perimetrovie sredstva obnarujeniya sovremennoe sostoyanie

Perimeter detection equipment: current state.

Alexander Vasilyevich Lavrinenko
The author is a representative of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation


Source: «Special Equipment» magazine

The reliability of the signal blocking of an extended boundary or perimeter of a protected facility is the most important property of the facility's security complex, as a source of primary information about the fact of physical intrusion of an intruder into its territory. Blocking is carried out using perimeter technical security means (TSM), which are the most important and knowledge-intensive part of the complex of technical security means [1].

Today, the Russian TSO market offers a wide variety of products from domestic and foreign manufacturers, based on various principles of operation and used to solve various tactical problems.

Until the early 90s, a limited number of specialized state enterprises of the military-industrial complex were involved in the creation of TSO in our country.

The procedure for developing, putting into production and issuing special-purpose perimeter TSO created by these enterprises, which are classified in a special class — 703 in the All-Russian Classifier of Products (OKP), was strictly regulated in industry regulatory documents.

Considering the high science intensity of the products, the enterprises involved in their development and production created special test centers, which included a test site for research work during R & D, mandatory testing of prototypes and serial products in natural conditions.

Compliance with the order of execution of works at all stages of development and production, their quality was controlled by the representatives of customers. Delivery of products to the customer, equipping of especially important objects with complexes of technical means of protection (KTSO) was carried out with the direct participation of security services and representatives of the customer. In the course of this, the methods of ensuring the effectiveness of the created system of physical protection were specified, the rules of organization of interaction of KTSO with the personnel of the security service and law enforcement agencies were regulated.

As a result, by the beginning of the 90s, large specialized enterprises acquired significant scientific and technical potential, a modern production and technological base and invaluable practical experience in creation and operation of security systems at especially important objects [2].

In the mid-90s, a flood of imported equipment poured into the Russian TSO market through a multitude of rapidly emerging and just as quickly disappearing commercial structures that in various ways promoted the products of well-known and unknown foreign companies from Western Europe, the USA, Canada and Israel.

Basically, these were TSO for protecting premises — sensors, control panels. There were few suppliers of highly reliable perimeter equipment.

The shortcomings of equipment supplied from abroad clearly defined new market trends.

Consumers are forced to reconsider their attitude to imported equipment in favor of domestic equipment not only because of the significant excess of prices for foreign products. Foreign perimeter TSOs have not found wide application in perimeter security alarm systems mainly due to low reliability when operating in harsh climatic conditions of various regions of Russia, difficulties in technical interfacing with most Russian information collection systems, limited maintainability, and insufficient volume of operational documentation.

Domestic TSOs are developed taking into account the external conditions of various climatic zones, do not require highly qualified service personnel, and are easy to repair, since they generally use domestic components.

For several decades, the main sensors for monitoring alarm barriers in security alarm systems and maintaining border regimes have been the Biryusa and Akkord electric contact sensors, Gobi-05, Gobi-08 and ARGON inductive sensors, and Atlas capacitive sensors.

For operational purposes, the Crystal and Tros breakaway sensors are widely used. The RLD-73, DS-81 RL radars, the DS-80V sensor for protecting culverts and underbridge spaces, the AMULET anti-undermining sensor, and others, built on various physical principles, were used as additional sensors in security alarm systems.

As practice shows, the development of modern, efficient and reliable perimeter CO is an extremely complex and knowledge-intensive problem.

Its solution involves long-term field studies and full-scale tests in various climatic zones of Russia. This requires significant financial investment, extensive research experience, a scientific and technical environment and production potential, which only a large specialized enterprise can afford.

Companies that entered the TSO market in the last decade have occupied their niche in the production of inexpensive equipment, designed mainly for commercial consumers.

For this reason, there are a significant number of TSOs on the Russian market that are based on the same operating principles, designed to solve similar problems, but belong to different quality categories and, accordingly, have different price levels. In this situation, it is often difficult to understand the quality of the products offered, to choose the most effective and reliable perimeter equipment that meets the specific requirements of the facility.

When choosing a TSO product, first of all, it is necessary to take into account not so much the selling price as the consumer value, that is, the price of the product plus the costs of installation, commissioning and maintenance.

As a rule, a high selling price of a product is accompanied by lower operating costs than cheap products, due to the product being delivered in maximum factory readiness for installation and operation. By choosing a more expensive product, the consumer saves significantly on the costs of its commissioning and subsequent operating costs, that is, on total costs.

When making your choice, you should also pay attention to a number of other key points, taking into account which will help you avoid unpleasant surprises and unforeseen material costs later. In each specific case, you should take into account many factors that to one degree or another influence the work of the TSO — the type of barrier, terrain, climatic conditions, the nature of the infrastructure, interference conditions and other factors inherent in the facility.

In the complex of means for ensuring border protection, TSO are one of the main sources of information about the fact of violation of the protected line. At present, new, more effective TSO are required to equip the state border, built on various physical principles of action and meeting the high requirements for resistance to external influencing factors of various climatic zones of Russia.

Below are some of the perimeter SO, which, in the author's opinion, deserve the greatest attention from the point of view of use both for protecting extended borders and for protecting the perimeters of objects.


Radio beam detection devices still hold the leading position in the creation of perimeter security alarm systems.

This is due to a number of their advantages over other systems: high detection probability (>0.95), resistance to electromagnetic fields, interference of artificial and natural origin, climatic factors, ease of installation and operation, reasonable cost of perimeter equipment (100…600 rubles per linear meter).

The operating principle of this type of product is based on the creation of an electromagnetic field in the space between the receiver and the transmitter and the registration of changes in this field when an intruder crosses it.

Radars are used to form a detection zone, both along a fence and to protect unfenced areas of the perimeter. In this case, it is assumed that there is a straight line with irregularities no more than 0.3 m.

Currently, attempts are being made to solve the problem of detecting a “creeping” intruder using radar without reducing the level of noise immunity and reliability of the products.

Some companies and enterprises declare that they have solved this problem with the latest developments in products without any restrictions on the conditions of use or deterioration of operational characteristics. Such statements are, at the very least, incorrect and mislead consumers.

Theory and long-term practice of creating radar systems show that this type of sensor cannot solve this problem without significantly reducing noise immunity, increasing the probability of detecting small animals and birds, and imposing certain requirements on the state of the security boundary.

Currently, the most widely used sensors in signaling systems are the RLD-94, «Pion-T, TM» series. For more than 20 years, the RLD-73, «Obelisk», «Gubka», «Protva», «Lena» and other products have been used at the state border and especially important facilities.

Despite the fact that these products use the same physical principle, the most reliable in operation and well-adapted to various specific conditions of protecting extended sections of borders and perimeters turned out to be the well-known RLD-94 series radar.

This conclusion is confirmed by comparative field studies conducted by the Research Institute of the Federal Security Service of Russia at a special testing ground [3].

The RLD-94 series sensors (photo 1) have fully incorporated all the positive results of the experimental design developments of such products as the RLD-73, “Obelisk”, “Gubka”, carried out in the interests and with scientific and technical support of the units of law enforcement agencies.

Photo 1. RLD-94 series sensor

RLD-94 provides a high probability of detecting an intruder >0.98, the mean time between false alarms is at least 3000 hours, the mean time between failures is 30000 hours. It is resistant to heavy rains and practically does not react to small animals. Modifications of the RLD-94 series sensors are less labor-intensive in comparison with analogues in installation, adjustment and configuration.

The antenna unit body is made of corrosion-resistant aluminum, which ensures a long service life and significantly reduces the impact of external electromagnetic interference, mechanical strength at sharp temperature fluctuations from -50 to + 650.

The variety of RLD-94 models (50 m; 150 m; 300 m) allows the consumer to optimize the costs of organizing the signaling blocking of a boundary of various lengths and configurations due to the rational use of the capabilities of the models and the difference in their price.

The RLD-94 series sensors, in comparison with their analogues, require significantly lower installation and operation costs due to the well-developed circuit solutions and high reliability with minimal labor intensity of maintenance regulations.

The design of one of the RLD-94 models in the form of a park lantern (photo 2) makes it indispensable for organizing a camouflaged security line on the approaches to administrative buildings, offices, in park areas of museum and historical monuments, residences, etc.

The RLD-94 models use a unified design solution that ensures the installation of the product on the racks of the PION and RLD-73 products.

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Photo 2. RLD-94 series sensor, made in the form of a lantern.

In 2001, the RLD-SM detection device entered the market. The product allows blocking sections up to 300 m long. The process of adjusting antenna devices and setting up the product is convenient. The use of original circuit solutions, strip antennas and modern technologies in the RLD-SM sensor provides the prospect of a significant reduction in price and widespread use of this detection device.

“Pion-T, TM” are modifications of the well-known CO “Pion”. The limitation of the applicability of these CO is the lack of universalization in conjunction with the range of control devices and devices for collecting and processing information used in the Russian market.


The market of perimeter wire-wave detection devices (PVSO) is dominated by products of domestic manufacturers.

The products “Uran-M1”, “Gazon”, “Gazon-2” have no other domestic or foreign analogues and from year to year are increasingly used in security alarm systems of objects of various categories of importance and departmental affiliation.

The detection zone of the PVSO is created along the sensitive element (SE), made on the basis of a two-wire line, which is easily attached to consoles along the top of the fence and forms an alarm canopy.

The presence of a uniform detection zone up to 200 m long allows the Uran-M1 product (photo 3) to reliably detect an intruder overcoming obstacles made of various materials: concrete, brick, wood, metal grating.

The available field telephone communication wire P-274M is used as a sensitive element. The Uran-M1 sensor is a modernization of the Uran-M SO and has improved performance characteristics, operates stably in the area of ​​high-voltage power lines.

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Photo 3. Product “URAN-M1”

The mobile detection device “Gazon” is interesting in all respects. It is designed both to create a stationary security line and to solve operational tasks of blocking temporary lines in rough and wooded terrain. The product allows you to organize a security line of up to 100 m in unprepared terrain with complex relief. The detection zone of the product follows the terrain and is formed between the upper wire, fixed on posts up to 1.6 m high, and the lower one, located on the ground.

The “Gazon” product can be powered by built-in batteries with low power consumption. Its deployment on the ground does not take much time.

In 2001, the “Gazon-2” detection device was launched into serial production. It is designed for signal blocking of extended sections of the perimeters of especially important objects with complex terrain and border configurations. The undoubted advantages of the new product are the possibility of its use for organizing the protection of borders with barriers of various types, including barbed wire, blocking two sections up to 150 m long each, with the issuance of trigger signals for each section separately, and lower specific cost of border equipment.

The ability to repeat the configuration of the barrier in the vertical and horizontal planes distinguishes this model of the CO from others.

The wire-breaking security system “Crab-1M” ensures covert, operational blocking of temporary security lines. It can be used to enhance the security of individual sections of the perimeter in the directions of probable movement of an intruder. The sensitive element made of thin insulated wire is easily deployed on the ground, and the violation of its integrity is recorded by the electronic unit. The length of the signal line is up to 500 m. The supply voltage of the autonomous power source is 4.5 V.


The operating principle of vibration SE (VSE) is based on the registration of vibrations of the barrier by a special sensitive element when an intruder impacts it and subsequent conversion into an electrical signal for further processing according to certain algorithms.

The most widely used domestic products in security alarm systems are: “Godograph-1”; “Dolphin-MP”.

Product “Dolphin-MP” is designed to create a security line with mesh barriers. The tribosensitive cable TPPeP is used as the SE of the product, which determines the features of their application and installation. When installed on a mesh barrier 2…2.5 m high, special placement of the SE is required to obtain effective detection characteristics. It is possible to use these devices to detect attempts to climb over the top of a reinforced concrete or brick barrier when using an additional mesh canopy on top of the barrier to install the SE.

The “Godograph-1” detection device has broader tactical application capabilities.

The “Godograph-1” product (photo 4) reliably detects attempts by an intruder to overcome barriers of any mechanical type, including those made of metal mesh, grating, wooden panels, reinforced concrete slabs or brickwork from 1.5 to 3 m high. Does not require the installation of additional engineering structures. Sufficient secrecy of installation is ensured. The length of the local section is up to 250 m.

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Photo 4. “Godograph-1” detection device

The principle of operation of capacitive CO (ECO) is based on recording the change in the capacity of the antenna device relative to the ground, caused by the intruder overcoming it. The typical design of the antenna device is a metal canopy mounted on top of a passive barrier with certain insulation requirements.

A typical representative of the ECO is the “Radian-14” – the latest model of the well-known series. With the help of circuit solutions, it was possible to increase its noise immunity to climatic factors and industrial interference. The device blocks a section of the fence up to 500 m.

COs built on other physical principles of detection have not yet found such a wide application for organizing perimeter and extended border security systems as those discussed above.

At present, there is a need for mobile, quickly deployabletechnical means that ensure reliable protection of temporary, local and unattended objects of various purposes, blocking vulnerable areas and territories.

The Russian market of TSO today cannot provide a wide choice of technical means of protection for an effective and comprehensive solution of these problems. However, there are certain positive prospects.

At present, a number of enterprises have begun to develop such means. The most intensive work is being carried out on the creation of integrated, mobile alarm systems consisting of SOs built on various physical principles, information transmission means, radio and video surveillance devices, and other functional units and blocks.

In early 2002, the appearance on the TSO market of individual components of such a complex is expected: mobile, quickly deployable systems «Mobil-RLD-O», «Mobil-RLD-D» based on single- and dual-position radars, respectively. The systems are intended for wide tactical use — from blocking individual sections to protecting extended boundaries and local zones with an accuracy of indicating the location of a violation of up to 60 m. Information is transmitted to the receiving monitor via a radio channel at a distance of up to 1.5 … 2 km. The continuous operation time from an autonomous power source is at least 10 days.

In the same year, the TSO market will receive the quickly deployable wire-wave security alarm system «Mobile-PVD». It also includes a radio channel for transmitting information at a distance of up to 1.5 … 2 km to a portable radio receiving monitor. The continuous operating time from an autonomous power source is at least 10 days. It is proposed for use in unprepared areas with complex terrain and boundary configuration. The installation method on the ground is similar to the «Gazon» security system. The system ensures the creation of a controlled boundary of up to 2 km with an accuracy of indicating the location of the violation of up to 100 m.

The effectiveness of a perimeter security alarm system is largely determined by the quality and reliability of the detection equipment used in it. The article discusses some of the most widely used detection equipment in the protection of critical facilities and borders. High detection characteristics, noise immunity, reliability and durability are ensured by significant amounts of research at the R&D stages and the inclusion of bench and full-scale tests of serial products in the production cycles.

All this ultimately leads to a significant reduction in the overall costs of installing and operating such systems.


  • Olenin Yu.A. Problems of Comprehensive Provision of Territorial Security and Physical Protection of Critical Facilities in the Russian Federation//Problems of Facility Security//Collection of Scientific Papers, Penza, 2000, Issue 1, p. 8.
  • Lysy V.M. Integrated systems of physical protection//Security, communication and telecommunication systems, 1999, No. 29, p. 16.
  • Larin A.I. Results of radar testing//World of security, 1999, No. 28, p. 46.

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