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Powder fire extinguishing module.

Powder fire extinguishing module

Powder fire extinguishing module

As ​​you can guess from the name itself, powders form the basis, fill the powder fire extinguishing module mpp. Powder substances are divided into general-purpose elements: PF, PSB, PIR ANT) — for extinguishing fires of classes A, B, C, and special purposes, for example: MGS — for extinguishing sodium and lithium, PC — for extinguishing alkali metals, etc. Powders PSB-3 — for extinguishing fires of classes B, C; extinguishing electrical installations; PIRANT-A — fires of classes A, B, C; extinguishing electrical installations and PHK — fires of classes B, C, D; extinguishing electrical installations. Powders filling the powder fire extinguishing module mpp are stored in special packages that protect them from moisture. Powders are safe: they are non-toxic and low-aggressive.

The principle of operation of a powder fire extinguisher

Let's consider how a powder fire extinguisher works. The principle of operation of powder has not been thoroughly studied at present. It is known that the fire extinguishing ability of powders depends on several factors:

  • cooling of the combustion zone as a result of heat loss on heating of powder particles, their partial evaporation and decomposition in the flame;
  • dilution of the combustible medium with gaseous products of powder decomposition or directly with the powder cloud;
  • the effect of fire-stopping achieved by passing through narrow channels created by the powder cloud;
  • inhibition of chemical reactions that cause the development of the combustion process by gaseous products of decomposition and evaporation of powders or heterogeneous chain termination on the surface of powders or solid products of their decomposition.

During the research it was established that powder fire extinguisher operating principleis based on the fact that some powders have little effect on the combustion rate, while others, even at low concentrations, sharply reduce the flame propagation rate. The first group (e.g. Al2O3, CuO) was called thermal powders. Thermal powders lead to extinguishing by cooling the flame. The second group was called chemical powders. The series of inhibitory efficiency of substances is as follows: LiF > LiCl > NaF > KF > NaCl > KI > NaI > NaBr > KCl > K2CO3 > Na2CO3 > NaSO4 > Al2O3 > CaCO3. Depending on the main component of the mixture, three main groups of powders are distinguished based on: alkali metal bicarbonates; ammonium phosphorus salts; alkali metal chlorides. The fire extinguishing capacity of general-purpose powders depends not only on the chemical nature of the powders, but also on their degree of grinding. The fire extinguishing capacity of special-purpose powders is practically independent of their degree of grinding. The possibility of feeding very fine powders into the combustion zone is difficult, therefore industrial general-purpose fire extinguishing powders contain a fraction of 40-80 microns, ensuring the delivery of fine fractions to the combustion zone.

Buran powder module

Today, the Buran powder module has proven itself well in the process of fire extinguishing.. The module consists of a housing with fire extinguishing powder and a gas-generating element installed inside the housing. The housing is tightly closed on one side by a bursting membrane with notches applied in a certain way, along which the membrane ruptures. To form a fire extinguishing powder cloud, a special nozzle is attached to the module. This type of module has several varieties, differing in the subtleties of their use in different cases of fire. Buran powder modulewas developed by VNIIPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For example, the type of Module — OSP is designed to extinguish class A, B, C fires without human intervention, as well as live installations. OSP is successfully used in the Moscow metro and railway transport, on civilian ships and ships of the Navy, at power supply facilities and defense enterprises of Russia. Buran Powder ModuleThe OSB is filled with a fire extinguishing powder with a blowing agent and has an operating temperature range of + 50 to -50 degrees Celsius. This type of fire extinguisher is recommended for use in industrial, warehouse, retail and garage premises.

Tungus powder module

The Tungus powder module has a similar operating temperature range. However, today many manufacturers offer modules of this type in a special design, which provides for an operating range from -60 to +90 degrees. Tungus powder module can be ceiling, wall or floor mounted. The modules provide extinguishing of fires of classes: A, B, C, E, in automatic, autonomous, manual modes, from a low-power electric signal. The module is filled with ISTO-1 powder, which is environmentally safe: it does not contain toxic components, which is confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Health and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation.

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