Radio headsets for special applications of portable short-range VHF radio communications.
Radio headsets for special applications of portable short-range VHF radio communications.
1. Classification.
The most important attribute of portable VHF radio communication equipment is a radio headset, which is, as a rule, a set of devices for input (microphones) and output (phones) of speech information and devices for controlling the operating modes of radio stations, which are connected to portable radio stations. Radio headsets are used when it is necessary to free your hands for other actions, to ensure covert placement of radio communication equipment, when working in conditions of increased acoustic noise, etc. Based on the conditions of use of the radio headset, they can be divided into 2 classes:
— covertly worn headsets;
— openly worn headsets.
Concealedheadsets are used mainly in conjunction with small-sized radio stations for covert wearing and are designed to provide acoustic and visual covertness of radio communications. Conventionally, we can distinguish 2 types of covertly worn radio headsets:
— to provide a low level of covertness: for those cases when visually covert placement of headsets is not essential and it is only important to ensure that the headset does not attract special attention from others (security of facilities, protection of important persons, etc.);
— to ensure a high level of secrecy: for those cases when it is necessary to ensure the secrecy of radio communications from a trained enemy (for example, covert surveillance of an object).
Open-worn headsets can be divided according to their functional purpose, and in accordance with this design, as follows:
— standard headsets for reliable fastening during movement and other active actions of the radio operator;
— headsets for joint use with personal protective equipment (bullet-proof and motorcycle helmets, etc.);
— headsets for work in conditions of increased acoustic noise (in industrial premises, at airports, etc.).
A schematic classification of radio headsets by their functional purpose is presented in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Classification of headsets for portable VHF radio communication devices |
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