normi i pravila priobreteniya i primeneniya orujiya v rf

Norms and rules for the acquisition and use of weapons in the Russian Federation.

Norms and rules for the acquisition and use of weapons in the Russian Federation

Norms and rules for the acquisition and use of weapons in the Russian Federation

Rules for acquiring weapons
The main, although far from the most important, point of the rules for acquiring weaponsis reaching the age of 18. The next factor is a license. For some types of weapons it is necessary (combat), and for others — the sale is free. Gas cartridges, electric shock devices are purchased without a license. The mandatory procedure for obtaining a license must precede the purchase of gas weapons for self-defense, smooth-bore, rifled weapons. According to the established rules for the acquisition of weapons, to obtain a license to purchase a weapon, you must provide the following list of documents: a personal application in the prescribed form, a medical report on the absence of contraindications to owning a weapon, a document confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation — a new-style passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a photocopy of a document confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation, photographs, 3×4 cm, matte, 4 pcs., a report of the established form from the local police inspector at the place of residence of the citizen applying for a license. Information on the procedure for acquiring weaponsmore detailed information can be obtained by reading the relevant articles of the Law «On Weapons». The right to purchase weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation under licenses issued by the internal affairs agencies is held by the entities specified in Articles 10 and 15 of the Federal Law «On Weapons» — this does not apply to state military organizations. Such organizations have the right to purchase weapons without obtaining licenses civilian and service weapons and cartridges from suppliers, legal entities that have the right to sell weapons.
The acquisition by legal entities and individuals of additional replaceable and insert rifled barrels for hunting firearms is also carried out on the basis of licenses issued by internal affairs agencies in the manner prescribed for the acquisition of weapons, with subsequent certification of the said barrels and their registration in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law «On Weapons». The procedure for acquiring weapons establishes a list of criteria that prevent citizens of the Russian Federation from obtaining a license, such as:
1) the presence of chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or frequently aggravated painful manifestations; 2) alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse; 3) vision with correction below 0.5 in one eye and below 0.2 in the other, or 0.7 in one eye with no vision in the other; 4) the presence of other grounds provided for by the Federal Law «On Weapons».
It is also important to take into account that citizens who are acquiring a sporting smooth-bore firearm or hunting weapon for the first time, when receiving a document certifying the right to hunt, are required to undergo a test of knowledge of the rules for the safe handling of weapons in state hunting management bodies or in public hunting associations at their place of residence, and those who are acquiring a firearm for self-defense for the first time — in the internal affairs bodies at their place of residence. After completing all the necessary procedures and receiving the right to acquire a weapon, a citizen is required to comply with the requirements governing the use of weapons. The use of physical force and weapons by police officers is separately regulated.

Procedure for the use of weapons
Any use of weapons is associated with causing harm of varying severity to a person. Therefore, it is important to know the procedure for using weapons. According to the law, the use of weapons by citizens is permissible for the purpose of protecting life, health and property in situations of necessary defense and extreme necessity. Legislatively, the procedure for the use of weapons is based on two target situations — necessary defense. According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, causing harm to a person in the case of necessary defense, i.e. when protecting the personality and rights of the defender or other persons, the legally protected interests of society or the state from a socially dangerous encroachment, is not punishable. All citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to necessary defense, regardless of social status and other characteristics. Causing harm to protected interests in a state of extreme necessity is also not a crime. Extreme necessity means a situation when there is a real danger threatening the person who acts in a state of extreme necessity, his rights and interests or the rights and interests of other persons protected by law; if this danger is not suppressed, serious consequences may occur. The rules procedure for the use of weapons prohibit the use of firearms against women, persons with obvious signs of disability, minors, when their age is obvious or known, except in cases where these persons commit an armed or group attack.

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