for performing such operational tasks as analysis, regulation and ongoing optimization of the operating mode or the prevention of technical problems.

If the building operation and protection system, the building management system or its energy consumption meet the requirements of the set of international standards DIN EN ISO 16484, then it has the right to be called a building automation system (DIN EN ISO 16484-2, 3.31).

Building automation is key to successfully coordinating the work of subcontractors and therefore there is a need for a common language that can be used by all parties involved in the design, construction and operation of a facility. This language should become generally accepted technical regulatory documents operating at the international level. This article describes the development of regulatory normative documents for automation and building management systems in 2006.

Goals of standardization of AZ systems

At the initiative of Germany, a joint decision was made in the international AZ industry on the need to determine, first of all, the general operating conditions of projects.

This was implemented first at the domestic and then at the European and global levels. At the same time, it was necessary to pay special attention to ensuring that the quality level constantly corresponds to the development of successfully proven technologies.

Preference was given to unified definitions, a “common language” for contract descriptions, which were reworked by the building automation working group of the Joint Commission on the Use of Electronics in Construction, then included in the VDI standard 3814 and subsequently in the global standard for AZ.

The Babel of communication protocols of the early 1990s had to be organized into a universal system structure and thereby reduced to a small number of standardized protocols. With the help of BACnet, KNX/EIB and LonWorks, this goal in the field of building engineering systems has been achieved. For specialized technical areas, communication protocols are available that are optimized both in terms of cost and application.

Examples are buses for professional use in the industrial field (digital data exchange in control and protection systems according to DIN EN 61158 – fieldbus for industrial control and protection systems and digital data exchange DIN EN 61784-1 – fieldbus data exchange profiles for technical automation of processes and production), ASI interface connecting actuator and sensor elements (DIN EN 50295, IEC 62026-2), approved to safety category 4 according to DIN EN 954-1 (for example, for use in fire dampers), measuring bus standard DIN EN 1434-3 for taking readings from meters, as well as special buses for lighting devices DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) — digital addressable interface for lighting and blind motors SMI (Standard Motor Interface).

However, application-specific data exchange methods have yet to prove their benefits within building automation.
Determination of the design and engineering costs required for a full-scale core project should allow for accurate calculations and verification. It was decided to document the planning of AZ functions based on an extended system of long-used lists of characteristics and data converted into a list of AZ functions.

All planners can use this tool in combination with the VDI 3814 standard and/or the global AZ standard in the same way.

Norms and technical regulation in AZ

International standardization

International standards for building automation systems have been developed jointly with the ISO and CEN committees. Technical committee CEN 247 “Automation and building control” is responsible for the system area and building services, while technical committee ISO 205 has taken the lead on the exchange of technical data and terminology. A parallel global vote was held for all sections of the standards.

The main chapters of the safety standards (hardware and functions) are based on either VDI instruction 3814 or DIN V 32734, the data exchange sections are taken from ANSI/ASHRAE standard 135 (BACnet).

Work program of the Technical Committee 205 ISO ( provides (quote): “Standardization of requirements for new construction and renovation of existing buildings to ensure acceptable indoor conditions and energy savings and efficiency.

Requirements for indoor spaces relate to air quality, thermal, acoustic and optical factors.”

The goal is to create a system of international standards that ensure internal conditions in buildings that support economic efficiency and a comfortable working environment:

• building layout taking into account energy efficiency,
• building automation system planning,
• air quality in internal premises,
• thermal conditions of premises,
• acoustic conditions of premises,
• optical conditions of premises.

The work program of the Technical Committee 247 CEN ( provides (quote): “Standardization of automation and building control for residential and other types of construction.

The standards include designations, requirements, functions and methods for testing products and systems for automatic control, regulation and monitoring of building engineering equipment and measures for integration with interfaces and protocols, as well as systems and services aimed at the efficient technical operation of buildings in combination with commercial and infrastructure managing them.”

A special case is the joint committees of ISO and IEC or CEN and CENELEC. They are called the Joint Technical Committee (JTC). An area closely related to building automation is home automation (in the field of construction of private houses).

Working Group 1 of ISO/CEN JTC 1 Subcommittee 25 Home Electronic Systems (HES), which includes representatives from 28 countries, has been trying to develop standards for many years. The scope of these standards should include: heating, lighting, audio/video systems, remote communications, security systems and a “home gateway” to connect the home control network to the Internet.

The functions are close to the automation of large buildings, but until now there has been no expressed willingness on the part of Working Group 1 to work together.

Common European Standardization

The European Committee for Standardization CEN and the European Committee for Standardization of Electrical Equipment CENELEC were formed in the early 60s, after the founding of the European Economic Community by treaties of March 25, 1957, as regional standardization organizations. In 1982, CEN/CENELEC received European Standardization Institute status. Both organizations have their headquarters in Brussels.

Today, CEN/CENELEC includes 28 national standardization institutes, represented by all EU countries, as well as EFTA countries; 8 other countries are also members.

The actual standardization work is carried out by technical committees. Clerical work is assigned to one of the committee members (Switzerland leads such work in the CEN 247 technical committee). For areas that apply ISO standards but are not represented by the relevant technical committee in CEN/CENELEC, individual members are appointed as observers. In cases where identical developments are submitted to ISO and CEN, ISO rules come into force.

The European Commission may submit orders for standardization work (mandates) to CEN/CENELEC. These include regulations on building products, technical equipment, electromagnetic compatibility, as well as regulations on the energy efficiency of buildings.

CEN standards are created as a result of voluntary work on a voluntary basis by participants from all interested circles.

Participants must be nominated by a national standards organization. The results proposed for voting must be developed through joint efforts.

A prerequisite is that work must be carried out in coordination with other committees in similar areas operating at the regional or international level. Standardization work carried out on the same topic within individual EU countries must be stopped.

Through the efforts of each of the CEN members, European standards must be transformed into national standards. Domestic regulations that are inconsistent with these European regulations must be repealed.

Compliance with European regulations often entitles products to bear the CE mark.

The main goals are to remove barriers to trade, ensure reliability and interoperability of products and services, and promote mutual understanding of the technology and infrastructure of a modern, innovative market economy.

European standards are essential for the Common Market, European Union integration, consumer protection and sustainable development. In order for a building to comply with European building regulations, it must be planned and constructed in such a way that the “essential requirements” are met.

Norms that harmonize with each other contribute to achieving these goals.

The main requirements for construction projects:

1. Mechanical strength and stability

During construction and operation the following are not allowed:
• collapse of the entire construction site or part thereof,
• significant volume deformations,
• damage to other building structures or structures and equipment as a result of excessive deformations of load-bearing building structures,
• damage as a result of an incident significantly exceeding the original value .

2. Fire protection

The load-bearing capacity of a building must be maintained during a fire for a certain period of time so that:
• the occurrence and spread of flame and smoke within the building was limited,
• the spread of flame to neighboring buildings was limited,
• residents of the building could leave the building without receiving bodily harm or be rescued by other means,
• the safety of rescue operations was taken into account works.

3. Hygiene, health and protection

of the environment
First of all, a threat to the hygiene and health of the occupants of the building and its neighboring buildings is not allowed due to:
• the release of toxic gases;
• presence of harmful particles or gases in the air;
• hazardous radiation;
• contamination or poisoning of water or ground surface;
• improper methods of draining wastewater, smoke and disposal of solid or liquid waste;
• accumulation of moisture in building structures and on the surface of building structures in interior spaces.

4. Safety of use

During operation, the presence of unacceptable sources of risk of accidents is not allowed, such as: injuries caused by the victim slipping, falling from a height, bumping into an obstacle, as well as burns, electric shocks, injuries as a result of an explosion.

5. Noise insulation

The level of noise perceived by residents or people near the building is not allowed to cause harm to health; it must be guaranteed to meet satisfactory conditions for night rest, leisure and work.

6. Energy saving and thermal insulation

The building and its heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems and equipment must be designed and constructed in such a way that energy consumption during operation is kept at a low level, taking into account the climatic conditions of the location, and provides sufficient thermal comfort for the occupants.

Requirement clause 6 especially emphasizes the urgent need to use building automation. This is also noted in the European standards for energy efficiency of buildings.

Internal standardization

As before, it is necessary that national specific regulations are approved, for example in additional DIN standards or in VDI regulations. An example of this is the Procedure for placing contracts and contracts for construction work VOB and the well-known “Construction Cost Standard” DIN 276, which is used by every architect when drawing up estimates and calculating costs. Building automation was included in this standard as a “construction contract” in 1993.

The revised edition, effective in 2006, made some changes that also affected AZ (Table 1 ).

Another mechanism of domestic regulation is all the documentation of the Joint Commission on the Application of Electronics in Construction GAEB.

In addition, relevant for building automation are the regulations of the Working Group on Technological and Electrical Equipment of State and Municipal Administrative Agencies AMEV, the Association of German Engineers VDI 3813 “Room Automation” and 3814 “Building Automation”, as well as the Association of German Mechanical Engineering and Complete Industrial Systems Manufacturing VDMA and the Federal Industrial Society for Heating, Air Conditioning and Sanitary Technology BHKS.

For distribution cabinets and electrical wiring, of course, the electrical regulations apply, that is, the collection of instructions of the Society of German Electricians VDE.

The new VDI 3814–2:2005 provides a convenient overview of all regulatory mechanisms applied in the field of safety.

The lists of works in the collection of standard construction contracts according to instruction 070 GAEB (Scope of work: building automation) and the Procedure for placing contracts and contracts for construction work DIN 18386 show the applied methods for regulating AZ projects.

All standards cited in the collection of standard construction works are freely available on the GAEB website ( in the Download section.

Global safety standard

The ISO 205 technical committee represents the “stakeholders” of 24 countries involved in the development of building automation standards. These include, in addition to European EU member states, Australia, Egypt, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, South Africa and the United States.

Many of them, as well as a number of other states, accept all ISO standards as their domestic standards; in some countries, ISO standards become legally binding.

The main sections of regulatory documents on AZ were approved with unanimous approval. Today, the DIN EN ISO 16484 safety code includes the hardware of safety systems (Section 2), standardized safety functions (Section 3), the safety communication protocol (Section 5) and compatibility testing (Section 6). Sections 1 (“General information and terms”), 4 (“Facility automation”) and 7 (“Project planning and execution”) are under development.

Content of the international standard EN ISO 16484 on emergency protection systems
EN ISO 16484

Section 1 “General information and terms”

Section 1 provides a complete list of terms with their explanations, abbreviations and abbreviations as a “dictionary” of the industry. It offers translations of terms into English, French, Russian and German.

The main part contains an overview of the building automation structure and a description of the content of all subsequent sections of this regulatory document and their relationship, so this section will be prepared at the final stage of the work. The modern vocabulary of building automation developed to date and included in this voluminous work can, if necessary, be requested from the author of this article (Hans@Kranz).

EN ISO 16484 — Section 2

The second part of standard 2 was officially adopted in Germany in October 2004. It describes the requirements that elements of building automation systems must meet.

These include service units and devices, control devices, automated stations and specialized control and regulation units, field instruments, wiring and network system connection, communication interface units and engineering and commissioning devices. The various network connection options are presented graphically.
(Fig. 1).
This functional level mapping no longer uses the outdated “pyramid view” or AZ block diagrams with ordering communication protocols. These methods are no longer true since all temporary/experimental AZ regulations have been abolished. The new diagrams can contain all practical connections/topologies for building automation devices and also contain modern device terms.

From the preface to the AZ standards:

European standard EN ISO 16484-2: October 2004 “AZ Hardware” was developed with the participation of the technical committee ISO 205 “Building internal structure” and technical Committee CEN 247 “Building Automation and Building Management”.
This standard, EN ISO 16484–2, together with EN ISO 16484–3, replaces DIN V 32734:1992 “Digital automation of building installations – general requirements for planning and execution”. It includes the German edition of the European standard EN ISO 16484–2:2004, as well as a translation of the international standard ISO 16484–2:2004 into German. It contains the terms and definitions used in sections 2 and 3 of EN ISO 16484.

The various electrical and electromagnetic requirements in the Americas, Asia, and Europe are described in regional supplements to the standards. Technical Committee CEN 247 and CENELEC 205 have organized a joint working group for Europe for this purpose.

These additions address the regional application of IEC standards applicable to electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety (e.g. IEC 61000–6–3 Rev. 2.0 (2006–07) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Section 6–3: Essential Standards – Residential Emission Standard , commercial and industrial facilities).

European specifications will be contained in the sections of the planned standard:
• temporary EN 50491: General requirements for electrical system equipment for private houses and buildings and for building automation systems (BA); Section 5–1: General EMC requirements, conditions and test structures;
• temporary EN 50491; Section 5-2: EMC requirements for small systems used in residential, commercial, light industrial, and small business environments;
• temporary EN 50491; Section 5-3: EMC requirements for large systems used in residential, commercial, light industrial and small business applications;
• temporary EN 50491; Section 5-4: EMC requirements for industrial areas.

EN ISO 16484 – Section 3 “Functions“

Section 3 describes the requirements that software and functions of emergency protection systems must meet, specialized depending on the project, as well as the planning and design of the automation systems themselves. This section contains, as prescribed, a list of AZ functions and an introduction to how to use them.

A description of the functions and their additional clarification using examples of functional blocks is provided.
The core layout is based on an automation scheme developed on the basis of the DIN EN ISO 10628 standard “Constructive diagrams of process equipment — general rules”.
(Fig. 2).

The automation diagram of devices included in the building’s engineering systems is the source material for defining in the scheduler the functions of information points, data processing and exchange functions for full-scale automation, as well as the system-user interface (interfaces) for maintenance and management of energy consumption and maintenance.

The device diagram, which serves as the starting material for the automation circuit, and the technical data required for the installation of the actuators and the control cabinet must be provided by the mechanical device planner.

Examples of automation schemes and corresponding lists of AZ functions for all contracts are reflected in the document VDI 3814–4.

VDI 3814 1:2005 includes a function scheduler in the form of a template for tabular calculations on a storage medium, which is not included in the standards.

However, the global standard describes a number of other requirements that AZ software must meet and provides a comprehensive example of equipment.

The BIG-EU Association has published on the Internet a table organizing the object types of the BACnet standard according to the functions of the AZ (see the chapter on BACnet and

A computer program that is neutral in relation to the manufacturers of emergency protection systems (for example, TRIC (TRIC) from the Mervisoft company) offers the ability to create a list of emergency protection functions in EXCEL format from an engineering equipment automation diagram.

A set of relevant functions, arranged taking into account the main tasks or technical devices used, is included as part of the list of works. When placing contracts, a participant can obtain information from the application about the necessary hardware manufactured by a particular manufacturer.

The Function Planner is used as a calculation table to document and summarize all building automation functions. Functions are components of complex programs that process information coming from dedicated physical or shared information points.

Grouping of AD functions in the function planner corresponds to the requirements of a particular project, contains in one list of works a comprehensive description of the functions of a particular information point, ready for commissioning, and, accordingly, the specified functionality of devices.

Thus, the description of functions includes, as required by the Procedure for placing contracts and agreements for construction work VOB, all technical processing and design (engineering) data necessary for a particular function, such as:
• technical explanation problem statement, borrowed from production planning documentation (technical specifications),
• design — planning of installation and internal work (obligations),
• setting addresses, parameters, interfaces and methods of operation for each information point,
• technical processing and entering addresses, characteristics, operating ranges, sizes, SI units , installation of software parts/programs and input of relevant parameters; this stage includes markers and functions of control logic circuits, commissioning, commissioning and functional testing, training of operational services and documentation.

Therefore, the lists of construction works drawn up taking into account the Procedure for placing contracts and contracts for construction work VOB/C DIN 18386 and the List of standard works STLB 070 do not provide for other “engineering work” for building automation that is difficult to calculate. Of course, the sum of the items described in the regulatory functions AZ may be rounded when placing an order.

EN ISO 16484 – Section 4 “Applications” (Premises Automation)

Section 4 is intended for communication automated applications of integrated (covering all subcontracted work) room automation and for special products, for example, for optimizing the automation of heating, ventilation convectors or hair dryer coils, as well as for regulating the parameters of individual rooms equipped with constant air conditioning devices. and variable air volume (VAV), including for controlling cooling ceilings.

Processing of Section 4 will continue after Section 7 of the ISO standards is completed. By this time, the formation of a national opinion regarding room automation, guided by VDI 3813, should be completed.

EN ISO 16484 — Section 5 “Data exchange protocol“
Part 5 includes the BACnet standard, used as a protocol for AZ systems. BACnet defines a significant number of rules governing the exchange of system units with encoded data containing binary, analog and alphanumeric information, thereby ensuring their interaction.

Protocol communication objects offer the ability to identify and access information without knowing the details of the internal design or the configuration of interconnected blocks. BACnet, the American standard ANSI/ASHRAE 135, was adopted by ISO and CEN, which expanded it to meet the needs of Japan and Europe.

The ASHRAE team involved interested Europeans in the work from the very beginning. The result of this is the adoption of the KNX (EIB) standard as a normative component of the BACnet standard (Chapter H.5 “Using BACnet in combination with EIB/KNX) (Fig. 4). In August 2006, KNXnet/IP was unanimously approved as the European standard “Electronic systems for private homes and buildings” EN 13321-2. The KNX information used in BACnet objects can be obtained from the ETS (Engineering Tool Software) computer program. The purpose of incorporating KNX into BACnet is a comprehensive and smooth integration of building system technology into the building automation system and ease of design work.

BACnet defines services and communication objects for data processing and automation devices used to control the operation of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration devices and other building services.

This protocol includes a significant number of objects, thereby ensuring the exchange of encoded data containing binary, analog and alphanumeric information related, in particular, to:

• input of measured values ​​- objects for entering an analog value;
• output of control/set value – objects for outputting an analog value;
• input of a measured value;
• input of a notification – objects for entering a binary value, objects for entering a multi-level value;
• output of the switching program – objects for outputting a binary value, objects for outputting a multi-level value;
• virtual values ​​– objects for an analog value, objects for a binary value, objects for a multi-level value, objects for a measured value
• objects for the arithmetic average, trend objects;
• character string;
• data on the time plan;
• data on accidents and events
• files
• automation programs (parameters).

The BACnet protocol describes each building automation system as a collection of data structures, called objects, whose properties reflect various aspects of hardware, software, and device control. These objects provide the ability to identify access data without knowing the execution details or configuration of internal devices.

The AZ industry is relying on BACnet primarily for strategic reasons — due to the fact that there is a need for a specialized protocol for the needs of the industry that could be adopted at a global level. BACnet provides the required functionality and flexibility and supports, on a standardized basis, extensions according to the needs of a given company.

From a technical point of view, BACnet supports complex request processing in a standardized manner, such as Change of State (COS) alarms, archiving and event log, instrument status, time and calendar functions, signal distribution, etc.

An overview of the integration capabilities of other engineering systems required, for example, for fire and burglary alarms, building access control, maintenance and facility condition management, is presented in Fig. 2.
Experience shows that defining a data exchange method (“protocol”) is necessary, but not sufficient.

Practical projects require that all functions of various products, systems and devices be precisely configured in relation to each other.

In each case, the responsibility for their coordination should be fixed by contract, taking into account the fact that there are usually no mutual contractual obligations between the various suppliers of systems that must be associated with each other.

In the professional circles of the VDI Association of German Engineers, guidelines for new “communication” technologies are being developed: the VDI 3814-5 working group is working on the system integration of building automation, and the VDI 6010-1 working group is working on the functionality of complex system interfaces used in building security systems.

Their use protects all parties involved from unpleasant “surprises” on construction sites.

EN ISO 16484 – Section 6 “Data exchange — interoperability testing”

Section 6 describes the technical requirements that must be met by the environment and testing methods necessary to verify the compatibility of automation products with the protocol.

The degree of compatibility of the functions presented in the Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) is determined through the regulatory testing process.

In addition, a description of the requirements necessary for a qualitative assessment of the system under test is provided. A list of products participating in the testing is published on the official BACnet web page (e.g.

EN ISO 16484 – Section 7 “Project planning and execution”

Section 7 describes a structured way to plan, contract, and execute building automation and systems integration projects.

It includes the entire sequence of processes for building a system, from setting the task to putting the facility into operation, taking into account the special requirements and procedures required in the case of combining unrelated systems (based on VDI 3814-5 instructions).

Associations of unrelated systems include products, systems and devices with integrated interfaces, e.g. cooling devices, heating boilers, pumps, elevators.

Successful implementation of such integration without incurring unexpected, prohibitive costs requires the identification of an appropriate communication protocol and network technology.

According to this part of the standard, it will be necessary to describe the coordinated functions of various products, systems and devices, as well as to identify the authority responsible for system integration.

Planning the emergency zone according to the global standard is an honorable task

Today, calculating equipment costs to determine the contract amount, carried out in accordance with the AZ functions according to DIN EN ISO 16484-3, is a more appropriate method than calculating using the previously generally accepted AZ system hardware items.

The intellectual work of a consulting engineer can be adequately assessed only by the positions of the AZ functions in the list of works.

Due to the fact that the planner clearly documents his ideas using standardized functions, using an automation scheme and a list of information points expanded to a list of AZ functions, the equipment manufacturer is able to calculate its costs in price terms, and not just approximately estimate them.

Due to the fact that the functions are fully and clearly described in the list of works, customers and operational services clearly see the functionality they receive and the impact of certain devices. In case of doubt, no one feels deceived.

The standardized functions of the AZ were agreed upon as a result of the joint work of the main companies participating in the market (customers of construction work, consulting engineers, manufacturers of AZ and manufacturing companies of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment).

They were then approved as technical rules and enshrined in the Procedure for placing construction contracts and contracts for construction work (General Technical Rules ATV DIN 18386).

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