organizaciya pojarnoi bezopasnosti na predpriyatii

Organization of fire safety at the enterprise.

Organization of fire safety at the enterprise

Organization of fire safety at the enterprise

Fire safety at the enterprise is one of the most important tasks of any manager. Often, the process of organizing fire safety itself causes a lot of difficulties.

Fire safety of the enterprise must provide for:

  1. Enterprise policy in the field of fire safety;
  2. Organization of work on fire safety;
  3. Duties of officials in the field of fire safety;
  4. Duties of the person responsible for fire safety of the enterprise;
  5. Duties of employees and workers;
  6. Organization of fire safety training of specialists, employees and workers;
  7. Basic fire safety requirements.

The enterprise's fire safety policy should be aimed at fulfilling the following tasks:

  • formation of a fire safety system that ensures the effectiveness of measures aimed at preventing and limiting the spread of fire;
  • provision of enterprise facilities with the necessary means of control, notification and fire extinguishing;
  • creating conditions aimed at ensuring that employees comply with fire safety requirements and maintain fire safety regulations;
  • developing the competence of administration and employees in the field of fire safety;
  • preventing deviations from standards, technical regulations, accepted practices and procedures for performing work that may lead to the occurrence of fire or conflagration.

The organization of fire safety work should include:

  1. development and implementation of a fire safety management system in accordance with the requirements of governing documents;
  2. general management and control over the state of fire safety at the enterprise, control over compliance with legislative and other regulatory legal acts, requirements, rules and instructions on fire safety. Control over the performance of official duties by subordinates;
  3. ensuring fire safety during technological processes, equipment operation, and fire hazardous work;
  4. installation and monitoring of the condition of control, warning, and fire extinguishing equipment;
  5. organizing the development and ensuring the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of fire safety measures;
  6. conducting training and briefing of enterprise employees on fire safety;
  7. ensuring electrical safety of the enterprise.
  1. Development of a fire safety management system.
    The enterprise must develop basic fire safety requirements, including requirements for the safety of people, visitors (customers), requirements for production, service, auxiliary and other premises, requirements for the maintenance and operation of heating, ventilation, machinery and equipment, storage of goods and materials, ensuring electrical safety, requirements for the maintenance of vehicles and others, as well as the procedure for joint actions of the enterprise administration and the fire department in extinguishing fires.
  2. Management and control over the state of fire safety at the enterprise. The head of the enterprise is responsible for organizing fire safety. The heads of workshops and heads of departments are responsible for organizing fire safety in workshops and divisions. Their job descriptions must specify the rights, duties and responsibilities for compliance with fire safety rules. The enterprise must have documents on fire safety (see the list of documents below).
    Control over compliance with the requirements of governing documents and local acts on labor protection, as well as compliance with the fire safety regime at the enterprise is carried out by the person responsible for fire safety of the enterprise.
  3. Ensuring fire safety during technological processes, equipment operation, and fire hazardous work.
    Current regulatory documents establish strict requirements for the technical condition of equipment (this includes machines, machine tools, mechanical and hand tools, elevators, conveyors and other equipment potentially dangerous to humans). There are also requirements for the fire safety condition of the equipment and maintaining a fire safety regime during its operation.
  4. Installation and monitoring of the condition of control, warning and fire extinguishing equipment.
    The enterprise must issue an order to check the fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire alarms, as well as the person responsible for their proper condition. The number of primary fire extinguishing equipment in the premises depends on the category of these premises. This is discussed in detail in «NPB 105-95. Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazard.» According to this document, premises are divided into categories A, B, B1-B4, G and D for explosion and fire hazard, and buildings are divided into categories A, B, B, G and D.
  5. Organization of development and provision of allocation of financial resources for the implementation of measures to ensure fire safety.
    It should not be forgotten that all work on the creation and maintenance of fire safety of the enterprise begins with the preparation of an annual plan of fire prevention measures. Based on the planned measures, a proposal is prepared for the enterprise budget for the next financial year. And, of course, without funding there can be no high-quality fire protection.
  6. Fire safety training for specialists, employees and workers includes:
    — conducting introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings; 
    — organizing classes on fire — technical minimum; 
    — conducting exercises and fire training.
  7. Electrical safety.
    Ensuring electrical safety at an enterprise is important not only in terms of protecting people from electric shock, but also for fire safety purposes. According to statistics, about half of fires occur due to violations of electrical safety. To organize work on ensuring electrical safety, a person responsible for the electrical facilities of the enterprise is appointed by order of the head. He is assigned the following responsibilities: ensuring the safety of work in electrical installations, organizing the systematic measurement of insulation and grounding resistance, monitoring compliance by employees of the enterprise with the requirements of rules, regulations, and instructions on labor protection in the field of electrical safety, organizing the development and implementation of more advanced blocking, disconnecting, protective devices that ensure the safety of installation, repair, and maintenance of power equipment, etc.
Drawing up an evacuation plan in case of fire.
  1. To draw up a plan for the evacuation of people and material assets in the event of a fire, the enterprise administration appoints a special person or organizes a commission (for large enterprises).
  2. The commission includes: the chairman of the fire technical commission, the deputy head of the enterprise for administrative and economic affairs, and the head of the enterprise fire department or DPD.
  3. The commission or a specially appointed person studies the layout of the building and territory to identify possible patterns of movement of people and vehicles during evacuation.
    Based on the study of the layout, routes of movement of people from various premises are drawn up.
  4. Based on specific routes of movement, the commission appoints those responsible for the safe evacuation of people, notification of a fire and meeting of fire departments, as well as the evacuation of material assets, vehicles and extinguishing the fire with primary means.
  5. When establishing the procedure for evacuating transport units, the commission determines the order of duty at night, on weekends and holidays, as well as the location of the ignition keys.
  6. When establishing the procedure for evacuating material assets, the commission specifies the storage locations of documentation and fire-hazardous materials, as well as the current and alternate entrances to the enterprise territory suitable for the passage of fire trucks.
  7. The evacuation plan is approved by the head of the enterprise and an order is issued to put it into effect. The dates for studying and practicing the evacuation plan with the employees of the enterprise are outlined.
  8. The evacuation plan for people, vehicles and material assets is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is posted in the unit's premises, the other is kept in the file.
  9. Control over the study of the evacuation plan and the training of personnel is assigned to the head of the enterprise.
  10. The head of the enterprise is obliged to promptly make changes to the evacuation plan as the situation changes, replacing employees who have left the enterprise. Newly appointed employees must be familiar with their responsibilities under the evacuation plan.
  11. The evacuation plan must consist of 2 parts: text (instructions) and graphic.
  12. The instructions must set out:
    — the responsibilities of persons carrying out the evacuation of people, vehicles and material assets,
    — the procedure for fulfilling their duties;
    — the method for announcing the start of the evacuation;
    — the procedure for evacuating vehicles and material assets;
    — duties and actions of service personnel for extinguishing a fire using primary and stationary extinguishing means.
  13. The graphic part of the evacuation plan must consist of a plan of the premises indicating the routes of movement of evacuees and vehicles (drawn up on a scale of 1:100 or 1:200).
    The plan of the premises may be drawn in one line. The directions of movement of evacuation flows are marked with red arrows.
  14. For buildings of complex configuration with different sets of premises, several evacuation plans are drawn up, for multi-story buildings — floor plans indicating the routes of movement.
  15. With different floor plans, evacuation plans are drawn up for each floor.

Fire safety documents at the enterprise.

The list of documents may be different for each enterprise. The main documents required by the fire inspection are listed below:

  1. Order(s) on the appointment of persons responsible for fire safety of individual buildings, structures, premises, etc.;
  2. Order (relevant regulation) on the procedure according to which employees should be given special training and briefings, and their knowledge of fire safety issues should be tested;
  3. Program for conducting introductory fire safety briefings;
  4. Program for conducting primary fire safety briefings;
  5. List of questions on which knowledge should be checked after initial, repeated and unscheduled fire safety briefings;
  6. Registration log of briefings on fire safety issues;
  7. Expert opinion (expert opinions) regarding the correctness and completeness of the implementation of fire safety requirements in design and estimate documentation for the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of industrial and other facilities, the introduction of new technologies;
  8. Permit(s) to start work of each newly created enterprise, commissioning of new and reconstructed facilities, implementation of new technologies, launching of new fire-hazardous machines, equipment and products, leasing of any premises, buildings and structures;
  9. Certificate(s) of conformity for all types of fire-fighting equipment and fire-fighting equipment;
  10. List of duties of officials to ensure fire safety;
  11. Orders, instructions establishing the appropriate fire safety regime;
  12. General facility instructions on fire safety measures;
  13. Instructions on fire safety measures for all explosion- and fire-hazardous and fire-hazardous premises (sections, workshops, warehouses, workshops, laboratories, etc.);
  14. Plans (diagrams) for the evacuation of people in case of fire;
  15. Instructions for security personnel (security guards, watchmen, sentries, etc.);
  16. A list of company officials compiled specifically for security personnel, which should indicate the home address, work and home telephone numbers of each of these persons;
  17. Schedules and reports on measuring the insulation resistance of electrical networks and electrical equipment;
  18. Regulations for the technical maintenance of fire automatic systems, fire alarms, fire extinguishers;
  19. Schedules and reports on checking the resistance of grounding devices;
  20. Work permits for performing fire works.

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