monitoring kontrol i registraciya parametrov

Monitoring, control and registration of parameters.

Monitoring, control and registration of parameters

Monitoring, control and registration of parameters

monitoring kontrol i registraciya parametrov

The multichannel electronic recorder with touch control of the REGIGRAF series manufactured by the Vibrator plant (St. Petersburg), the serial production of which began in June 2005, is of undoubted interest to consumers due to its technical and functional capabilities and compliance with the modern level of development of electronic equipment. The REGIGRAF videographic recorder can be used to monitor, control and record parameters of various technological processes. According to consumer reviews, the use of REGIGRAF series recorders can significantly simplify and speed up the creation of control systems. The REGIGRAF series electronic recorder is a worthy competitor to electronic recorders of not only domestic but also foreign production.

REGIGRAF provides the following functions:
— data collection on 4, 8 or 16 input channels;
— parameter processing;
— display of current and calculated parameters;
— continuous archiving of parameters in the internal memory, which is 10 million measurements; the recording cycle in the archive is set by the user when programming the device within the range from 1 sec to 5 min;
— control — the device can have up to 16 relay outputs, allowing you to generate signals for actuators in the event of the values ​​of the controlled parameters going beyond the set limits. REGIGRAF can be used to monitor, record and control various parameters: temperature, flow, pressure. The device can be included in the automated control system of boiler houses, heating points, refrigeration centers and other technical systems of buildings and structures.

REGIGRAF has the following functional and technical capabilities: Large screen with touch control REGIGRAF has a large touch screen measuring 10.4″, which provides convenient visual monitoring of process parameters. The screen also controls the device settings. The screen can be configured to various information display modes, which also ensures operator convenience when working with the device.

REGIGRAF can be completely reconfigured to solve a completely new task. Changing the type and range of input signals when replacing primary sensors does not require replacing the recorder (buying a new one) — each channel in the software part of the device is configured for the corresponding type and range of the input signal, and its scale is calibrated for the required ranges and physical quantities.

Wide functional capabilities REGIGRAF provides a fairly wide range of functions in addition to measuring and recording process parameters: regulation, data transfer to the system using analog outputs, mathematical functions.

Calculation of process parameters
The mathematical channels available in the recorder allow you to implement the functions of calculating process parameters. The calculation functions allow you to implement, for example, process accounting on the basis of the recorder. Information from the mathematical channels can be transferred to the system — via the analog outputs of the recorder.

Ease of reading and recording information
Recording archive information to a flash drive, recording the configuration file installed on the device to a flash drive, copying the configuration file to the recorder from a flash drive. If the consumer has several devices with the same settings, the ease of their configuration is obvious. It is only necessary to transfer the configuration file with the device settings to the flash drive once and then use it to configure all devices.

Convenience of information management
The electronic recorder collects information from several sensors on one device, then records and stores it in the internal memory of the device and, if necessary, can be transferred to a computer (using a digital interface via a local computer network or flash cards). In this case, the archived information can be converted into a format compatible with MS-Office for further processing.

Wide possibilities for integration into the general control system
REGIGRAF has various communication interfaces for communication with higher-level systems — ACS, ASDU, ASKUE, etc.: RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet. An OPC server has also been developed for the recorder, which allows you to easily integrate the device into the SCADA system.

JSC «Instrument-making plant «VIBRATOR»
194292, St. Petersburg, 2-y Verkhniy per., d. 5 lit. A.
Tel.: +7(812)598-92-59, 590-95-80, 598-87-56 fax: +7(812)517-99-55, 590-95-85. vbrspb.rue-mail:

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