ppkopuiv novii klass priemno

PPKOPUiV — a new class of control and monitoring devices.

An integrated security system is a term that has long been familiar to all security specialists, and not only to them. As a rule, this is a whole complex of software and hardware that has the following structure: detectors, sensors and actuators — devices for collecting information from an object — information processing equipment (PCP level) — the upper level of the system, most often implemented on the basis of computers and special software. The scheme has long been familiar to everyone, all the advantages and disadvantages have already been discussed many times.

Not so long ago, a fundamentally new class of devices appeared on the market. If we adhere to the traditional way of naming the control and monitoring equipment, we will get the following cumbersome design: the control and monitoring device for security and fire control and video surveillance (PPKOPUiV).
The peculiarity of this equipment is that all elements of the integrated security system, including the upper-level functionality (operator's automated workplace), are implemented in one device using system in box technology. The device provides direct connection and implementation of the algorithms for the operation of the following subsystems: security and alarm signaling, fire alarm, actuator control, fire extinguishing control, access control and management, video surveillance, dispatching and process monitoring. In addition, it is possible to organize an automated workplace for the system operator without using an additional computer: a graphic monitor, keyboard, and mouse are connected to the device. That is, in addition to the classic control panel, we get a video surveillance system and a graphical operator interface in one bottle. As they say, turn it on and go.

What are the advantages of this approach? Let's list the main ones:
This solution is significantly cheaper than the traditional one (security alarm control equipment + video surveillance equipment + computer + OS license + specialized application software).
The device is significantly more resistant to external climatic and electromagnetic influences than a personal computer.
The requirements for system maintenance are significantly reduced, especially where the IT infrastructure is not developed and there are not enough qualified specialists to service computer equipment. Although, of course, today everyone considers themselves such a specialist, but this is where most of the problems come from.
The problem of compatibility of computer hardware, drivers and software, which often first meet together at the site the day before delivery, disappears.
The problem of non-targeted use of computer equipment by security personnel is automatically solved due to the lack of such. And these are toys, films, experiments with software and hardware (after all, everyone considers themselves a computer specialist – see above). There will be no such nightmare for installers and service organizations.
There are no problems with computer viruses, Trojans and other diseases for the same reasons – there is no familiar PC platform, no problems.
Now let's talk about the disadvantages. Of course, they exist too. First of all, these are somewhat limited capabilities of the video surveillance subsystem in the area of ​​using video analytics. Basically, all intelligent detectors, at least in our country, are developed for PCs. But, firstly, it's a matter of time — there are already quite a few offers for embedded solutions. And secondly, to be honest, are all these advertised detectors of abandoned and missing objects, faces, etc. used in practice so often?
As a rule, such devices are based on a specialized high-performance controller with ultra-low power consumption, built on the basis of non-PC architecture (ARM or MIPS) and running Linux OS. Low power consumption of the controller and the device as a whole allows using standard uninterruptible power supplies to provide backup power to the system for 24 hours (according to the requirements of the National Fire Safety Code for fire safety systems). Network object controllers connected directly to the device are used to connect fire alarm systems, automated fire control systems, access control systems, and technological equipment. Both analog and IP cameras can be used in the video surveillance system. Specialized coprocessors with hardware video signal compression are used to process the video stream from the cameras. The video archive is recorded on the built-in hard drive. The archive can be viewed either directly on the device screen or transmitted over the network.
The PPKOPUiV software can be functionally divided into four parts:
System software: operating system, device drivers, external libraries.
Application software implementing the logic of operation of the fire alarm and access control subsystems.
Video surveillance subsystem: video data input, archiving to a hard drive, video transmission over the network.
Graphic user interface, with the help of which the operator's automated workplace is implemented. An external monitor or a built-in graphic touch panel can be used as a display device.

ppkopuiv novii klass priemno

Device software structure
Structurally, the PPKOPUiV can have various versions, which take into account numerous application options for the device:
A wall-mounted metal cabinet with a built-in uninterruptible power supply. Typical application: hardware platform of the ISB for small and medium-sized objects. The built-in video recorder in combination with the uninterruptible power supply makes the device optimal for building an integrated security system of the system in box class for SOHO objects (small office, home).
Enclosure for mounting in a 19″ cabinet. Typical application: ISB for medium and large objects. In combination with 19″ video recorders and uninterruptible power supplies, it allows you to get a fully hardware-integrated non-PC security system in the 19″ standard. The optimal solution for system integrators performing complex projects on SCS, LAN, security systems, communications and life support.
Complete cabinet. PPKOPUiV and a set of peripherals, lightning protection for signaling loops and video inputs, built-in uninterruptible power supply system. Typical application: ISB for medium and large facilities. The cabinet is a highly integrated facility controller for security and life support management of the facility. The optimal solution for distributed vertically integrated systems. A climatic version is possible.
Compact, highly integrated controller. Typical application: ISB for objects of all categories. Optimal solution for use as an object controller. Can be used on mobile transport.
Controller with built-in touch screen. Typical application: ISB for objects of all categories. Optimal solution for use as an operator workstation. Can be used as a single controller in a smart home system.

As the top level of a large security system built on the basis of PPKOPUiV, a classic integrating software package can be used. In this case, the device acts as an autonomous highly integrated node of a distributed security system.
PPKOPUiV is an important step in the development of complex security systems. The scope of this solution is extremely wide, from apartment security to ensuring the security of the most important government facilities:
Use in large complex security systems as an integrated controller to which all subsystems of a logically isolated part of a security facility are reduced.
Solutions based on PPKOPUiV are in demand for building small, compact, but at the same time multifunctional security and life support systems, where the use of a PC is not economically and functionally justified.
Using the PPKOPUiV platform as a professional solution for addressable analog fire panels with a built-in graphical interface.
Using the PPKOPUiV platform as a professional solution for high-performance network ACS controllers.

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