#perimeter alarm
Mobile video the size of a mobile phone.
Mobile video the size of a mobile phone
If the main strategy of your business is mobility in search of profit, and not contemplatively waiting for the arrival of a wagon of jam in a distant city N., then maintaining the gained momentum is equivalent to maintaining the usual comfort. Your economic, and even personal safety, becomes actually dependent on the speed of your own movement through life. Previously, good physical training of personal security was enough. Now, with this approach, you can only sadly follow with your eyes the caravans of your still well-being moving into the distance.
The vast majority of modern security methods are based on technologies that dominate business. This is absolutely natural, since the object of security today is understood as a person and his business, man-made and ecological environment. All points of appearance and routes of movement, home, business contacts fall under control. Now the question arises: how can security keep up with a fast boss? How, without inflating the staff and without arming ourselves to exhaustion, effectively resist intruders?
Is it possible to transfer all the experience of security activities to the environment of new technologies? Of course, yes. They transfer it as best they can. Although the desire to keep up sometimes leads to interesting results. The most recognized and capacious information is visual, everything else is important additions. Therefore, we will try to trace the development processes using the example of modern digital video surveillance.
As soon as it became possible to process video signals in real time, the first samples of new security equipment appeared. Methods of digital filtering, motion analysis, pattern recognition or aiming were immediately adopted. These tasks were solved on the available element base, available hardware. Moreover, the needs were so great, and the prospects seemed so tempting, that the fastest possible implementation of ideas was put at the forefront. It is clear that using standard means, especially personal computers, was much cheaper and allowed to accumulate accumulated experience, which was hourly multiplied by everyone — from a lone hacker to Microsoft. An extensive approach to this problem, as always, solved it only partially and at the same time gave rise to new ones.
The first thing I would like to draw attention to is the standard environment of life of new systems. Digital video surveillance based on a PC is fraught with a disguised danger. It is a hundred times easier to damage or use to harm the SB for the same reason that the developer simplified his life by using familiar personal computers. This problem is even more serious in light of another, also generated by this method of development. The familiar surveillance systems are gradually being transformed into digital ones. Transmission of video images and data of K(complex) SB via all kinds of communication channels is a reality. The probability of interception or modification increases many times over when transmitted by standard means. Now let's imagine the dimensions of such monsters. A personal computer becomes a monster when you try to place it covertly or use it as a mobile security device. This may be the most vulnerable spot. What is easy to see is hard to find.
Conclusion: there is a need for digital video surveillance devices, but there is an even greater need for compact devices that operate on their own algorithms and platforms. For mobile and multifunctional devices. The analogy with cell phones is complete. Would you take a «mobile phone» the size of a laptop with you? Yesterday you would have, today we know how children are born. And it's not a matter of habit, it's just that the technology of life and business is becoming different.
The use of digital video surveillance systems is multifaceted and constantly expanding. The functional load on them is also growing. If earlier the main security tool was the eye, reinforced by a video camera, then modern systems take on the functions of perimeter sensors, ACS and are approached by firefighters. Mobile security equipment has changed incredibly, thanks to the widespread introduction of cellular telephony and satellite communications. Thus, the number of integrated security and video surveillance systems is growing. Naturally, the desire to unify these systems and get equipment that can meet all the requirements. Let's try to classify existing visual control systems. Of course, this classification is to a certain extent conditional, and the given names overlap, but it will help to understand the direction of development.
So, visual (control) systems can be divided into: stationary, temporary, hidden, mobile and distributed. Let us recall that we are talking only about digital systems. Stationary VK complexes are quite widely represented on the Russian market and, as a rule, are based on high-speed input and video data processing controllers and software, usually from a domestic manufacturer. Service, which is limited only by the imagination of the developer, constant increase in the power of hardware computing tools, plus additional capabilities of the PC itself — these are the undoubted advantages of such complexes. And we have already presented their disadvantages at the very beginning. And if interception and modification of data — this is a matter of their further modernization, then stationarity — is the main disadvantage, because in other groups such complexes are only partially applicable.
For temporary, covert, mobile and distributedvideo surveillance systems have one feature that unites them all — a compact and multifunctional device should be chosen as the elementary cell of the construction. Compactness is the speed of deployment, low consumption, stealth of operation, ease of installation and low cost. Multifunctionality is the preservation of the main advantages of stationary systems: remote control, processing and compression of video signals. algorithmic motion detectors, telemetry reception and transmission, pattern recognition, integration into distributed computer networks. Again, a comparison with cellular telephony suggests itself — if the basis of the GSM9001800 SBVK is a video data transmission channel, then the dimensions and power consumption of such equipment should be compared with transmission devices, that is, a mobile phone. And such a comparison of dimensions at the present stage will be advantageous for any use case.
The emergence of inexpensive and productive processors (RISC group TMS, Hitachi, Motorola and media group Sharp, Philips, Matsushita, etc.), which are capable of compressing and processing video data in real time on MPEG-like algorithms, allows creating mobile devices for video analysis and transmission. Compression up to 15 — 20 kBit/s guarantees transmission over narrowband channels of up to 15 frames per second of a black and white image and up to 10 frames of a color image. Remote control allows scaling the image, thinning it out in time and adjusting it to maintain either image quality or motion dynamics. A significant advantage is the presence of built-in video motion detectors in the devices, which dramatically expands the capabilities of the systems. Having built-in memory, they become capable of secretly, without activating the transmission, taking pictures of all violations with fairly high quality in JPEG format and storing them for as long as desired. The use of a compact PCMCIA disk actually reduces the device to a small, cigarette pack-sized VCR — for example, a bookmark for four video sources with a storage time of up to 1 month. In addition, there is always the possibility of activating the transmission of operational, recorded video data at the right time or selecting photos taken by time. Moreover, activation can occur via almost any available communication channels: telephone, satellite, cellular or radio channels. The transmission can be initiated by both the security service and the device itself, notifying of any violations that have occurred. It is important that access to such transmitters or recorders can be obtained from anywhere, but only by a sharply limited circle of people authorized in the unauthorized access system. With this approach, the boundaries of SB application are greatly expanded.
Their geometry of success is based on new schemes of use in security activities. We can only outline some application options based on the mobility of compact video processing and transmission tools. Each such option implies the use of all the listed advantages of security video modems: rapid deployment of hidden distributed security systems, bookmarks with a computer system service, use in domestic conditions for organizing inexpensive security of residential premises, transmission of important information in any conditions, vehicle security, remote monitoring of objects, warning and remote reconnaissance of the area.
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