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On the standardization of information and communication systems of buildings and structures of educational institutions.

The current state and prospects for ensuring the development and safety of educational facilities based on the standardization of information and communication systems are considered.

Issues of development and application of international and national standards are highlighted using the example of information and communication technologies (ICT), which are the basis for continuous computer support of the life cycle of a wide class of educational facilities (academic and laboratory buildings, dormitories, sports facilities, etc.).

Attention is focused on the issues of standardization of ICT tools and information systems for the design and management of various educational facilities.

1. Perspective problems

Modernization of the education system, prospects for Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization, participation in the Bologna process, integration into the global information society and educational space determine the need to ensure the quality and competitiveness of domestic education in accordance with the needs of the economy, society and the individual.

One one of the most important aspects of this activity is ensuring the quality and safety of a wide class of educational facilities, and, first of all, specialized buildings (educational and laboratory buildings, dormitories, sports facilities, etc.), characterized by specific functional properties, life support and security systems, infocom -communication means, etc.

The practical solution of a complex set of problems at the stages of ordering, design, construction and operation of these facilities necessitates the development of a unified legal, regulatory and technical framework that meets the best world practices and the fundamental principles of technical regulation, defined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation” [1].

Taking into account the relevance of the problem of systematically ensuring the quality and safety of educational institutions at all levels, an Agreement dated 03/05/2005 was concluded between Rostekhregulirovanie and Roazovanie in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” [2] on joint activities in the field of standardization and conformity assessment.

The basis of joint activities in the field of standardization is the implementation of consistent harmonization of national standards with the requirements of international standards regulating the fundamental requirements for the quality and safety of various objects of the material and technical base and ICT facilities of educational institutions at all levels.

It should be especially noted that the national standards being developed are the evidence base for mandatory and voluntary confirmation of conformity (certification) of various systems, processes, products and services in the field of education.

In turn, national and international standards are the basis for the development of technical regulations, focused primarily on protecting the life and health of citizens, property, and environmental protection.

In connection with systemic support for the development and safety of educational facilities, the influence of ICT must be considered in two aspects [5, 6].

Firstly, ICT tools are the basis for the implementation of modern approaches not only to design, but also to continuous computer support at all stages of the life cycle of these objects.

Secondly, the implementation of the functional purpose of these objects, associated with elements of educational activity and their life support system, is also based on the use of a wide class of ICT tools.

2. TC 461. Standardization of information and communication technologies in education (ICT)

Technical Committee for Standardization No. 461 (TK 461) was created in accordance with a joint order of the State Standard and the Ministry of Education of Russia.

The functions of the parent organization for ICT standardization are assigned to MSTU «STANKIN».

The committee includes more than 70 specialists from 40 organizations (MSTU «Stankin», State Research Institute of Technology «Informika», MSTU named after Bauman, St. Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics, ISP RAS, IIO RAO, VNIIstandart, NFPC, RUDN University, MESI, MIREA, Tomsk State University, Volgograd State Technical University, NOU INTOS, etc.).

TC 461 is developing national standards in the following areas (within five subcommittees):

• System-wide and fundamental regulatory documents on ICT standardization;

• Interconnection of open systems;

• Automated information systems for managing industry and educational institutions;

• Educational environments and information resources;

• Ensuring the functional safety of ICT.

TC 461 experts participate in the activities of international educational consortia by discussing relevant specifications at ISO/IEC meetings.

National delegations of the Russian Federation took part in two plenary meetings of ISO/IEC STK 1/PC 36 (March 13-17, 2006 in Turku, Finland; September 16-17, 2006 Wuhan, China) and actively influenced the development concept international standards in the field of e-learning.

Candidate from the Russian Federation prof. B.M. Later he was presented for participation in the competition for the position of head of WG5.

Quality assurance in e-learning.

The prospects for the work of the national delegation in PC 36 on an ongoing basis are important for increasing the international prestige of the Russian Federation and the high-quality implementation of large-scale events within the framework of the National Project «Education», FTPRO and the ISO NFPC Project.

3. Standardization of ICT in investment and construction projects of educational institutions

Currently, with the support of the Federal Agency for Education, the activity of educational institutions in the implementation of investment and construction projects, which should significantly increase their educational and scientific potential and safety, has increased significantly.

This must be taken into account in technical specifications for the design of new and reconstruction of existing buildings and structures.

They should contain new solutions both in the field of educational process management technologies and as part of the construction part of projects.

The greatest changes in these technologies, as well as in the procedures for managing engineering systems of buildings, are made by the use of information and communication systems (ICS) in investment and construction projects.

ICS are implementations of ICT in relation to distance educational technologies (DET) and computer management of buildings and structures.

Their appearance in the projects is due to the laws of the Russian Federation “On Communications” [3] and “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” [4].

The standards for the design of buildings and structures of educational institutions are set out in SNiP 2.08.02-89 “Public buildings and structures”.

The basis for the design of ICS can be the “Recommendations for the design of universities and institutes for advanced training” (M., Stroyizdat, 1992, 185 pp.).

When designing an ICS [7,8], the mandatory sections “Technologies of educational activities”, “Dispatching”, “Instrumentation and automation”, “Communication” are significantly updated; additions are also made to other parts of the working documentation.

In essence, ICS provides internal and external interconnections between bunkers, as well as engineering and security and fire systems.

All parts of the ICS interact with each other both at the technical level and at the level of data exchange; each of them is provided with methodological materials and user instructions.

The development of national and international ICT standards in relation to ICS occurs in three directions (Fig. 1): technical, software and information and organizational and methodological.

Each of these areas of national standards must be harmonized with international standards, for example: the profile of the national standard for network information interaction must be harmonized with the international standard BACnet [9], which will lead to open interaction between manufacturers of different brands of equipment.

Harmonization national standards in the field of ICT and international standards will lead to a more open and competitive market for goods and services in this area, which will have a positive impact on the cost of construction projects, the safety of all systems of buildings and structures and the long-term development of these systems in the future.

The third and fifth subcommittees of TC 461 are developing proposals for promising national standards focused on information support for the design and operation of educational facilities.

Currently, with their participation, drafts of three national standards relating to the investment and construction sector are being developed, as well as recommendations for their application.

As part of the regulatory documents, principles for constructing control rooms, structured cable networks, and continuous computer support of the life cycle are being developed.

The set of national standards developed by TC 461 must be harmonized with international standards in the field of telecommunications and information exchange (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6), system and software engineering (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7), management and data exchange (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32), description of documents and processing languages ​​(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34), e-learning (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC36), quality management (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC176), interconnection of information technology equipment (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 ), design of the internal building environment (ISO/TC 205)

4. Standardization of ICT in distance educational technologies.

Issues of standardization in the field of distance educational technologies are the least developed. The activities of the first, second and fourth subcommittees of TC 461 are devoted to their solution. Currently, they are developing drafts of six national standards.

Distance educational technologies (DET) are an integral part of building automation, since with their help there is a continuous transfer of knowledge to specialists and users. In the activities of designers, builders, installation engineers and operators, DOTs allow, without interruption from production, to stay abreast of modern development trends and specific technological solutions for building automation systems.

A number of communities are involved in international standards in the field of e-learning and distance educational technologies[10].

Their activities are designed to significantly simplify and improve the interaction of existing educational systems and teaching methods with modern technical and software information tools.


1. Law of the Russian Federation «On Technical Regulation» No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002.

2. Law of the Russian Federation «On Education» No. 12-FZ of January 13, 1996, as amended and supplemented by No. 199-FZ of December 31, 2005.

3. Law of the Russian Federation «On Communications» dated July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ.

4. Law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” dated July 8, 2006 No. 149-FZ.

5. Tikhonov A.N., Pozdneev B.M. Quality, standardization and certification of ICT in the field of education. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (ITON-2006) — M.: 2006, p. 15-19.

6. Presnyakov N.I. Systems engineering of virtual construction sites. M., «New Millennium», 2003. — p. 368.

7. Presnyakov N.I. Information and communication system of the construction site/Construction materials, equipment and technologies of the XXI century, No. 2, 2004.- p.50-51.

8. Presnyakov N.I., Romanov A.N. Methodological basis for constructing information and communication systems (ICS) in buildings and structures/Construction Expert No. 10, 2005 — p. 18.

9. ISO 16484-5 Building automation and control systems -Part 5: Data communication protocol

10. Presnyakov N.N. On the standardization of distance learning courses based on SCORM specifications/Construction materials, equipment and technologies of the XXI century, No. 12, 2006.- p. 72.

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