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Promotion of products on the security systems market.

In its pure form, the process of promoting products on the security systems market is a closed process from development, the subsequent important stage of launching on the market, to consolidation on it in the form of including equipment in customer facility projects.

To reach a new level, it is necessary to receive feedback in the form of customer reviews on the quality of technical security equipment (TSE) and information on options for expanding the ranges of possible application, in accordance with the needs of the security market.

It is the inclusion of TSO by the targeted work of the marketing department in the security systems projects of the maximum number of customers that is the key to opening stable sales in the security systems market for the manufacturing enterprise.

The process of organizing the work of the marketing department to promote products in the security systems market is a complex multi-level process, the purpose of which is to inform in the shortest possible time the maximum possible number of market participants about the emergence of new types of TSO, their technical and operational characteristics.

From the position of the marketing department, the classic algorithm for promoting TSO in the security systems market includes the following stages of work:  

— Preparation of a set of advertising materials,

— Development, filling and promotion of the enterprise website,

— Participation in major industry exhibitions,

— Conducting presentations and seminars,

— Creation of a dealer network,

— Advertising in industry catalogs and magazines,

— Distribution of a set of standard design solutions.

More details on each of these works

1. The preparation of a set of advertising materials should be regarded by the marketing department as a necessary stage of work on the production of the main tool for promoting products on the security systems market.

Correctly selected technical and information material should be the basis for visualizing the capabilities of the TSO, understandable even to the most uninitiated representative of the potential customer.

Ideally, a set of advertising materials for one unit of production should be a booklet, the basis of which is a schematic picture, giving the potential customer an accurate idea of ​​the appearance, installation method and main technical characteristics of the TSO.

Without such a set of advertising materials, it is impossible for the marketing department to effectively conduct exhibitions, presentations, seminars and other types of interaction with customers. Arsenal Bezopasnosti Group of Companies publishes and distributes catalogs and leaflets on its products as the range is updated or changed.

2. The development and «promotion» of the enterprise's website is an endless set of works by the marketing department, which must be constantly developed and improved.

The presence of a well-written website filled with the necessary technical and operational information is a guarantee of quickly attracting an unlimited number of potential customers, both in the domestic and international markets.

To complete this stage of work, the marketing department must actively participate at least once a week in optimizing the site's information content in accordance with search query statistics, trends, and user interests.

It should be noted that in order to increase the attention of experts and market participants to the proposed TSO, the marketing department must necessarily carry out work to create specialized sections of the site, including technical support containing answers to customer requests for product use and analytical articles by enterprise specialists on products in the security systems market.

Due to the fact that the Internet has become one of the leading sources of information, in addition to creating your own websites, there is now an excellent opportunity to present your company on technical portals that accumulate information about all market participants.

3. Participation in major industry exhibitions is a responsible and most expensive stage of the entire list of works on promoting products on the security market.

At this stage, the marketing department carries out work on developing:

the concept of participation in exhibitions; the design and content of the exhibition stand; the program for preparing, holding and practicing the results of exhibitions.

Three main security exhibitions are held annually in Russia:

· Forum «Security Technologies», Moscow, February.
· «MIPS», Moscow, April.
· «Security and Safety», St. Petersburg, November.

In addition, small exhibitions are held in various Russian regions. These exhibitions are intended for neighboring regions.

An example of such an exhibition is «Sibbezopasnost. SPASSIB», Novosibirsk.

Arsenal Bezopasnost Group of Companies is a regular participant in exhibitions.

This year, 2010, at the «MIPS» exhibition, Arsenal Bezopasnost Group of Companies won in the «Best Exposition» nomination.

4. Conducting presentations and seminars is a continuation of the work of the marketing department on participation in major industry exhibitions and «promotion» of the company's website.

This stage of work is necessary to establish feedback with potential customers and prepares a platform for work on creating a dealer network.

It is most advisable to conduct presentations and seminars on the territory or in the office of a potential customer in order to attract the attention of the maximum number of specialists and employees of the customer to the new product.

Arsenal Security Group constantly holds seminars, both internal ones, aimed at improving the qualifications of its own employees, and external ones, telling about the latest innovations and answering questions of interest to the company's clients.

5. Creating an effective partner network is an important step towards expanding security system channels.

The presence of mutually beneficial partnerships in the B2B market is the key to success in such a business. And here the most important thing is to create favorable conditions for partners: Arsenal Security Group created a Dealer Policy, according to which the company did not switch to selling goods to end customers (meaning installers) bypassing its long-standing partners (as many did, by the way), but contributed to strengthening partnerships, giving its partners the opportunity to sell Arsenal Security Group products themselves on favorable terms.

6. Advertising in industry catalogues and magazines is necessary for the fastest possible information of experts and target potential buyers of the security systems market about new products.

A unified style and constant focus on informing about solving the problems of a given market using TSO data should be the basis for the information content of printed advertising. In order to optimize financial costs and speed up advertising processes, it is advisable to place information about TSO for 3 years with a frequency of at least 1 publication annually in a catalog or magazine of a well-known industry publisher.

GC Arsenal Bezopasnosti posts information about its company and products much more often. The main goal of regular participation in catalogs and magazines for GC Arsenal Bezopasnosti is to convey to customers the information that: GC Arsenal Bezopasnosti is, first and foremost, the largest manufacturer that thinks about the aesthetics of design and ease of installation, producing high-quality devices in full compliance with the regulatory requirements of Federal Law No. 123 («Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements»).

7. Distribution of a set of standard design solutions is necessary to establish feedback with regular customers and provide timely technical support to design and installation organizations.

At this stage, the marketing department carries out work on the formation of a database of regular customers and the main organizations that carry out the design and installation of TSO, and then prepares a set of materials and sends it by mail or electronically. Arsenal Bezopasnosti Group distributes among its clients disks containing the necessary information for design: equipment connection diagrams in Compass and Autocad formats, as well as other additional material.

High-quality performance of the above-mentioned works will allow the marketing department, without a doubt, to increase the efficiency of the enterprise's participation in exhibitions, attract the interest of a large number of potential customers, increase the total volume of security systems and gain additional competitive advantages.

To summarize, it is worth saying that in view of the huge variety of customer requirements and capabilities of TSO, any large or serial purchase in the security market is carried out only in accordance with the object performed according to the Customer's Technical Specifications by the design organization.

Therefore, mobilizing efforts to include products in projects by most design organizations is the main goal of all activities of the marketing department to promote TSO in the security market.

The presence of equipment from a specific manufacturer in the specification for a security system project is an indicator of the effectiveness of the work for the marketing department and a 100% guarantee of product sales in a relatively short term, and also opens the way for the manufacturer to stability in the long term due to the possibility of replicating security system projects to other objects.

Marketer of the Arsenal Security Group, Paul N.

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