Organization of work of the head of the marketing department for product promotion in the security systems market.

organizaciya truda rukovoditelya otdela marketinga po pro

Organization of work of the head of the marketing department for product promotion in the security systems market.

Organization of work of the head of the marketing department for product promotion in the security systems market.

Organization of work of the head of the marketing department for product promotion in the security systems market.

The organization of the work of the head of the marketing department (MD) depends on the products manufactured by the manufacturing company and the specifics of the market on which the products are promoted, therefore, from the whole variety of products and markets, this article proposes to consider the organization of the work of the head of the MD of the company promoting technical security systems (TSS) on the Russian market of security systems (SS). It is necessary to understand that the role of the MD in the general process of product promotion is key and consists not only in organizing the effective work of the MD.

The security market is one of the fastest growing and most promising markets for promoting TSO for various purposes. Manufacturers trying to penetrate and promote their products on the security market face a huge number of various obstacles and difficulties. The obstacles mainly consist of administrative barriers that require the necessary permits, which take time and significant financial investment to obtain. Certain types of security activities are subject to licensing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.[1] The difficulty of promoting TSO on the security market mainly lies in the high demands of customers on the technical and operational characteristics of products, as well as on the efficiency and quality of technical support (TS).

The presence of excellent technical and operational characteristics does not always allow an enterprise to quickly penetrate the security market and find wide application of TSO without establishing the OM of the required level of TP. Planning, organization, motivation and control are the main tools that ensure the coordination of the activities of departments at different levels to achieve the common goals of the enterprise. [2] Therefore, the knowledge of the algorithms of work on the implementation of TP by the head of the OM is the basis for organizing effective work on promoting products in the security market. At the same time, the basis for the effective implementation of work on the implementation of TP facing the head of the OM is the creation of an optimal OM structure, the establishment of an operational system for exchanging information with other departments of the enterprise and organizations outside it.

To implement the TP, the head of the OM must first create an optimal department structure consisting of the required number of qualified specialists capable of independently establishing interaction with other departments of the enterprise to exchange and receive the necessary information. The results of the TP implementation depend on the quality and speed of information exchange, as well as the ability of the OM personnel to systematize, analyze and use the received information, the result of which is an increase in the number of customers and, as a consequence, an increase in the total sales volumes.

The level of qualification of the OM personnel plays a significant role in the organization of work on the implementation of TP. The OM personnel constantly interact directly with potential and regular customers, who quickly and negatively react to the incompetence of the enterprise personnel implementing TP during a presentation, personal meeting or telephone conversation. The personnel must increase their awareness of the degree of personal responsibility and the desire for self-development.[3] Therefore, the constant work of the OM manager to improve the level of qualification of the personnel is a necessary condition for creating an optimal structure of the department focused on the organization of TP.

In order to improve the level of personnel qualification, the head of the OM together with the heads of other departments of the enterprise should organize internal seminars and trainings in the areas necessary for the implementation of TP of customers. The result of these seminars and trainings is the mastering by the OM personnel of the necessary basic level of knowledge of a designer, economist and installer of TSO sufficient for the implementation of TP in the SB market. It is the combination of knowledge in a wide range of different areas of activity of the SB market that will allow the OM personnel to provide prompt responses to requests for the use of products from customers of any level.
The classic structure of the OM operating in the SB market includes the following specialists (Fig. 1):


organizaciya truda rukovoditelya otdela marketinga po pro 
Fig. 1 Organizational structure of the OM operating in the SB market.

The head of the OM is assigned the main role in planning, organizing and monitoring the work performed by the department personnel on the implementation of the TP. The interaction of the OM on the exchange of information with other departments of the enterprise and customers should be carried out exclusively under the control of the head of the OM. Deviation from this rule will lead to confusion in the document flow related to the TP, complicate the interaction of the OM with other departments, and may adversely affect relationships with customers and the results of product promotion.

The work assigned to the OM for the implementation of the TP is distributed by the department manager between specialists based on the workload, as well as the tactical and strategic tasks of the enterprise. The manager divides the work between the OM specialists in accordance with the level of competence required to implement the TP and experience in working with products. It is advisable to combine the results of the work performed by the OM into a single database to identify and systematize typical responses to standard customer requests, which will subsequently allow any specialist in the department to promptly implement the TP at a sufficient level.

Project managers play a key role in organizing interactions, establishing document flow and delivering TSO to customers. Constant information exchange between project managers and potential and regular customers allows avoiding serious errors in the use of TSO in advance of delivery and installation. Within the framework of the TP, project managers are responsible for organizing seminars and presentations for customer representatives on the premises of the enterprise. During seminars and presentations, customer representatives are trained in basic and specialized knowledge on the principles of design, installation and operation of the TSO produced by the enterprise. This approach will allow customers to save time, effort and money when installing TSO and not contact the enterprise for TP, which in turn relieves the burden on other departments of the enterprise involved in its implementation.

Managers in the OM structure are an auxiliary force for collecting and systematizing information necessary for the work of the department head and project managers. The list of the main works performed by OM managers within the TP includes the preparation of materials for posting on the company's website, sending out commercial offers, organizing meetings and negotiations with potential and regular customers, as well as preparing responses and commercial offers to requests from customers.

Over the years, OM has grown from a simple sales department into the most important functional area of ​​the enterprise. Let's consider how marketing departments are developing, how they are organized, how they interact with other departments of the enterprise.[4] The classic organizational structure of an enterprise operating in the SB market is rearranged as follows (Fig. 2):


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Fig. 2: Model of the organizational structure of an enterprise operating in the SB market.

The organization of the OM's work on the implementation of the TP requires constant and prompt interaction with almost all departments in the organizational structure of the enterprise. As a rule, the OM involves other departments of the enterprise in the event of requests from customers that do not have a response of the required level in the database of standard responses or that go beyond the competence of the OM personnel. In most cases, to prepare responses to requests from OM customers, it is sufficient to establish interaction with the design, scientific and economic departments.

The role of the design department in the implementation of the TP is to prepare, at the request of the OM, drawings, diagrams, options for installing the TSO and other material necessary to prepare a response to customer requests. To speed up the TP process, the design department should develop a package of standard design solutions for installing the TSO at various types of facilities. After approval by the scientific department, the standard design solutions are posted by the OM on the company's website and sent to customers for subsequent use in designing and installing the TSO.

The role of the scientific department in the overall process of implementing the TP is to provide the OM specialists with the information necessary to prepare responses to requests from customers, recommendations for eliminating technical problems and options for installing technical equipment at facilities not specified in the operating manual or standard design solutions. In most cases, the information provided by the scientific department is sufficient for the OM to prepare a prompt response to any request from a customer of any level.

The role of the economic department in the organization of TP is to calculate the cost of TSO required to prepare commercial proposals in response to requests from customers. To effectively solve its problems in the general TP process, the economic department develops a standard form for calculating the cost of products, including all the necessary economic data for the customer to make a decision on the purchase of TSO. When calculating the cost of products, the economic department relies on the specification provided by the design department and the price list approved at the enterprise.

The OM personnel constantly carry out active interactions in a wide range of areas for various types of activities. To implement TP, OM specialists interact in the internal and external environment of the enterprise in the following areas (Fig. 3):

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Fig. 3: Structure of internal and external connections of OM.


When speaking about the effectiveness of the OM personnel, we often mean not only the achievement of the necessary organizational and quality indicators, but also the most rational use of available funds, time and effort. Thus, effectiveness is understood as the compliance of what the OM personnel does in accordance with the goals of the organization and established requirements; performing work in the most rational and economical ways and methods, as well as the most complete use of opportunities, abilities, knowledge and skills.[5]

In the internal environment of an enterprise, when organizing a TP, any interaction of the OM should be carried out according to a work execution algorithm developed in advance and approved by the head of the department. Such an approach will avoid the OM specialists from performing unnecessary and unnecessary work, which in turn will provide an opportunity to increase the productivity of the entire department. The development of a work execution algorithm should be based on the concept that any type of work performed to achieve the set goal has a certain and limited number of actions in a strictly regulated sequence.
The classic algorithm for organizing the work of OM specialists in preparing responses to requests from customers within the TP includes the following work:

• Receiving a request from the customer.
• Discussing response options with other departments of the enterprise.
• Requesting additional data from the customer to prepare a response.
• Exchanging information with other departments of the enterprise.
• Preparing a response.
• Coordinating the response with other departments of the enterprise.
• Sending a response to the customer.

Similar algorithms for performing work should be developed for all types of interactions of the OM in the internal and external environment of the enterprise. Deviation from the algorithm for performing work will lead to a direct loss of time for the OM personnel and losses for customers to correct the errors made.

In the external environment of the enterprise, the OM within the TP carries out interactions in the direction of dissemination and provision of information necessary for customers for the application and operation of TSO. In this direction, the work of the OM is divided into participation in exhibitions, printing articles in the media, posting information on the website and industry Internet portals, as well as direct interaction with customers. Only a full range of all the above-mentioned works will allow to fully provide potential and regular customers with the necessary technical and operational information, as well as reduce the volume of requests from customers within the TP.

Participation in exhibitions is a periodic and mandatory work of the OM to promote the TSO. At exhibitions, within the framework of the TP, the department's specialists must demonstrate the capabilities and advantages of the TSO to visitors to the enterprise's stand in comparison with similar types of products from other manufacturers. It is advisable to demonstrate the capabilities of the TSO using the example of a working sample installed on a model of a typical object for most customers. The clarity of the model and the ability of customers to see for themselves the technical and operational characteristics of the product will be the best option for implementing the TP within the framework of a presentation at exhibitions.

Placing articles about TSO in the media is necessary to increase the recognition of products and the enterprise among potential customers. As part of the TP, it is advisable for OM specialists to place a series of articles about the features of the application and operation of TSO in a well-known industry catalog or magazine. The articles should be designed to highlight the main capabilities of TSO, installation options, the causes of most problems during the operation of the product and how to eliminate them. Periodic placement of articles about TSO over several years will attract the attention of potential customers and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise against other manufacturers.

In modern conditions, periodic updating of the site is an indicator of the active activity and development of the enterprise. Within the framework of the TP, OM specialists must organize the following work on the site:
• Post news;
• Organization of a forum;
• Updating operational information;
• Post information articles;
• Sending news and updates to site subscribers.

Work on updating the site should be aimed at providing customers with the necessary level of information sufficient to make a decision on the use, installation and elimination of possible problems that arise during the operation of the TSO, without contacting the enterprise for TP.

Posting information about TSO on the pages of popular Internet portals operating in the SB market is the most modern, fast and effective way to promote products. Within the framework of the TP, it is advisable for OM specialists to post information on Internet portals in a short volume sufficient for quick search, understanding and comparison of technical and operational characteristics of TSO by customers of any level. The analytical focus of the information posted on the pages of Internet portals is intended to facilitate the process of analysis and comparison of technical and operational characteristics of TSO with products of other manufacturers for potential customers.

Direct interaction of the OM with customers should pursue the goal of providing as many representatives of the customer as possible with a set of technical and operational information on the TSO. The minimum set of technical and operational information provided to customers within the framework of the TP should contain:
• Enterprise catalog;
• Operation manuals;
• Standard design solutions.

This set of information should be developed in advance and sent without fail to all customers, without exception, who have applied to the enterprise with a request for the first time. This approach will speed up the process of interaction with customers and relieve the OM of the burden of providing TP.

Success in building an effective model of work organization can be ensured only if the approach to the problem is systematic[6] When organizing the work of the OM, the key results of the enterprise's activities and the final goals of each department specialist are determined. The key results of the work of the OM manager should be understood as the results of work on the implementation of the TP, which are aimed at achieving parts of one goal and lead to the fact that the time and resources of the OM are used for the benefit of the enterprise.
The use of work organization algorithms by OM managers based on the implementation of TP will allow a new look at the process of organizing the promotion of TSO on the SB market, strengthen ties with regular customers and ensure the attraction of new potential customers. The algorithm for organizing the work of the OM manager for promoting products on the SB market presented in this article is basic and can change depending on the tactical and strategic tasks of the enterprise.

D.A. Skirnevsky


1. Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ «On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Industrial Facilities».
2. Personnel Management of an Enterprise: A Textbook-Practical Guide — 5th ed./Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. — M .: Delo, 2003. — 272 p.
3. Organization of the Innovation Department in an Industrial Holding./Dmitrieva S.I. — M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2009. — 48 p.
4. Marketing organization at the enterprise: Textbook/Korolkova E.M. — Tambov: Publishing house of Tambov state tech. university, 2001. — 148 p.
5. Personnel performance assessment. Preparation and conducting certification. — 2nd ed., revised and enlarged/Magura M.I., Kurbatova M.B. — Moscow: ZAO «Business school «Intel-Sintez», 2002 — 176 p.
6. The search for a Russian management model: insider views./Filimonovich S.R. — Russian journal of management No. 3, 2004. — 3 p.


1. Federal law from 07/21/1997 Number 116-FZ «About industrial security of dangerous industrial objects».
2. Personnel management at the enterprise: The study-practical manual – 5th edit./Travin V.V., Diatlov V.A. — M.: Business, 2003. – 272 p.
3. An innovation department of an industrial holding company work organizing./Dmitrieva S.I. — M: Edition MGOU, 2009. – 48 p.
4. Marketing organizing at the enterprise: The manual/Korolkova E.M. — Tambov: Edition of State Technical University, 2001. – 148 p.
5. Personnel works estimating. Certification preparation and implementation. — Edit. 2nd, renovating and adding/Magura M.I., Kurbatova M.B. — M.: JSCo «Business–school «Intel-Sintez», 2002 – 176 p.
6. Russian management model searches: insiders outlook./Filimonovich S.R. — Russian magazine of management. Number 3, 2004. – 3 p.

Journal «Peace and Security» №3-2011

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