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Гороскоп на Сегодня
On the issue of categorizing objects from the standpoint of security.
The article discusses the main provisions of the concept of ensuring comprehensive and security security of important objects of the Russian Federation.
To determine the required level of security, it is proposed to categorize objects by the nature and scale of possible damage in the event of the implementation of major security threats as a result of unauthorized actions of violators.
The procedure and stages of work on creating a security system for objects are considered.
In modern conditions, the task of ensuring the security of important Russian objects requires an integrated scientific approach.
Its solution for a specific facility should be started with the development of a security concept.
The security concept expresses the general intent of the organization and the implementation of measures to ensure the protection of the facility from possible threats.
The essence of the concept of ensuring comprehensive security of any facility is explained in Fig. 1 and consists of implementing three principles:
• defining the goals (objects) of protection (who and what to protect?);
• defining and assessing threats (from whom to protect?);
• development and implementation of adequate protection measures (how to protect?).
Protection goals
There are basically three protection goals at a protected facility:
• people (facility personnel, population of the adjacent territory);
•property (equipment, valuables, documentation);
•information (confidential, official or commercial).
Types of threats
Protection goals form a threat space. In general terms, the main types of threats to facility security are:
• emergency situation (accident, fire, flood, destruction, mass infectious diseases and poisoning of people, etc.);
• theft (loss) of property;
• unauthorized removal of information containing commercial or official secrets.
The system for ensuring the comprehensive security of the facility must be formed in such a way as to effectively counter the listed threats with the help of people and technical means by taking adequate protective measures.
Security subsystems
For this purpose, the following security subsystems must be created and function reliably:
• a system for protecting the facility in emergency situations;
• a system for physical protection (security);
• an information security system.
Of all the threats, emergency situations are the most dangerous. The consequences of emergencies at some facilities can lead not only to significant material damage, but also pose a threat to the life and health of the facility's personnel and the population outside its territory, as well as a negative impact on the environment.
The need to create a SSS or SFZ
The main sources (reasons) for the occurrence of emergencies at facilities, in addition to natural and man-made ones, are malicious unauthorized actions (MUAs) of violators.
It should be noted that in modern conditions, NSD violators pose a particular danger, since they can lead to the emergence of any of the threats presented in Fig. 1.
Therefore, the creation of an effective security system (SS) or physical protection (PP) is a very urgent task for many industrial facilities in Russia.
The need to organize physical protection is provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation «On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Industrial Facilities», which obliges the organization operating this facility to declare its industrial safety and, among other things, «prevent unauthorized persons from entering the facility».
The creation of an industrial safety system should begin with the development of a concept for ensuring the security of the facility.
An industrial safety system should provide for a single set of organizational and engineering measures to protect the facility from unauthorized «violators» (terrorists, saboteurs, extremists).
Modern security systems should also have the task of protecting against unintentional, erroneous actions of the facility's personnel, which by the nature of the possible damage are close to the unintentional actions of violators.
Creating an effective security system of a facility requires quite significant costs.
Therefore, in modern conditions, taking into account the limited material resources of customers, when creating a security system, the need to optimize its structure according to the criterion of «efficiency — cost», i.e. «maximum efficiency with minimum costs», comes to the fore.
But certain restrictions must be imposed on the «maximum efficiency».
This task is complicated when creating a security system for a group of objects that differ in their purpose and complexity.
The effectiveness of a facility's security system characterizes its ability to withstand accepted threats (implementation of malicious actions by an intruder) and depends on the organization of the security system and the degree or level of protection of the object by engineering and technical means.
It is quite obvious that the level of security cannot be the same for objects with different purposes.
By analogy with the above concept of complex security of an object, one of its main provisions should be the following basic principle: the level of security should be adequate to the significance of the object and possible threats to its security.
Therefore, when creating a SSS, there is a need to categorize objects from the standpoint of security.
Categorization of objects from the standpoint of security Until recently, effective security using TSO was organized only at nuclear-hazardous, defense and commercial facilities.
Industrial facilities were excluded from the scope of attention: oil and gas, chemical, fuel and energy, etc.
Currently, due to the deterioration of the crime situation in the country, the threat of emergencies at these facilities as a result of unauthorized actions by violators has increased.
That is why the creation of a security system at these facilities using TSO and determining the required level of their protection is a very urgent task today.
According to the current regulatory documents governing the selection and use of TSO, the main method of determining the required level of protection is categorizing facilities into groups depending on the type and concentration of valuables placed on them.
The article proposes to introduce a classification of objects by a number of other indicators: the importance of the object and the value of the stored material assets, the location of the object (attendance), etc.
To categorize objects by security groups, it is proposed to introduce as a criterion the nature and scale of possible damage in the event of the implementation of the main security threats to this object as a result of the unauthorized actions of violators.
Based on this indicator, it seems appropriate to distinguish the following categories of objects:
A — especially important;
B — important;
C — industrial and commercial;
D — cultural and historical.
The highest category (A) includes especially important facilities where the possible damage in the event of the implementation of the main security threats is maximum in nature and scale.
Its consequences extend beyond the territory of the facilities and cannot be localized in space and time by taking immediate liquidation measures.
The nature of the damage consists of creating a threat to the life and health of personnel and the population, as well as a negative impact on the natural environment.
Category B is proposed to include important facilities where the nature of the possible damage consists of a threat to the life and health of the facility's personnel, and its consequences do not extend beyond the territory of the facility and can be localized by taking liquidation measures.
It is also proposed to include in this category objects where possible damage is of a material nature, but its scale is of regional significance.
Industrial and commercial objects (category B) are characterized by the fact that possible damage is of a local and mainly material nature.
A special group includes cultural and historical objects (category G), where possible damage has its own specifics and in terms of scale can be of both regional and international significance.
More detailed data on the characteristics, main security threats and proposed criteria for categorizing objects are provided in the table.
In turn, each category of objects can be classified by the scale or size of the damage caused as a result of the unauthorized actions of violators.
Thus, it is proposed to further divide especially important objects into three security groups (No. 1, 2, 3). The group number determines the scale of possible damage, which may have consequences of, respectively, transboundary, federal, regional significance.
For other categories of objects, the classification by significance groups and security levels proposed in the table can be used.
It should be noted that when establishing the security level, it is necessary to additionally take into account possible security threats for a specific object, which are determined mainly by the current crime situation in a given region.
The object's belonging to the relevant category and group must be determined at the initial stage of the SSS design, since not only the level of its protection but also the planned tactics of the security forces depend on this. The total costs of creating a SSS depend on this tactic.
For example, for objects of categories A and B, the task of the security forces is to prevent the intruder from committing a sabotage action, i.e. the intruder must be detected and neutralized on the approaches to the target of the action.
For other categories of facilities, it is permissible to detain the offender after he has committed the theft, and in some cases even after he has left the territory of the facility.
It is quite obvious that the security forces of facilities of categories A-B and B-G have different time reserves to neutralize the offender.
The difference in the tactics of the security forces should be taken into account in the process of creating the SSS: when determining the structure, quantitative composition and equipment of the security forces, as well as when choosing the types and mutual arrangement of engineering means for detaining the offender.
Optimization of the security system structure according to the criterion «efficiency — cost» allows to provide sufficiently effective protection of the facility from unauthorized access by violators with minimal expenditure of the customer's resources.
Procedure for creating security systems for facilities
When creating security systems, the following methodology of work is implemented.
After concluding an agreement with the customer for the creation of security systems for a facility or group of facilities, «Development of a security concept and optimal structure of the ITSO complexes of the customer's facilities» is carried out.
The following stages of work are performed:
1. Survey of the «standard» objects proposed by the customer or jointly determined.
The results of the work at this stage are formalized by filling out a special standard survey protocol containing questions on the characteristics of the object and the existing security system.
In this case, threats to the security of the objects are formulated together with the customer and a model of threat performers — violators — is determined.
2. Development of the concept of physical protection (security) of objects.
At this stage, the results of inspections of objects are analyzed, threats and models of intruders are specified, objects are classified into categories depending on importance and potential danger, and the basic principles of physical protection and the required level of protection of objects are formulated, an assessment of the vulnerability of the existing security system is made.
3. Development and selection of the optimal structure of the physical protection system and the complex of engineering and technical means of protection (ITMS) of objects.
In this case, as a rule, several variants of the structure of the complexes are developed, their efficiency and vulnerability of the security system with the proposed complexes are analyzed by means of modeling on a PC, and the most optimal ones are selected according to the criterion of «efficiency — cost».
The expected tactical, technical and economic indicators of the proposed ITSO complexes are also determined, recommendations are given on the stages and timing of the implementation of the complexes at facilities, on the organization of technical maintenance and repair of the TSO equipment, recommendations on the organization of operational actions of security forces on signals from the ITSO complexes.
The results of the work are drawn up as an explanatory note to the feasibility study (FS) or the feasibility proposal (FP).
This document is often used by the security service as a guide to organizing the physical protection of a facility and allows the customer to optimally plan the stages and deadlines for completing the work, as well as the costs of equipping the facilities with ITSO complexes.
A complete list of stages of work on creating the physical protection of facilities is shown in Fig. 2 and does not require any additional explanations.
The proposed approach to categorizing protected facilities by the nature and scale of possible damage from the implementation of security threats associated with the implementation of unauthorized access by violators will, in our opinion, allow us to optimally solve the problem of choosing the level of protection, as well as the structure of the physical protection of a facility and the ITSO complex based on the criterion of «efficiency» cost».
This can ensure sufficiently effective protection of the facility from unauthorized intruders and minimize the costs of creating a security system.
Categorization of facilities from the standpoint of security should be carried out at the initial stage of creating a security system — when developing a security concept.
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