#perimeter alarm

Once again about quickly deployable security systems.

Ivanov Igor Vasilievich, Kend Alexander Yugansovich


As a preface

The pages of the magazine “Special Equipment” devote sufficient attention to the topic we touch upon. much attention.

Review articles in the 4th and 6th journals for 2000 by PhD in Engineering Sciences A. I. Larina describe in some detail the composition and application features of this class of tools, but mainly foreign ones.

Unfortunately, the articles do not answer the main questions that security service workers and designers often ask: how much does it cost and where can I get it? Therefore, we would like to share with readers additional information about domestic rapidly deployable security systems (BOS).

In our opinion, it is necessary to say about the mobile complex Binom-2P, which does not require any tripods, pegs, tree trunks or bushes used to secure a breakaway microwire for its deployment, as well as the mobile complex Herbicide, which was mass-produced many years ago. At the International Forum “Security Technologies” held from February 6 to 10 this year, the new Russian rapidly deployable radio wave complex FORTEZA-12 received exceptional attention from specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, border troops, and employees of personal security services., characterized by relatively low cost, high tactical and technical characteristics, ease of both deployment and collapse.

Domestic quickly deployable means and security alarm systems

Considering the fact that sufficiently detailed information on the products Vitim, Mobil RD, Gazon, Tros, Krab-1 and Kuvshinka is given in issue 4 of the journal “Special Equipment” for last year, we will focus on the means presented in Table 1. and not described earlier.

Table 1. Technical characteristics of some domestic rapidly deployable detection devices

The Binom-2P device belongs to the class of radio-technical detection devices.

The operating principle of this device is based on recording changes in the electromagnetic field existing between the radiating cable (security boundary) and the antenna when an intruder enters the protected area.

Binom-2P includes two transmitting modules consisting of a transmitter and a radiating cable on a reel, which, according to the developers, can be quickly deployed in just half an hour by a crew of three on unprepared terrain, even in the presence of small bushes, grass, individual trees and uneven terrain.

The serially produced Herbicide system, which detects an intruder crossing a security line up to 1200 m in height, bent over or even crawling, also belongs to the highly effective, quickly deployable complexes.

Information about a violation of the boundary is transmitted via a wire line at a distance of 500 m and displayed on the post indication consoles. Using two detection means — radio beam and active infrared — on each of the 8 signaling sections, the complex has increased noise immunity.

The complex includes:

Gerbicide-R — a two-position radio beam detection system;
Gerbicide-I — a two-position infrared detection system;
Gerbicide-S — a system of means for transmitting information about the state of the detection system;
Gerbicide-P is a universal power supply system for all parts of the complex (220V, 50–60Hz; or from 70 A h batteries, or from autonomous power sources, or from galvanic cells. Power consumption is no more than 35 W).

The design of the racks with detectors allows, without preliminary preparation of the route, to securely and quickly fix them on various soils: from sand to asphalt concrete, rock.

Let us take a closer look at the domestic FORTEZA-12 complex, which recently appeared on the market. The complex is based on a two-position radio wave detection device, the operating principle of which is based on the creation of an electromagnetic field in the space between the transmitter and receiver, forming a volumetric detection zone in the form of an elongated ellipsoid of rotation and recording changes in this field when an intruder crosses it (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Operating principle of the FORTEZA-12 complex

At intervals of no more than 50 m along the perimeter, stands are installed on which linear units are alternately fixed — transmitting and receiving. The transmitting unit includes two transmitters and a battery, respectively, the receiving unit includes two receivers, a battery and a radio channel transmitter, which transmits an alarm notification to a remote radio channel receiver. The radio channel receiver indicates the number of the triggered section.

The complex forms a protected perimeter with a total length of up to 600 m (12 sections of 50 m).

When a person crosses the detection zone “at full height” or “bent over”, when the supply voltage of any unit drops below the norm, when an attempt is made to dismantle the units or when they fail, an alarm signal is generated and transmitted via the radio channel. The corresponding section will be displayed on the receiver and an audible signal will be activated, which will last until it is reset by the operator. The range of the radio channel in open areas is up to 1000 m.

To increase the reception range and ensure reliable reception of information in difficult conditions: in the city, in the forest, etc., the receiver is equipped with an external antenna upon separate order. The radio channel receiver is equipped with an RS-232 data transmission interface, which distinguishes it from other similar complexes.

Recharging of batteries of individual units of the complex is carried out without removing them from the unit structure and from the portable packaging. All units of the complex can be charged simultaneously from two chargers. Charging can be carried out both in stationary conditions from an alternating current network of 50 Hz with a voltage of 220 V, and in field conditions — during stops or on the move from on-board batteries of vehicles.

The complex provides a high (up to 0.98) probability of detecting an intruder and has high noise immunity, not issuing false alarms when exposed to factors such as:

  • crossing the security line by small animals and birds;
  • rain up to 30 mm/hour;
  • wind up to 20 m/s;
  • snow and hail with an intensity of up to 10 mm/hour (in terms of water);
  • snow cover up to 0.5 m high;
  • grass cover up to 0.3 m high;
  • moving vehicles at a distance exceeding 5 m from the security line;
  • vibrations of small bushes or grass up to 0.3 m (the presence of individual trees and bushes is allowed);
  • vibrations created by industrial installations, rail transport and aircraft.

There are no “dead” sections in the detection zones.

When installing the complex, it is possible to organize “gaps” in the perimeter, that is, one or more sections can be installed separately in different places, but in the sensitivity zone of the remote radio channel receiver. It is allowed to install several complexes in series, of course, observing measures to exclude their influence on each other.

The complex is resistant to failures; if one or more units fail, all the remaining units continue to function normally. At the same time, all the units and racks of the complex are interchangeable, which allows for quick repairs or trouble-free replenishment of spare parts if necessary.

The design of the racks and individual units of the complex is designed for multiple deployments and retractions.

The complex also stands out for its overall dimensions and weight characteristics: a complete set (for a 600 m perimeter) weighs only 35 kg, easily fits into two backpacks and two bags, which ensures exceptional mobility. A team of two people can install (fold) a complete set in 30 to 40 minutes.

The specifics of the detection zone formation do not impose increased requirements on the accuracy of the transmitter-receiver line alignment.”

The scope of application of the FORTEZA-12 complex is very, very wide.

Here are just a few examples of perimeter protection:

  • temporary parking of automobile, construction, agricultural equipment;
  • protection of railway trains and individual carriages;
  • temporary cargo warehouses at stations and piers;
  • protection of individual airliners;
  • temporary customs terminals;
  • protection of equipment and material assets in areas where the consequences of natural disasters and catastrophes are being eliminated;
  • protection of field camps.

For law enforcement agencies, the scope of application of the complex can be significantly expanded: protection of vehicle columns during stops on the march, protection of field hospitals, rear warehouses for various purposes, mobile command posts, communication nodes and radio relay stations, artillery and missile launchers, the tactics of which require frequent redeployment, etc., etc.

As for the material costs of equipping temporary perimeters, the cost of about 200 rubles per linear meter of the line seems quite acceptable. Especially in comparison with other similar systems, with the exception of breakaway means, but their tactical and technical characteristics belong to a lower protection class.

The manufacturer is constantly working on upgrading the complex. Currently, a design is being developed that will allow it to be installed on large slopes, the use of a more powerful and more climate-resistant radio channel is planned, work is underway to reduce the energy consumption of individual units in order to increase the operating time without recharging the batteries, an option is being developed for supplying the complex with power supply and transmission of an alarm signal over two wires (type P274).

And finally, as a remark on the above-mentioned article by A. I. Larin, which is generally very good, I would like to say that the example given by the author with a disabled perimeter alarm section equipped with the Radian product in no way testifies in favor of using a quickly deployable device here.

This example is more reminiscent of the story about the traffic cops “in the bushes,” which has become a byword among motorists.

A disconnected section of the perimeter is an “alarm hole” in the security of the facility, which arose either due to the carelessness of the security staff (having disconnected it, they forgot to fix the malfunction, and, what’s more, they didn’t bother to set up a post!), or, even worse, there is an elementary criminal conspiracy.

As for Radian himself, one of us has been engaged in the practice of designing and installing perimeter capacitive systems since the mid-seventies. And it is Radian that has remained one of the most effective perimeter security devices in the country for over 25 years.

It is used at the perimeters of many government facilities in Moscow, Pitsunda, Foros, the most dangerous areas on the state border, missile forces facilities, defense enterprise perimeters, etc.

Thus, it is not a matter of the type of equipment, but of the organization of the security system.

In preparing this article, materials from the book by I.V. Ivanov “Perimeter Security-2”, PARITET GRAF Publishing House, Moscow, 2000) were used.

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