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On Amendments and Supplements to the Special Conditions for the Acquisition of Radio-Electronic Equipment and High-Frequency Devices.

On Amendments and Supplements to the Special Conditions for the Acquisition of Radio-Electronic Equipment and High-Frequency Devices.

Government of the Russian Federation
dated February 25, 2000, No. 157
«On Amendments and Supplements to the Special Conditions for the Acquisition of Radio-Electronic Equipment and High-Frequency Devices»

The Government of the Russian Federation decrees:

The following amendments and additions shall be made to the special conditions for the acquisition of radio electronic equipment and high-frequency devices approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1996 N 832 (amendment of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 31, Art. 3724; 1998, N 33, Art. 4019):

1) paragraphs two and four of clause 3 shall be recognized as no longer in effect;

2) clause 4 shall be supplemented with paragraphs of the following content:

«Permission from state communications supervision authorities in the Russian Federation is not required for the acquisition of:

  • radio receiving devices intended for individual reception of television and radio broadcasting programs, personal radio call transmissions and signals (radio pagers);
  • subscriber portable radio stations of cellular radio networks of federal and regional standards;
  • subscriber terminals of global systems of mobile personal satellite communications, subscriber terminals of the mobile personal satellite communications network of the Euteltrax system, subscriber terminals of mobile satellite communications of the Mini-M standard of the Inmarsat system;
  • certain categories of low-power radio stations for personal use and other radio-electronic equipment according to the list approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization, agreed upon with the State Commission on Radio Frequencies under the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • cordless telephones (radio telephones) with a radiating power of no more than 10 mW, operating in the frequency bands allocated by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies under the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation;
  • children's radio communication devices and radio-controlled toys operating in the radio frequency band 26957 — 27283 kHz, with a radiating power of no more than 10 mW;
  • household appliances that do not contain radio-emitting devices»;

3) paragraph 5 after the words: «high-frequency devices» shall be supplemented with the words: «and permits for their sale»;

4) in paragraphs one and two of clause 6, delete the words:

«(except for the means and devices specified in clause 3 of this Resolution)»;

5) clause 7 shall be set out as follows:

«7. The sale (supply, wholesale and/or retail) of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices in the territory of the Russian Federation shall be carried out by manufacturers, suppliers and trading organizations on the basis of permits issued by the bodies of the state communication supervision service in the Russian Federation.

Permits are not required for the sale of:

  • radio receiving devices intended for individual reception of television and radio broadcasting programs, personal radio call transmissions and signals (radio pagers);
  • household appliances that do not contain radio-emitting devices»;

6) supplement the special conditions with paragraph 8 of the following content:

«8. Permission for the sale and acquisition of special radio receiving equipment for conducting on-air technical radio monitoring, including scanning radio receivers for individuals and legal entities, is issued by territorial bodies of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the State Supervision Service for Communications in the Russian Federation according to the list agreed upon in the established manner».

Chairman of the Government

of the Russian Federation


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