novoe prostranstvo krost 2

New space KROST.

New space CROST

New space CROST

novoe prostranstvo krost 2

According to the general director of the KROST concern, A. Dobashin, the expected investment in this project will be around $150 million. The concern plans to implement the project in three years. According to the first deputy chief architect of Moscow, Yu. Grigoriev, the height of the building will not exceed 35–40 floors. The building will house offices, hotels and residential apartments.

«Velton Park» is the conceptual core of the reconstruction program of the Khoroshovo-Mnevniki quarters. KROST assumes that the high-rise building, which Ricardo Bofill is working on, will become the architectural accent of the entire complex and the logical conclusion of the «Boulevard of Seven Epochs» — a 400-meter-long pedestrian shopping zone. It begins at the 30-meter-long arch of the already built «Velton Park» building — an engineering masterpiece with the widest arch in a residential building in Europe.

«Welton Park» is unique not only because of the bright names that participated in the development of the master plan and individual buildings. The residential quarter is a well-thought-out engineering and technical solution. It is supposed to hide the parking lots and interchanges inside the quarter underground as much as possible, leaving the courtyards green and safe. Therefore, one of the important functions of the Bofill high-rise building is to become a protective barrier, isolating the quiet and cozy residential quarter from the transport highways.

Ricardo Bofill's workshop has been following the principle of «being at the cutting edge of technological progress» for almost half a century. His projects combine high profitability with an expressive plastic composition of the entire ensemble and its individual elements. Such are the Antigone quarters in Montpellier, Paris, Abracas in Marne-la-Vallée, the Gaudi suburb near Elona, ​​Xanedi in Calpe, the Walden-7 district in Elona, ​​and new residential quarters in Beijing. These buildings look like monumental sculptural objects made of concrete – extravagant and comfortable for living at the same time.

Sometimes modern apartment blocks are grouped into huge structures made in the Baroque or antique style.
Then they are perceived not just as houses, but as a new living space, with which, in fact, the great architect works.

About the company:The KROST concern was founded in 1990. The owner and CEO is Alexey Dobashin. The main areas of the concern: general contracting, industry, development and sale of residential and commercial real estate, the Else Clab Wellness Club chain, consulting.
Over the 16 years of the concern's existence, 350 projects have been reconstructed, built and sold. Among them: residential properties «Velton Park», «Union Park», «Silver Quartet», «Olympia», «Alisa», «Silver Boulevard», as well as offices of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, National Credit Bank, 15 shopping centers of the Olbi and M. Video chains, cultural and entertainment centers «Crystal» and Golden Palace.

About 2,000,000 sq. m is the total area of ​​the sold premises. Four quarters of complex reconstruction in Moscow, including «Velton Park», «Union Park».

The structure of the industrial complex of the concern includes 15 factories.
Today, 4,500 people work in the KROST concern.

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