#training of security guards

Training program for private security guards.

Training centers for training private security guards offer the following types of training courses:

— training and retraining of private security guards;

— training and advanced training of management personnel.

The training program for private security guards is developed with mandatory consideration of the requirements of Russian legislation, in particular, the Law On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation,Law on Education, as well as decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The training program for private security guards includes a number of disciplines necessary for the high-quality performance of their professional duties as a security guard.

The training course is primarily of an applied nature, but sufficient attention is also paid to theoretical and regulatory training.

Training program for private security guardsis based on such forms as lectures, seminars and practical classes.

In recent years, the training program for private security guards has included watching special films that clearly demonstrate the actions of professional security guards from the outside.

In total, professional training of private security guardsfits into 240 hours: the training period is 5 weeks with an eight-hour working day. The curriculum can be adjusted — this right is reserved by training centers for private security guards, — in the event of changes in legislation.

There are several restrictions for those wishing to begin security training: persons not younger than 21 years old, who do not have contraindications to training for health reasons and do not have a criminal record for committing criminal offenses, etc.

After completing the study of disciplines related to security activities, students take exams and tests according to the curriculum. The procedure for completing control assignments is regulated by the management of the educational institution together with the teaching staff.

Training of private security guards is carried out according to the approved plan of the educational process, which includes such points as: introduction to the profession, legal basis of private security activities; special training; psychological; technical; physical; fire; medical training; internship.

Upon completion of the training course, the graduate is required to have knowledge of the basic provisions of the laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents governing the activities of private security structures, as well as strictly observe them and act in accordance with their requirements.

The security guard must know the basics of the activities and organization of work of private security companies and security services, as well as his job responsibilities;

  • modern means and methods of ensuring personal security;
  • protection of property owners;
  • technical means of communication and fire alarm systems;
  • the basics of criminal, administrative and civil legislation on issues of the lawful use of service and civilian weapons, special means of self-defense.

The theoretical part of the training involves a fairly extensive lesson plan based on the topic «Legal basis for private security activities«.

The classes cover the Law on Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation, in particular the legal basis for private security activities (Section I, Article 2 of the Law), types of private security activities (Section I, Article 3 of the Law);

  • provision of services in the field of private security activities (Section III, Article 11 of the Law); control and supervision of private security activities (Section VI, Article 20 of the Law);
  • the procedure for creating security services at enterprises; requirements for the heads of these services (Section IV, Articles 13, 14 of the Law);
  • conditions for the use of firearms and special equipment by private security guards (Section V, Articles 16, 17, 18 of the Law);
  • social and legal protection of private security guards (Section VI, Article 19 of the Law);
  • interaction of private security with law enforcement and other government agencies.

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