Primary fire extinguishing equipment that will always come to the rescue: fire curtains and more.
Primary fire extinguishing means that will always come to the rescue: fire curtains and more
The article will consider the means of primary fire extinguishing at early stages, which, for example, also includes the fire cabinet shpk. Such means can save life and health during evacuation from a burning building. The advantages of some means, which, it would seem, are not so advanced in technical terms, are that they can acquire and exhibit new functions, allowing you to escape from the fire. In practice, this often turns out to be a decisive factor.
Fire curtains
Fire curtainsact as a kind of fire blocker: they prevent the spread of flames and combustion products from the room where the fire started. When installing, a competent technical solution should be used so that the benefit is maximum and possible unexpected situations are thought out. Fire curtains make it possible to safely evacuate people from a burning room, provide access for fire rescuers and supply fire extinguishing equipment to the source of the fire. Fire curtainscan also be used to carry out rescue operations for people and material assets. In addition to the fact that this means protects against the spread of fire to other premises, it also slows down the destructive action of fire at the source of the fire, giving firefighters time to carry out rescue operations. Fire protection of building structures can also be carried out using such curtains. Fire curtainsfill openings in fire barriers, and can also function as self-supporting fire and smoke barriers. When drawing up a scheme to increase the fire protection of a building, this fire protection agent can also be included: curtains can be used as a fire barrier to separate the premises of a building into fire compartments and local protected zones. Fire curtainsare used to separate parts of a building and rooms of different classes of functional fire hazard; to separate buildings and large rooms; to protect openings in fire walls with a low level of fire protection; to protect elevator shafts, elevator doors and open elevators. Curtains can be used to protect openings in ceilings, floors, roofs, atriums, including to protect glass roofs, domes, awnings, canopies and, of course, window openings. Curtains can be used as part of an insulating fire extinguishing system — as a non-combustible blanket. There are several types of fire curtains: fire-protective and fire-smoke protection; smoke protection.
Fireproof sheet
Another name is felt. Fireproof sheetis a fire-resistant blanket made of tarpaulin and fiberglass, which is used as a primary means of extinguishing the initial stages of a fire in class A fires — solid flammable substances, B — liquid flammable substances, E — electrical installations under voltage up to 600 V. With the help of this means, you can stop a car fire. Fireproof blanketis used both in industrial and residential premises. Situations in which the cloth can be used: extinguishing burning clothes on a person, increasing safety when working with fire to protect equipment and structural elements; extinguishing flammable materials by stopping oxygen access to them. Fire-resistant cloth is made of silica fabric, which is capable of ensuring the cessation of combustion for 2-3 minutes. This fire extinguishing agent has no limited shelf life. It is important that the cloth material is non-toxic.
Intra-apartment fire extinguishing device
Intra-apartment fire extinguishing device also refers to the means of primary fire extinguishing at the early stages of a fire. Unlike the above-mentioned means, it is intended specifically for use in everyday life in an apartment. The device is installed on the cold water pipeline. Intra-apartment fire extinguishing deviceconsists of: a fire pressure hose, an adjustable spray nozzle, a connecting union nut and a sealing ring. This equipment provides the ability to supply water to any place in the apartment. It is important to remember the safety measures when storing the device: the distance from electrical and other heat-emitting devices must be at least 1 meter. During installation, the intra-apartment fire extinguishing device is connected through the holes in the rear wall of its body using fasteners. First, loosen the clamp on the nozzle, then remove it, then the nozzle can be screwed into the tap. After the hose has been passed through the outlet of the body, you can put the clamp back on the nozzle and tighten it. To use the device, do the following: remove the hose from the body of the device and roll it out in the direction of the fire; open the tap on the water supply; approach the fire, turn the nozzle sleeve to form the required stream and begin extinguishing the fire.
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