Oleg Zimenkov, First Deputy General Director of Optima-Integration, answers CNews questions.
CNews: What trends characterize the Russian market of «intelligent construction» at the moment? How developed is it, in your opinion?
Oleg Zimenkov: The Russian market of intelligent construction is developing quite actively today. The customer is no longer afraid of such a term as «intelligent building», understanding what kind of building in terms of its equipment is being discussed.
Currently, there are many diverse and interesting projects in the field of intelligent construction. One can observe both the construction of beautiful and modern office buildings of class «A» and «B» «from scratch», and individual implementations of automation tools for managing engineering systems in existing facilities. In addition, private houses are increasingly being equipped with intelligent systems. In terms of investment volume, this market segment, of course, seriously loses to office and industrial construction. However, a variety of exotic systems are being implemented here.
By the way, I see one of the main market trends in this — the “stratification” of intelligent engineering systems implemented in offices and implemented in the private sector. If a corporate customer is more interested in systems that will reduce the costs of operating a building, such as automatic climate control in rooms, elevators, and technical security systems, then in the private sector “image systems” are being implemented — turning on the light by clapping your hands or voice control of air conditioning and heating systems.
CNews: What types of intelligent solutions are most in demand in Russia today, from your experience?
Oleg Zimenkov: It is very difficult to single out the most popular solutions for the customer. Due to the high demand for intelligent building systems and services for their implementation, almost every solution finds its application in a variety of projects. In addition, the list of implemented systems strongly depends on the customer's tasks — some limit themselves to creating an access control and management system, while others build a full-fledged intelligent building, where engineering and infrastructure systems are fully integrated with each other.
However, today we can note a certain basic set of systems that are offered by developers. First of all, these are structured cable systems and indoor climate control systems, and slightly less often, technical security equipment is added to them. In most cases, other intelligent building systems are implemented after the developers have handed over the facility.
CNews: Do you see demand for intelligent building systems in Russian regions? Or is Moscow still the market for their sales?
Oleg Zimenkov: Our experience of implementing projects shows that demand for intelligent systems and implementation services is everywhere. For example, our company is currently implementing two projects that are approximately the same in scale and set of implemented systems — one in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the other in the central region in Moscow. The only difference is in the implementation time — in the regions, such projects are more stretched out in time.
CNews: What is the cost of an average project to create an «intelligent home»? To what extent has this figure been subject to change recently?
Oleg Zimenkov: The cost of a project to create an intelligent building depends on many factors, and in particular on the set of intelligent systems that will be installed in it. Intelligent systems account for about 50% of the cost of construction. This figure has remained virtually unchanged in recent times.
The second largest cost item is the provision of integration services for combining engineering and infrastructure systems into a single building management network. Here we managed to reduce the customer's investment in the project by about 30%. This became possible due to the optimization of the project work scheme and the involvement of subcontractors, and, of course, the use of our own accumulated experience. If we talk about absolute values, then now the construction of an intelligent building or its reconstruction is more expensive due to the boom in the construction market.
CNews: How much does it cost on average to service an «intelligent home»?
Oleg Zimenkov: First of all, I would like to note that one of the main goals of constructing an intelligent building is to reduce operating costs. And maximum cost savings can only be achieved if the facility is equipped with all the main engineering and infrastructure systems that are tightly integrated with each other and controlled from a single control center. The implementation of many systems should be taken into account at the design stage of the building. In addition, at this stage it is necessary to carefully consider the possibilities of further scalability and reconstruction of engineering and infrastructure systems.
If this approach is used when constructing an intelligent building, the customer will be able to save up to 60% of the facility's maintenance costs. This includes energy and resource conservation, savings due to lower building insurance costs, cost reduction due to a reduction in the number of operating personnel, etc. In addition, the image of an «intelligent building» increases its market value, which opens a direct path to investment.
CNews: Which of your «intelligent» buildings would you highlight in particular?
Oleg Zimenkov: Since the launch of the corresponding department in our company in 2000, responsible for projects to create and reconstruct intelligent buildings, we have implemented more than 15 large-scale projects.
Among them, the following can be highlighted. JSC «Energy Center» is a building where more than 2,000 employees of the central office of RAO «UES of Russia» work. In it, on an area of about 55 thousand square meters, we carried out work on the reconstruction of a complex of engineering and telecommunication systems. This complex included digital telephone communication systems, uninterruptible and guaranteed power supply, fire protection, technical security equipment and an air conditioning system for technological rooms. We also equipped the complex of meeting rooms of the board of RAO «UES of Russia» with modern information display and videoconferencing systems. The main feature of the implementation of this project was a complex work organization scheme, in which all engineering and telecommunication systems of the building were not disconnected, and employees continued to effectively perform their duties.
Another of our projects, which Optima-Integration completed literally last year, is the reconstruction of the main control room and the training center of the unified control center of the North-West. We started this project with the development of a new design for the premises and the implementation of construction work on the redevelopment. During the project, the supply and installation of engineering systems and telecommunications equipment was carried out. And the old mnemonic board was replaced with a modern video wall built on the basis of an information display system.
Also last year, as part of the project to introduce the latest automation, signaling and communication complex in the Kazan metro, Optima-Integration equipped the engineering building with telecommunications and engineering systems. In total, our company's specialists installed all the systems on 5 floors of a new detached office building, which houses the auxiliary services of the metro.
And finally, I will note our project for the company Gorodissky and Partners. For this customer, we performed general construction and finishing works, as well as design and installation of internal engineering based on a structured cabling system in a complex consisting of 3 buildings, with a total area of 3.5 thousand square meters.
CNews: Thank you.
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