Q&A from Pelco. Pelco manager Oleg Nikulin answers the reader's question.


Q&A from Pelco

«Why do all global vendors without exception talk about IP video and why does a customer need HD resolution? What is its real value? — Nikolay GNATYSHIN, Novosibirsk.»

Oleg Nikulin, manager of Pelco, answers the reader's question.

The transition from analog to IP video did not happen today. The process began quite a long time ago, and, as often happens, chance helped: more than 10 years ago, one of the famous casinos in Las Vegas was robbed, and there was no high-quality image of the robbers left on the tape of a special VCR. The developers thought about it and found a solution.
The first real step from «analog» to IP was the appearance of recorders based on computer technologies, which digitized the incoming analog signal. The very first installed digital recorder showed a huge difference between the applied and new technologies: the resolution and real color rendition increased several times, the convenience of searching and subsequent analysis improved, the archive depth became practically unlimited.
After that, digital technology gradually began to capture the entire infrastructure of security video systems. Digital video monitors appeared – the viewing quality improved, digital zoom appeared, etc. Digital video transmission systems appeared – the codec-decoder system, the transmission range of the video signal increased many times without losing quality, it became possible to transmit video via twisted pair and optics. IP cameras appeared – the manufacturer was able to increase the resolution of the received signal. Today, we can say that the circle is closed. For example, Pelco has been offering fully digital systems for over 3 years using end-to-end digital, as the Americans say, from cameras to monitors and recorders, i.e. a complete solution. Our IP platform is called Endura. At the moment, the Endura system already has hundreds of successful installations around the world.
The Endura IP system has no limitations either geographically, or in the number of cameras, or in storage capacity. This equipment is used to implement «safe city» facilities, airports, metro and railway systems, and traffic control systems. And it works.
The next step is to switch to HD resolution. Why? The fact is that there are no trifles in security television. Every detail can be critical during an investigation. It is important to provide a more detailed picture both during observation and during recording. Having recorded what is happening on city streets and squares, in airport halls, in stadium stands, the customer should be able to see people's faces and car numbers. And HD resolution will provide invaluable assistance in this.

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