Regulations on the procedure for the manufacture, import into the Russian Federation and use on the territory of the Russian Federation of radio-electronic means (high-frequency devices) (approved by RF Government Resolution No. 643 of June 5, 1994).
on the procedure for the manufacture, import into the Russian Federation and use on the territory of the Russian Federation of radio-electronic means
(high-frequency devices)
(approved by the RF Government Resolution of June 5, 1994 N 643)
These Regulations define the general procedure for the manufacture, import into the Russian Federation and use on the territory of the Russian Federation of radio-electronic means (high-frequency devices) * (hereinafter referred to as «radio-electronic means»). These Regulations do not apply to: radio-electronic means intended for individual reception of television and radio broadcasting programs, consumer electronics products that do not contain radio-emitting devices; radio-electronic means of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in organizing air communications in terms of the use of radio-electronic means operating in the radio frequency bands of the air mobile service and the air radio navigation service, radio-electronic means of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, the Main Security Directorate of the Russian Federation. *)
In case of using radio-electronic equipment of the specified ministries and departments for commercial purposes, the effect of this regulation shall apply to them. Allocation of bands (ranges) of radio frequencies is carried out by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. The manufacture, import into the Russian Federation, and use of radio-electronic equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation are carried out on the basis of permits issued by the Main Directorate of the State Supervision Service for Communications of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the «Main Directorate of the Service») upon applications from legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones (hereinafter referred to as the «applicants»). The following shall be attached to the application for permits: for manufacture — draft technical specifications submitted for approval; for import into the Russian Federation — technical characteristics of radio-electronic equipment, terms of their use on the territory of the Russian Federation; for use — documentation for a specific type of radio-electronic equipment. The list of submitted documentation is established by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.
The design and construction (installation) of stationary radio-electronic equipment may be carried out only with permits issued by the Main Directorate of the Service. Permits for the installation of radio transmitting equipment on high-rise buildings in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg are issued in agreement with the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, and in the capitals of republics, regional, provincial and district centers of the Russian Federation — in agreement with the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation. In this case, the location of the said radio-electronic equipment must meet the requirements for compliance with electromagnetic compatibility determined by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.
A permit for the operation of radio-electronic equipment is issued to a specific applicant and does not grant the right to operate them to other persons. 5. Operation of radio-electronic equipment installed in diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of permits issued by the Main Directorate of the Service in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The assignment of radio frequencies for the operation of radio-electronic equipment is carried out by the bodies of the Service in the established manner. Temporary import to the territory of the Russian Federation of foreign-made radio-electronic equipment and their operation are carried out on the basis of permits issued by the Main Directorate of the Service under the obligation to export these equipment from the territory of the Russian Federation. Radio-electronic equipment used in violation of the conditions of their operation determined by the bodies of the Service when issuing the relevant permits are subject to restrictions in their use up to and including the cancellation of the previously issued permit for their operation. For the manufacture, use, construction (installation) and operation of radio-electronic equipment, as well as their import into the Russian Federation without permission from the service bodies, the guilty persons are held liable in accordance with the current legislation.
*) A radio-electronic device (high-frequency device) is a technical device consisting of one or more radio transmitting or receiving devices or their combination and auxiliary equipment. Radio-electronic devices (high-frequency devices) include radio stations, radio navigation systems, radio determination, cable television systems and other devices that use radio frequencies above 9 kHz.
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